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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. Search internet Chiang Mai motorcycle tours. You see a company 

    the rent motos and for your interest several suggested tours. Went

    on 5 day trip with my son. Great places to see get off the highway 

    and stop at villages etc.


    If you have trouble finding the information let me know will send

    you their website address 

    • Thanks 1
  2. Looks like should be a good event. Copied information so everyone interested can see details. Any that’s joined

    prior Udon Thani Bike week.....  Looks like it will have a good turn out. 


    Location Platinum 168 directions etc:  https://g.co/kgs/SzWkW9


    by Leks-Ranch » July 6, 2018, 12:53 pm

    Attention all Bikers and Motorcycle Enthusiasts!


    The Colonel of the Royal Thai Army in Udon would like to inform and invite you to the upcoming 3 day Riders' Festival that's happening in November.


    Udon Thani’s largest ever 3-day music festival headlining Thailand’s top bands.


    Other attractions will include horseback barrel racing, motocross racing and side stalls selling accessories....


    In addition, an exciting motor show featuring all leading brands of motorcycles, with many and varied outdoor attractions each day including cycling and bike rides to local places of interest


    An amazing variety of delicious local foodstuffs will be available at the venue whilst enjoying the exciting activities lined up for your entertainment.


    The Colonel (a keen biker himself) would like to invite you all and your friends to come along and have a good time,


    A you tube video can be viewed by clicking on this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3RhRVQ ... ture=share


    This is expected to be the biggest Biker event to ever happen in Thailand !!


    Written and translated on behalf of


    Col. Supat Chootinan

    13th Infantry regiment

    Prajaksilpacom Camp

    Udon Thani


    3 Day Riders Festival At Platinum 168, Udon Thani Thailand


    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/The-Riders-Fes ... 364327628/








    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    I've been expecting it for a couple years now, but it'll happen because they want you gone.

    Not necessarily could be their efforts to weed out ones that really 

    abused the letter with income that is low and perhaps doing something illegal to survive. 


    We cant always think their out to get us. When I totally retire 

    it could be a stretch although minor. Hopefully they’ll clean 

    up those they’re targeting.


    Come back and say ok mission accomplished here’s some new requirements that are favorable for those of you that show you

    like it here and show it. 


    I know I’m dreaming but one can only hope! And to break the ice some beautiful cars...








  4. 10 hours ago, KenKadz said:

    contact their state's Congressional  Representatives (Senate - House of Representative) offices to file a complaint.

    Edited 10 hours ago by KenKadz

    Would it be more beneficial to have those who want join 

    together put together a document to send off will all names 

    on one document or same language sent individually 

  5. Perhaps the reason some don’t want to keep large sums of money 

    in Thai bank account. Luckily it was a person tight on money and was using the money to prove income for visa reasons. 


    Sometime people get desperate or greedy and do something they



    Wife and I have separate and joint bank accounts. Most of the money is in my account which only I can access.


    Joint account only wife has ATM average balance 5,000 baht. 

    Last month I put 59,000 in the joint account to see if she could 

    manage money. Couple weeks passed I asked how much money 

    still in joint account 50k spent 9k on whatever.


    I’m going into town to market and she’s out someplace. I do have the bank book. Went to market bank in market. Check uhhh

    nope 2,000 and change. 


    Got home said I’m not going get angry but I know you spent the money on something and don’t care what. I gave you the benefit 

    of showing you can manage money and you failed horrible.


    Said next time you ask why not keep more money in the account 

    think about today and don’t confuse my not getting angry as a weakness always remember I’m not smart but far from stupid.


    Given enough rope and........failure 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 18 hours ago, Suradit69 said:

    Thailand (and other SEA countries) has benefited from the US vs Chinese spat at least insofar as offering a production and shipping location for Chinese goods that will circumvent the tariffs.

    Witching production to Thailand vs China is workable. Shipping 

    China to Thailand to US I think US has that loophole covered as

    China on the flip side.


    I do a little bit of work for a US $23 billion disty. When topic  of increased duties started they put together a team searching millions of parts to find viable manufactures to buy from outside US.


