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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. I’ve bought two houses in the US (yes I know it’s Thailand). One was two years old and made payments for two years abortion was monthly rent and balance was toward buy.


    The prices skyrocketed and in the agreement if this happened the owner could either ask us to buy at the higher price and if not we

    get a full refund. We opted not to buy and were refunded $36,000. 

    They were good friends.... and I felt fortunate it didn’t go upside down.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Thinking after the fact (build finished 2 years ago) about putting 

    insulation under the roof or on top of ceiling (gypsum board). 


    - Suggestion? 

    - Would be efficient? 

    - Read about some insulation causing fires? 




  3. As noted earlier conctact Thai Embassy or Consulate in USA. Looks

    like only two choices New York or Washington DC. 


    Please post the outcome so all will know the outcome. When getting a New passport Thailand transfers the visa etc. to New passport. Whereas China you have to carry Old and New passport 

    the visa is not transferred. 


    Hope you don’t have to go through the whole process again... 


    attached was from US Embassy





  4. My Mom 76 started two years ago. She was afraid to drive from the market to home in the rain she sat and waited two hours. She live 

    2 miles from market. 


    A year ago she asked my sister to sell her truck she was afraid to drive... 


    guess its each individual on when they should stop driving... 

    • Like 1
  5. Up here in the Northeast most people are friendly. In fact

    I’ve not had a run in with anyone...  there’s one on the list

    but that’s a different situation. 


    It’s seems from posts the Immigration changes are causing 

    some to be irritated to the point of losing sight of the reasons

    they came and stayed here. 


    A time may come when i will be forced to leave because of visa

    requirements..., until then steady as we go




    • Like 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

    A case in point. 


    United was a total basket case when it filed for Chapter 11 after 9-11. But the airline that emerged from bankruptcy bore no relationship to the airline that entered Chapter 11. 


    People, staff may not have liked what happened, but those fundamental changes have made it one of the most profitable airlines in the world.


    Without TG being forced to made those kind of hard and difficult changes it's never going to change.

    Excellent point .... Top down needs to be on board and if not replace the .... old habits need to be replaced with proven and new ideas...


  7. Congratulations very well done. Sarcasm has left the room.


    Suggestions with an easier improved method of weeding out 

    the problem people.... take another step further.


    All the people (foreigners) doing the right thing. People that

    are long stay supporting their families and in general like it

    here ...


    Reward those people for their love of the country and the people

    In General. God people in .... show some Thanks.


    Make changes to the rules people without issues make the road

    easier. The report doesn’t address what and who you’ve not defined the Root cause.


    Now were all lumped together we’re (Expats) in some eyes

    are bad all bad guys and punished accordingly. 


    My point .. Reward the good guys and the bad guys do whatever 

    you feel necessary. Don’t punish good people that have done nothing wrong. 


    Hooe someone reads these things things and takes action. I will keep my mouth about the nonsense for now...

    shut .... 














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