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Posts posted by BobBKK

  1. 21 hours ago, Torrens54 said:

    No, not a matter of stamping out individualism, simply a matter of Good Taste, self respect, respect for others and their school.


    At our school, the Teachers also PROUDLY wear their uniforms. 

    Tend to suspect those who are so upset with the tradition, simply amount to the lowest common denominator of our society. Ah well, each to their own.

    That is part of the problem. Teachers 'proudly' wearing their mock military uniforms with their medals and ranks. It's all part of the control mechanism that belongs to North Korea not here.

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, stevenl said:

    To help you, I have added the amount for you. About 43% in favour of building (part of that only if Congress approves, 57% against building. May be different in a few minutes though.

    That was kind as my math is terrible. I think even you get my point. What it actually means, of course, is that 57% are not concerned with what the experts, on the ground, say as they think they know better sitting in Thailand sipping their Chang.

    • Confused 1
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  3. 24 minutes ago, jvs said:

    Is it so hard for you to understand a wall is not the answer?

    So tell us wise one what is the answer?  any intelligent person listens to those that KNOW and they are the officers on the ground. No way would I support the extension of the barrier if THEY, the experts, did not tell us it is the answer. 

    • Sad 1
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  4. Just now, Jingthing said:

    Ever hear of lemon laws?
    You buy a car from a corrupt slick lying salesman and it turns out to be a piece of garbage.

    Lemon laws allow buyers to take the car back within a short period of time.

    Brexit is the lemon. 

    Brexit actually hasn't even happened yet, so it can be argued that the public is within a reasonable time limit to nix it. 

    For once I agree with you. Things have changed immeasurably since the vote and we should have a chance to say whether we agree with May's * up or not

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

    What you mean Cameron's boomboom up,


    Cannot see that Cameron boomboomedup at all. The call for a vote had developed over time, Cameron followed suit.


    In my view, the hefty mess that UK is in now is not Cameron's fault and it is not really May's fault,

    it is almost entirely the fault of the UK parliament which has boomboomed up completely in this Brexit business.


    Cameron led the disaster when he did NOT HAVE TO. He could have said "5% majority is needed" he was a disgrace to our nation and he was arrogant and assumed he would win.


    Don't believe me?  have another vote!  easy


    Really hope May lose big time in the vote 

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  6. 2 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

    I like small a lot.

    But, these girls when they get their top off will often in an embarrassing/shy manner say ¨small¨ and touch their breasts in front of you.

    I always tell them I do not care and they look beautiful.

    Also seems to help the general mood and time together. ????


    That's true and I do the same. Thais are not great beauties, there are a few exceptions like everywhere, and they are normally quite small chest wise but, hey, we live here so make the best of what we have and enjoy it. Your approach is spot on and I tell every girl I sleep with they are gorgeous, obviously.  ???? 

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