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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. There was an article here on TV. Picture of drivers license on phone

    not acceptable Must have original. The article went on to say police

    are no longer allowed to keep your drivers license. 


    Passport was asked to show once in 3 years had IDP at that time. Thai drivers license also has passport information on it. 


    US you can get at additional cost your passport details on license 

    size card. It’s only valid for use in North America. If stopped should

     e acceptable 

  2. On 8/17/2019 at 3:54 PM, elviajero said:

    And it's probably gonna get much worse when the planned Introduction of visa exemption for Chinese and Indians

    It was on the forum this past week... and probably both airports. I’ve flown in from China to both airports.. BKK extremely long wait.. it was like 3 hrs on New Year’s Eve year before last at BKK..

    and bagage got damaged ...


    went to do the claim all the staff having a good  ew Years.. the airline I used miles from China it was business class (no first) only 3 or 4 of us. One

    of the flight deck came out and smoked a cigarette and I wa well not flying this one again..even if only like $10 

  3. I live in the NE village 6,000 is very fair as long as the Mama is getting most of it. My .... uhhh wife two nephews and niece have

    been living at our house along with Mama and Papa.


    Anyway i was going to go on a tangent but deleted it.. Takk with your wife and maybe Grandma is giving some to the children. Best

    if you could have them do some minimal chore daily to show as

    a reward.... 


    For me that’s home me and siblings were brought up. Teaches the 

    children a bit. But it’s not an easy one to put in place and understand why...


    This is what I pay and its a ok. Her sister clean house everyday 7 days a week 5,000. Her older sister take care of 10 cows 24/7 5,000.

    Mama 10,000 a month she cleans and does other RTHK ha always 

    busy and looks out for me. Papa nothing what ever he can get off 

    Mama and the children have a much get odds.


    the brother send money 3,000 every month for the two boys he and his wife live in BKK and work moto taxi and not sure what his wife does but she’s works ( not the children Mom). She a bit older

    than him and he’s like 28...


    have you visited the village yet.... and yes a number of 20 something males sit around on the dole,.. but there also

    plenty that work...

  4. This was.from 2012 Land Traffic Act


    Section 22 (1000B)
    [Meaning of traffic light:
    Green: the driver may drive the vehicle through
    Yellow: the driver shall prepare to stop the vehicle behind the stop line. If the driver has passed the stop line when the traffic light turns yellow, he may go through.
    Red: the driver shall stop the vehicle behind the stop line.

    Green Arrow: the driver shall drive according to the direction of the green arrow, but shall be careful to give way to crossing pedestrians or other vehicles.

    Blinking Red: the driver shall stop at the stop line and, when it is seen safe, may proceed with care.
    Blinking Yellow: the driver shall reduce the speed of the vehicle and proceed through the roadway carefully.]

    • Thanks 1
  5. I dislike no that’s too nice ... Hate taking a taxi. In BKK I take the rail, metro in Shmagi subway. Taxi seem to be be an avenue for frustration most contries ... be it stuck in traffic, charged higher fees. 


    US is just as bad and painfully more expensive. Took a taxi once from airport to Corporate offices just outside of Dallas for meeting.

    Doing work on the way not really watching simple route. Stop and he says ok here you go. No this is not the right place... sure it is. 

    Ir was in the same place the prior 17 years and this isn’t it....


    anyway i  try to avoid if at all possible...





  6. IMO living in the NE children are suppose yo talk care of the 

    parents at their elder ages. In the village you see so many 30

    year old men doing next to nothing the next few generations could

    be a big change. The children don’t have the ambition to do better.


    parents should guide their children so they have a opportunity going forward 


    that just my opinion ...

  7. Took a quick look for US citizens visa to UK.


    The United Kingdom Visas and Immigration authorities charge the applicants with a fee in Pounds Sterling (GBP) in order to cover the administration costs regarding handling of visa application.

    Aside from Sterling, the fees can also be paid in local currency, according to the exchange rate set by the Home Office. All Home Office exchange rates are reviewed on a fortnightly basis and updated if they have changed beyond agreed tolerance of a 3-5% away from the commercial rate. The same Home Office exchange rate should be used by all posts for any given currency.

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