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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. Hard to say which is best. Must be red full body. I like Jordan Cabernet Sauvignon a little pricey @ $60 USD in US. There are a lot of good wines out there, some at very good prices. 


    Flew from China with Chinese customer to vendor that was having delivery issues. After several months of no western food my mouth 

    was watering for a steak. 


    The vendor was near Napa Valley so I’m thinking awesome Steak and some of the best California wines. Off we go and he pulls out his phone 

    and says I found a Chinese place to eat arrrrrrrr and it wasn’t good Chinese 


    • Haha 1
  2. Most likely they would accept her old passport if it’s not expired OR canceled. US passports when they cancel has two holes ,punched through the passport. 


    I had a China visa that didn’t expire for 9 months after my passport needed renewed. (US new passport new number).i has to carry both Passports one for the visa and the new one because other expired. 


    Like one person responded above it’s bettee to contact Airlines now

    To see what is said. If by phone and they say no then if possible go

    in person sometimes in person they’ll do more. 


  3. They look to have clean clothes and recently showered. Probably saving 

    where they can and on a budget. Young kids out to see the world. 


    I hitched bikes a bit in the 70’s in USas well picked up some hitchhikers when I had a car. In the US irs came to the point it dangerous and most 

    do not hitchhike anymore. 


    Thailand seems relatively safe to me. The folks in the video are not alone so chances of being safer is on their side. 


    In our late teens Me,My brother and another male were shopping and a couple of guys asked if we could give them a ride home. Turned out when dropping them out a herd came out of the house taking our wallets etc. Let say it was on the seedy side of town.

    • Like 1
  4. It’s been a couple years since I went back but it’s always Mexican 

    food on the way home from the airport. A priority! 


    darksidedog Is the Chinese authentic? In Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco have areas called China town. Most food in these areas are 

    Chinese food made to American tastes. 


    Cusromers that came to Los Angeles would go to San Gabriel to 

    get authentic Chinese food. Four of China aircraft manufactures 

    Have staff that live in San Gabriel that expedite/liaison with US

    suppliers. On rotating assignment for 1-2 years then back to China

    which usually they get promoted.  


    i lived in China 10 years and the food I. San Gabriel is the same.

    i won’t go into the dog dick soup..(Mainland Chi a) ... wouldn’t try it.





    • Haha 1
  5. Thanks to all for your input. The breaker tripped last night three times

    i went around and checked any plugs etc. Should flash damage. Nothing. It not tripped today with everything the same plugged in .


    i don’t like to fool with electric, got knocked on my ass twice when in

    my 20’s


    Told the wife we need someone that’s qualified to come take a look 

    inside the house and above the ceiling. 

  6. On 9/9/2018 at 7:54 AM, rainyday said:

    1. Am I right you ride on the wrong side (right) of the road for a long time, as so many foreigners and most Thai do? 
    2. Am I right you do not help a person in need?
    3. Am I right you run the red traffic light by yourself after the accident occurred?
    If all 3 are a yes, shame on you, you're a big danger in traffic too.

    Video looks like 1 and 2 your incorrect. 3 can’t tell from video perhaps 

    help already arrived and would be an added interference....

  7. Not heard of Conde Nast Traveler based in US until I read this article. Looked it up and a NY company since 1901. Learn something New everyday.


    Interesting BEST AMERICAN & CARIBBEAN HOTEL is Los Cabo’s Mexico. Maybe in reference to North America.


    An article in Condé Nast when going to the “ The Best Country for People” funny fact given by CN the official name of Bangkok which is really long or for short “Krung Thep” short for City of Angels. 




    - good shopping and cheap designer looking labels (strange to advertise knock offs)

    - Great Food which we can’t deny.


    Surveys are Surveys and information depends how it’s gathered. Couldn’t find what criteria was used but at least it makes some people 



    For me I like Thailand and enjoy living here. If your happy living here...Great. If you’re not happy get up and go. 



  8. One breaker switch started tripping tonight. Nothing different plugged in. No burnt electric smell. Breaker is for bedroom,  1 bathroom, on outside light. The wiring goes up to ceiling (above) and goes to different locations as above. How’s best way to check it? Live in village and don’t know of any experts in the area. 



