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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. Flew to China using visa free entry (no visa required) 144 hrs to specific Cities. Must include a third county.

    Visa free can not fly BKK to China back to BKK. Example BKK to HK..... New ticket HK-Shanghai-BKK ok.


    Hong Kong departure echannel.you put passport in machine, thumb prints and picture. Finished in 15 seconds..

    line flows quickly.


    The flight from Shanghai to Bangkok all in $97 USD.... many Chinese on the flight. I had carry on. Nice thing

    getting off the plane the other foreigners helped push you along (lightly shoved). I just blocked the aisle tolet a few of the slower people to disembark that we’re seated in front of me. Nudged a few times just said no wait....


    Shanghai to Bangkok DMK arrived 10:15 A.M. Wednesday. 1-2 people at each IO no one in my line. Retirement 

    Extension IO asked what city and province 10 seconds at DMK ..... 


    Fastest ever I got through immigration 





  2. 5 hours ago, DrTuner said:

    Many have visas based on investment, which acts the same. Just need the $

    A fair chunk of change.... USA


    After demonstrating that you have complied with the two-year employment of a minimum 10 workers and maintained your minimum $1 million investedyou can qualify for permanent green card status. If you invest in a high unemployment area of the United States, the amount required to qualify may be only $500,000 U.S.

  3. Make sure your friends and family know so they don’t get tricked.

    Few years back in China a group were calling people to con them 

    Out money. 


    Either my wife was gullible or scared ( happened to her sister also).

    wife locked herself in my office and was on the for a very long time. I could she was panicking looking thru window. The people

    sajd special if they stop them their (her) family would be badly hurt. Finally she let me in telling me to be quiet because they said

    yell no one.


    was told give bank information to them and also transfer all money

    into this account and it be safe. I wrote her a note told her if their police tell them come here or can go to their office. Nothing never 

    called nothing happened. So Let’s call it gullible or stupid or misinformed. 


    A few few months later her older sister locked herself in their bedroom on phone, Told wife do the same as I yo,d you she did and it stopped. 




  4. On 9/7/2019 at 10:21 AM, jonwilly said:

    I would like to express my admiration for the polite

    Great to hear.... in US they’d probably by do the lookie loo amd

     keep going.. unless they liked the moto they’d probably jack 



    Good to hear I’ve been to the hospitals here a few times excellent service...

  5. At the very least for starters charge 2-3 baht for each plastic bag. 

    Eveeyone can help if items will fit in one bag don’t take two. Everything helps.


    The Pharmacy I use give one plastic bag for the medicine (pills) and one plastic bag to put it In. Tell them One bag is OK. One everyday 

    medicine I take I’ve had the plastic bottle for three years from original prescription in US just tell them put in the bottle. 

  6. If you have a friend that seems to be a girlfriend stay with you in your Ex eyes....thats like sitting on the stove with the all the burners on... 


    Hopefully it works out ....


    a friend once told me when they had house built all was good except on thing he asked specifically to be done. He told his Chinese wife to tell builder this one thing needs to be done.


    His wife said it’s not a big deal forget about it. He said Ok I’ll 

    forget about it and every time I walk in the house and see it

    I will bitch at you every time.....  she got it done correctly..



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