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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. OP hopefully you sorted out the solar lights. Electric outage call PEA 1129 has English option. 
    First call they’ll ask name and address after if you use same phone they’ll have all information 

    in the systems. 

    Very good service. I live in a village… most the time I call within 30 minutes and if it’s not been reported they’ll call the PEA team that is responsible for your area to sort it out. Usually they’ll 

    call back and say it’ll be approximately x time? 

    Here it’s usually not been reported and if it’s during the day not many people in village notice the power off. 

    it’s an excellent service and saves the grief of wondering (grief) when the power will on / it’s being worked on. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. Trucks Cabin or Cargo bed not required to wear seatbelt. Isn’t the driver in the truck cabin…. To much

    room for confusion.

    Make it easy anyone in the cargo bed must remain seated all times when vehicle is in motion. Require seatbelts for anyone in the cabin. Maybe a grace period to have a basic seatbelt (lap belt) installed if needed with a at cost subsidized by the government. 

  3. But matter who if you’re stopped .. and polite if everything is in order most the time won’t get fined. I’ve probably had 1/2 a dozen ticket fines in 6 years ….. all but one was my negligence… .. Maybe in Phuket and other tourist area the number of Farangs ticketed percentages could be higher just because there a more Farangs. Out here in the sticks I never see more than 5 Farangs IWhen in town.


    i usually wear a helmet when I go in town… one time I didn’t and some Thai guys eating lunch yelled and motioned that there was a helmet stop ahead..  so I turned around and went the other way… if they hated Farangs they wouldn’t have said anything… 

    • Like 2
  4. OP - I use a different office in the NE. Social Security payment delayed due to closed account US bank which I had changed to thru BKK bank US NY to Thailand BKK account. The delay was do

    ti process time by SSN skipped one month, a month showed 2 separate deposits. Logically the

    iO understood but wouldn’t let it fly being a month late.


    Your case hopefully do to only a couple days they’ll accept. Cheers

  5. OP

    Depending on where you enter on what the chances of getting stopped…..


    - July 2022 New - Traveller from Bali gets fined US$1,874 for bringing McDonald's to Australia

    - Personally when arriving to LAX the airline served a nice ham and cheddar cheese sandwich just before landing. I didn’t want to waste it after being in China rural a looong time. I’m US citizen 

    when asked about food I said yes I have the unwrapped sandwich… go over there and every bag was searched… ridiculous waste of food. 
    - Many years ago into Sydney asked if I had any food… no. Took my bag searched and said you do have food… it’s hard mint candy in bag from grocery not food. .. my lesson on food for the day.. 

    - Brought awesome unwrapped Cheddar cheese a big round block from Holland to Xiamen China nothing said 

    - Shanghai to LAX bought bottle of wine from duty free directly across from gate. Put in carry on

    searched at the gate. Not allowed to take on board US rules. After an hour they stowed it…

    - HK to LAX bought water (like $5 usd) near gate searched at gate. Can’t take on board.. told the police or whatever their called…. Go ahead reach in my pocket and get yourself some cash while you at it… let’s say he wasn’t happy… 

    flew over 1.5 million miles in my life soooo I’ve got good, bad and crazy stories…. But I’ll give y’all a break..

    Luckily never fined but one never knows … just be polite and not argumentative… helps… 


    Soooo OP what’s for dinner… Cheers enjoy!


  6. In May 2022 … don’t think much has changed…


     Citing that speech, China’s immigration authorities last week said that they will strictly limit “non-essential” outbound travel and will take a rigorous approach to issuing travel documents. Chinese citizens will need to have “essential” reasons such as study, business operations, or medical needs to get the necessary documents.

  7. On 8/14/2022 at 10:01 PM, pgrahmm said:

    My wife found some long thin avocados locally at the Buffalo market - San PaTong....They were great, tasty & were 60B a kilo....

    I was pleasantly surprised given the high expectations & poor results we experienced with some of the Haas avocado look a likes....

    Can you post a picture what they look like and I’ll look for some. Local are hard to determine when ripe and seems spoilage. HAAS is my favorite when in S. California they were decent prices… one of the imported brands here seem to have roots instead of fruit.

  8. Costly…


    Every hour the F-35 is on the air, it costs around $36,000, which is almost 50 percent more than what an F-16 costs to fly. However, Lockheed Martin, the plane's manufacturer, has claimed that it can drop the operating cost to $25,000 per hour within four years, but to do so demands an exclusive maintenance contract.Dec 7, 2564 BE

    • Like 1
  9. Those using monthly pay method for retirement extension changing bank or bank account number tales time and delay for receipt of payment to new account. Best to leave prior account open until 

    payment is received in new account.

    In my case I closed the US old account thinking if it does get sent it will get rejected. No old bank accepted and mailed a check, another long process to get funds in Thai account. Immigration purpose it showed no deposit in October which immigration agreed to logic because next money was double…. But nope can’t accept so started all over again.. 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 - Cash cow

    2 - Does the individual without seatbelt get fined? Or does the driver ? Reference California if passenger is under 16 years old the driver gets fined. If passenger is over 16 years old both passenger and driver are fined. 
    3 - It may not be entirely enforced but if you’re a farang I wouldn’t risk it.

  11. My experience getting a Power of Attorney so sister could sell my fathers house notarized and witnessed. US Embassy for fathers estate/will.

    Different US states have requirements and number of witnesses. 

    Two trips Udon Thani / Bangkok. US wouldn’t allow 

    the embassy officers signature as a witness even though the guidelines per the state allowed. The lawyer wouldn’t accept.


    i explained to officer it needs two witnesses. She read the letter from lawyer and asked who wrote this. .i said lawyer and she said he’s incorrect. Luckily officer gave me their email to make it less

    painful for scheduling appointment for second trip. 


    Neighbor who doesn’t speak English flew with me. I briefed him what he needed to do the officer told me I can’t give the witness any assistance. He signed another $50 and all was ok. 



  12. In-laws Mama Papa long ago co-signed  for a “friend” who was buying a pick up truck. Loan never paid in-laws just recently lost the house. If I’d known sooner I’d gave some suggestions. Mama can’t read or write and could be possible reasoning to have lender back off repo…. But too late for that. Asked why didn’t go after their friend to pay it…. 

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