  9. Condolences for your loss. Attached are a couple of flight options BKK and DMK. DMK has flight at 06:00 in morning arrives Udon Thani 07:05.

    DMK  to Khon Kaen 05:50 arrives 06:50


    - Depending where you need to be Udon Thani to Khon Kaen is a good 1-1-1/2 hr drive. 


    - Sometimes the immigration lines at BKK can be 1-2 hrs. 

    - You get a rental car / car service and it’ll be at a steady quick stop on the way 9 hours. Depending on time to get through immigration you arrive destination 05:30 / 06:30.


    May be best to fly and get a little rest as you’ll probably have long day when you arrive your destination. 


    I checked using www.ctrip.com only because it shows airline/time options. 


    Both airports have hotels relatively close. 


    Best of luck and safe travels. 













  10. Most Chinese are very proud of their country and will stand by their country especially if they see the US is being unreasonable. I’ve a few 

    customers in China. Here’s portions of email. They will look for ways to get around what they see as problem. 


    A very large company I do work for ranked less than 120 on Fortune 500

    list. Asked what from a corporate stance are you going to do? Answer

    a team is looking through several thousand products to see what can be produced some where besides US.


    US manufactures selling to Chinese market don’t have a lot of choices.

    Eat margin?  Maybe some. These days a lot of margins are slim and can’t be reduced. It’s going to be a tough one if Mr. T keeps pushing .....


    From one customer and the list grows everyday. 


    China and the United State are embroiled in a trade dispute. As result,Chinese customs published a list of products imported from the US that will be 

    subject to an addittional  25% tariffs beginning on Aug.23,2018.Unfortunately,this list includes the products that we purchased from you.Also exchange ratio rised 8% aro from the early of this year till now. results cost of connector increased to 35%. It seriously impacts the local market.The end-users couldn’t absorb the Cost rising.So the market may change or replace

    1.       To choose the local manufactures to replace

    2.       To choose Amphonal to replace it (with original factory not in the US)


  11. US citizen for Drivers license 1 year 8 months ago without having to take the written and driving test.


    Current US drivers license (Car and Moto),IDL, health check (ability to hand  payment across the counter without assistance).As well as the items others listed above. 


    Red,Yellow,Green light and braking test......


    Thaat at was it. Make sure to tell them your applying for car and moto (if your country DL shows). US is one license coded are car an moto when applicable. Thailand has one license for car, one license for moto.



  12. I was told if you pay all at time of purchase you get the red plate. Which 

    Reckon is for prestige.......  


    if that’s the case it irresponsible as it waving a flag saying this person has/had enough money to pay off and makes the a possible target for robbery. 


    China had Black plates for foreigners and blue for Nationals. They did away with it and all cars have blue. The color showing it was a foreigner 

    Made it easy targets for hustlers. 



  13. These areas are awesome for tourist and locals to try different 

    food and a bit of fun together. As long as the place is cleaned up 

    after business.......(they)(those)(IT) that don’t like it should bark up another tree...


    Did I safely get around the computer law without calling the kettle black..... Enjoy the weekend 

  14. 8 hours ago, scorecard said:

    It is now illegal to bring many food products into Thailand.  Sorry I don't know specifics.

    Only yesterday an announcement to remind not allowed to bring pork meat into LOS from other countries and announcement of more screening to look for pork meat and live pigs coming in. 



    Flight from Shanghai to Los Angeles stopped in custom line (nothing to declare) and sent to inspection area, I asked the officer what’s the reason. You have food in your hand. It was a sandwich the airline gave 

    out about an hour until landing and didn’t want to waste it. The guy must of had a bad day......


    Live Pigs?  Maybe the reason I left old GF, didn’t want stopped at border...

    ahhhhh ha ha ha 

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  15. On 9/4/2018 at 6:12 PM, wgdanson said:

    From Wikipedia......The currently standardized biometrics used for this type of identification system are facial recognition, fingerprint recognition, and iris recognition. This is a load of rubbish as I have a UK Passport with digital chip but I have NEVER had my fingerprints taken, and iris scan is impossible from a photo because of the low resolution, and facial recognition can be changed by wearing glasses, shaving or hairstyle. Get a new one mate.

    I think that fingerprints, Iris scan is for foreigners entering US for example. I think it’s China where I had to do both.

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