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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. 1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

    You just have to accept the fact that you need to adjust - you, not Thailand which is not going to change to suit you. Make compromises and find work-arounds for the things you find intolerable.

    Your problem is you are still in the stage of putting up mental resistance against the culture instead of accepting that it is what it is, and figuring out practical means to best to live in it.

    A lot of good ideas in the thread from many to consider...  I quoted this one because I had to make adjustments to my thinking similar 

    to this. 


    I was born in Mid-50s the way I was raised and I had to adjust some (stubborn) raising my kids when I was just 20 2 boy then a year later daughter... no other children but 3 nephews 1 niece life

    here 95% of the time along with Mama and Papa...


    Theres a 1 room wood cabin type wattachee shower toilet. Mama and Papa stay.


    i won’t go on although I could .... if you don’t ways to adjusts you going drive yourself crazy. It took a while with the In-laws but now all good. They’d see me wash my dishes , pans etc when I cook. 

    Wash my own clothes... I’m kinda Anal retentive got that from my

    Dad .. he didn’t wash but they had be his way...


    so make some things don’t think much of it., adjust a little it’s good

    and might even make the entire family relationship grow. You daughter watching is probably just to hang out with the family..

    if she had the controller it’d probably be cartoons...


    • Thanks 1
  2. Bought a S&W 9m in the US locked in pistol case in US. The thing 

    that puzzled when I bought it New 3 years does not have a safety. 


    Below is the reasoning from S&W customers (some). Which is BS

    because you can pull the pistol out at the same time flipping the



    Cut it and pasted 


    Smith & Wesson is going to make a lot of people happy with the announcement of new M&P Shield concealed carry pistols without manual safeties. The original Shield pistols have thumb safeties on the side.



  3. Perhaps the car rental company will advise you. OP you should be ok but once your settled in the new area go get your drivers license.


    IDP are in general valid one year once it RTB expires

    youll have to get another one which may mean going back to your

    home country.


    without valid drivers license and IDP you’ll have to take the full test.

    • Haha 1
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