    Aerospace parts won’t be easy to change because of EASA and FAA

    approvals needed......


    sorry got of the subject....hopefully Canada will continue proof income without jumping ship.



  7. 18 hours ago, alex8912 said:

    A little surprised coming from you. 

    But really it goes up and down all the time. Just use your currency app and look at today about 33.20, then click on last 3 months for high it was 33.38 then click on one year high 33.45. So has it really gotten weaker  against the dollar?? So I would say do it today. No one can predict this and everyone on TVF OR O TVF  ( lol) who has been around awhile should know this. Who can yah REALLY trust? 


    What is a good currency app.....thanks

  8. I don’t know the answer but perhaps a Canadian can advise how

    the current income verification letter is obtained.


    1) Having to present documents showing income.


    2) Swearing oath as the US does.


    if number two good chance when Immigration gets around to Canadian Embassy then Canada would be in the box of not wanting to go the extra steps to verify and bow out.


    This link might help you sort out some information. I’m American so already in the penalty box. Good luck










  9. On 10/27/2018 at 3:11 PM, observer90210 said:

    First, airport restaurants are huge money generating ventures.


    Second,  it would seem normal that the locals want to make the money for themselves in place of the foreign food chains who are invading the whole world and killing diversity.


    And third, it is always very annoying to see foreigners in Asia, behaving as if they were back home and making a fuss for having only their Starsucks coffee or insisting only for their pizza roma caca,  rather then integrating or trying out the local offers.


    If one is fussy and only wants the same food as back at home...well stay at home !

    Didn’t I see you at .... import market?  .......joking!

    As long as the food offered is good quality it’s go for ones culture 

    to try something different than Western Food?....


    when I go to Japan I try to eat local food. Vietnam on business ate from the street vendors ...... great food 


    Rarely eat Mc Donald’s awhile ago got the regular cheese burger

    wasn't the good taste as before...

    • Haha 1
  10. Update from Avocados bought today! At the market to day wife picked up four and gave to me to get weighed and priced.


    They were born but very hard.... ok try again. Opened the all good to go. I don’t know but maybe the skin is thicker than the haas.


    anyway worked good will have to try again and see if their brown and hard as a baseball get some and try.




    • Like 1
  11. Some good points made also look at the flip side. A number of farangs have came started a family / or not, bought house, essentials whatever more pricey things need to live comfortably.

    Preparing retirement for life on fixed income social security, pension etc. 


    If if I fully retired today at 64 a US citizen would receive @ 61,000 a month which less not wait get until 66 to collect. Very few people 

    get the max payout if I remember you must of top out 35 years of

    paying ssn. Not easily reachable. 


    If all major items are paid off a person could life comfortably in Thailand on 60,000 baht 


    Some May of had money and lost to bank / housing problems.


    if a US couldn’t nudge past the requirements and went back to

    US. It would be a great adventure searching for free health care.


    A web search for lowest rent available in Florida? $500 USD a month.


    I’m ok because I’m doing Sales Rep. Outside of Thailand but 

    when the time comes and no opportunity for this old guy.


    Social Security would be the bulk of income. Thailand If I get 

    sick chances hopefully nothing serious and I could survive.


    I have a son and daughter early 40s but I wouldn’t want to put 

    a burden on them


    US cost of Dr. visit easily $100 for starters.


    ok rambling.... their are folks that have spent money in Thailand family, roof over the head but cash poor. They’re should be a plan

    in place to give them a break.


    A person running around the bars and their reason to live here 

    just under the requirements they should be on the list to go 



    last thing is a Village a wedding acceptable for lower requirements 

    or it must be proper paperwork showing married?




  12. I’ve bought Avocados from a local chain supermarket 8 times and every time but once was as pictured.

    Looks like root substance. The one pictured as used two days after buying. When I purchased avocados

    were Green and Hard so not ripe as far as I could tell. 


    Anyone else have the the same issue? I’m waiting for a email contact for the chain. I don’t read Thai

    so will have someone help.


    Are there reputable on line sites that I could order from? I read that local Avocados are available in Chang Mai region.


    thanks for listening and have a great day!



    • Haha 1
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