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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. On 10/12/2018 at 1:22 PM, KneeDeep said:

    You have to buy them somewhere in between. If not, you'll need to store them, perhaps wrapped in paper, until they ripen. Not in the fridge.

    When they begin to give a little under a gentle squeeze, you can decide when you want to eat them. Once they begin to reipen, you can place them in the fridge if you've purchsed quite a few and won't eat them all in a short space of time.

    If when you go to buy them and you find they are already 'giving a little', you can flick out the remainder of the stem. If it is bright green where the stem sat, the flesh will still be bright green inside.


    You can eat it sliced into salads, slice in half, scoop out the seed and place some filling of your choice(French vinaigrette, prawn cocktail etc), mash it up with coriander, lime juice and salt to make guacamole which you can eat with tortilla chips, fried green banana chips...


    Look on-line for recipes ????

    Excellent advise, I just made Guacamole today! Seriously. Prior I would put salsa in it but the medication I’m taking now makes Ketchup spicy. 


    This is one I put avocado,cream cheese,squeezed lime and pepper.

    Not bad at all I could eat it everyday! So. Calif. where I lived you had a lot of places to buy avocados or at restaurants. 


    The avocado bought yesterday are good. Couldn’t see the type or 

    where they came from. Prior the store had from Kiwi land. Always had a lot of stringy root looking inside with very little of the good stuff. 


    Heres a oicture if our our little dog that HATED the guacamole..


    enjoy the day


  2. OP are you living full time in Thailand? US citizen correct? If the prenup was most important to you then you should have told your 

    fiancée you’d feel better the have it signed and go back for the formalities a few days later after you’ve had it notarized at ACS.


    I’m assuming you both were happy and why you were getting married. Now is not the time to dwell on it. Enjoy the beginning of your lives together. If you dwell on it then your only bringing yourself misery. My friend misery. I’ve been down that road and it’s 

    not worth letting it overwhelm you. 


    Best of luck and good wishes to you and your wife. I hope a year from now you can share happy stories..

  3. Netherlands passports what the difference in business passport and personal passport? USA has only one expect for maybe Diplomats. 


    What is your reason for wanting to stay in Thailand. You’ve used a couple different types of visas. 


    If yiur reason is legitimate get the visa it visa it pertains to. If it’s teaching you’ll need a work permit also. 


    These days if they catch you dicking the system they might blacklist you.


    good luck

  4. Best to see what Embassy says for visa and that. Your decision to 

    marry or not solely your decision.


    I’m from US and if not married and trying to get a visa is not easy. Even if you are married it’s not all that easy. Example I wrote an invitation letter for the US denied visa two times. I calle consulate 

    in China and had to go there because I questioned why. 


    Get there’s at ACS and asked why? Shown the very first page of a stack of documents I provided. Officer said this look to be a fake. Told them I wrote it 5 minutes later officer said have her come back visa approved.


    My point being some countries can be a big pain..

  5. Went to pattaya for 2 day annual sales meeting (usualy in EU) hotel was far outside the city. The planner didn’t realize it was a major holiday or ? That bars weren’t allowed to sell alcohol. Kinda sucked

    one bar sold warm beer under the table in plastic glasses....


    At least everyone was observant at the meetings...

  6. Not knowing if it a Visa Credit card or ATM. ATM easy go in bank with your book and that if you need a pin.


    If Credit card be careful I once used mine and called the US bank.

    Interest rate is a LOT higher on what’s basically a cash advance.


    if buying something on the card interest rates incurred after 28 

    some odd days. Cash Advance on Credit Card starts immediately! 

  7. We take our dog to same vet every time a husband and wife team.

    They talk it over with the wife and then in English tell me procedure,cost etc.


    our Pom Pom had to be operated on when having babies. The bill

    was maybe 6,000 went the morning and once the dog was out of

    sedation and able to breath properly called us to pick her and the puppies up. Including milk and syringes to feed the puppies. 


    Open everyday 8-8



  8. Buy Thai gold ring to your liking preferably near where she lives get

    a receipt and very easy to exchange if she doesn’t like it. Then you can build relationship with the gold shop for future buys....


    my wife an I have gold bands plain and simple. One day when she

    was in a less happy mood and knocking back beers asked to see my ring.....


    ok here you go a little while later I asked where’s my ring,,,,,, 

    she threw mine and hears in the toilet. Didn’t fetch them 

    • Haha 1
  9. 43 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Has the U.S. Embassy gone into hiding on this topic?


    Yesterday, member IssanJohn posted receiving 3 successive emails, all yesterday, from U.S. Citizens Services saying they had no changes planned re the income letters.


    In the same day yesterday, separately, I received two different emails from the same ACS office that only said the income letters process was under review, and NOT making any comment or promise about no planned changes.


    About this time yesterday, I sent ACS a third email asking them to reconcile the difference between the version they were emailing IssanJohn and the different version they were emailing me.  Now 24 hours later, no further response from ACS to my inquiry.


    And apparently, based on the above OP, they're not responding to ThaiVisa either.


    Good job ACS!!!!


    PS - I also sent a couple tweets to the US Embassy BKK's official Twitter account over the past two days on the same subject, and no responses via Twitter either.  Same for a separate email sent to their Press Office's email address.




    I don’t think the US Embassy are hiding. They probably have been inundated with requests on this topic since it hit the news of BE

    from US Citizens.


    It’s forced them to look at their policy and discuss with immigration making sure US (ACS) current notary policy is’nt 

    going to be a short term problem. If it will be a problem then 

    they’ll need to get message to US Expats. 


    Before the the storm hit you could probably get 5 different answers

    Of some version “as steady as we go” from 5 different people at ACS because they’d not been any plans in the works. Now it’s viral.


    If not inundated with questions regarding change it would 

    be business as usual until if/when Thai authorities came requesting



    Now its pushed to the front. With all the attention this has brought 

    either BE reverts back if not Thai policy might be changed and all countries dragged in the fire and all Embassies stop issuing income letters.......


    Lets hope for the best.

  10. Flown out of the small airfield in Pattaya in small two seater. Pilot from NY licensed  and been here awhile married to a Thai lady. Checked a couple years ago and he’s retired from flying.


    There’s a flying club out there with a number of legally licensed pilot. Great fun flying around the city at lower altitude with regulations. 


    Hope the Swede was licensed and legitimate if for profit. If not some serious issues both for flying and medical expenses. 

    • Like 1
  11. 10 minutes ago, Issanjohn said:

    Oh also it’s okay I just wanted to try to get as many people as possible contacting our embassy to make sure that they don’t try to pull this same crap that the British Embassy is pulling several months down the road or something.  So far it appears that our US Embassy has more common sense than the British Embassy but you never know. I just wanted to get as many people as possible on their ass.  I have another friend who’s also retired military in Korat who’s a 100% disabled vet who’s really worried about any potential changes and I’m trying to reassure him with what the embassy has told me.  So far I’ve only received good news from the United States Embassy.  I hope it gets sorted out for the Brits as well that really sucks for them.  If I were a British citizen I’d be absolutely livid with the British Embassy.  My neighbor is British I’m gonna ask him what he thinks about it and what he plans on doing about it.  The Brits need to be complaining to their Embassador seriously because that’s what I’d be doing!!!  

    Thanks to all for your efforts appreciate the updates.


    I’ve a direct email for officer at the embassy that helped out within their allowed guidelines. Had to do with POA motorization that Controller Fl. USA wouldn’t accept. Funny thing happened Embassy asked you 

    wrotethe POI....the controller. It was finally accepted. 

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