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Posts posted by BobBKK

  1. 32 minutes ago, sonos99 said:

    The suggestion to wear headscarves for one day in support of the Muslim community in Christchurch came from a Muslim woman in Auckland. She is I believe a medical doctor. She called this one day movement "Headscarves for Harmony". This idea was endorsed by the Muslim Woman's Council. 



    Now, now. 

    "This idea was endorsed by the Muslim Woman's Council."

    I've corrected it but nice try "This idea was endorsed by the NEW ZEALAND Muslim Woman's Council."

    Head gear, separation in the NZ Mosque +++ are repressive and are rejected by many modern Muslim women. YOU do not speak for Muslim women (and nor do I) and nor does the NZ PM who is spinning this terrible tragedy to avoid questions like "why didn't you ban the guns before". 

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, samran said:

    One is taking the piss, the other is showing empathy. That you are comparing blackface with what the PM did just shows how bizzare your thinking on the issue is. 


    As for Muslim’s not liking others dressing up as ‘them’ they seemed to appreciate it in Dubai last night. But as the Muslim spokes person, you clearly know better than the rest of us. 



    The United Nations Special Rapporteur for Culture, Karima Bennoune, took to Twitter to challenge the movement, pointing to the case of Nasrin Sotoudeh, who was convicted and faces years in prison for defending women who took part in a viral protest against mandatory headscarves in Iran.


    "Can I respectfully ask those thinking of participating in #scarvesinsolidarity [to] please also consider that millions of #Muslim #women do not wear [the] hijab, don't want [to] wear it, [and] many like #NasrinSotoudeh take great risks [to] defend this opposition?" she wrote on Twitter.

    Asra Nomani, a former journalist in Washington, who has campaigned for Muslim reform, urged women not to wear a headscarf for harmony.

    "It is a symbol of purity culture antithetical to feminist values. We have women in jail and dead, for refusing the interpretation of Islam you promote," Professor Nomani said on Twitter.

    • Like 1
  3. Depends on many things. How often you use it, do you over load it, whats the hardness of the water, do you put just 'smalls' or also wash heavier items?


    I'd expect 5 years for a heavy use and up to 10 for a once a week wash. Lots of steps in the process, saponification, emulsification, surfactants and is a mix of heat, mechanical action and time. If you use your machine 3 times a week for 8 years that is 9000 cycles. If you pay 10,000 THB that's not far off 1 THB a time + power and detergent etc.

  4. 51 minutes ago, samran said:

    Prey tell, what arguments are not standing up? 


    We’ve got pages now of diatribe just because the PM of NZ decided to be empathetic to muslims? And I’m the hater?


    Yep, keep trying with your phsycobabble. 

    Do you know how many Muslim women are in jail for refusing to wear head gear?  some were executed?  modern Muslim women find it repressive. How about dividing male and females in the NZ Mosques? many Muslims do NOT support Christian/Atheist 'whites' dressing to appear like 'them'.  What next?  a trans bar attacked and we wear stilettos?  or a coloured bar attacked and we wear blackened faces?  this is absurd.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, KCM said:

    Last year I arrived at BKK from Japan on Thai Air in business class and was denied entry. I was not asked to show money and was told I was being denied entry because the IO thought I was working in Thailand which was not true.


    I also chose to fly to Cambodia even though at first the Thai Air staff said I had to fly back to Japan or to the U.S. I refused those options and booked a Thai Air roundtrip ticket online to Phnom Penh. The Thai Air staff who had my passport told me the stamp in my passport said I was denied for not having enough money with me.


    The next morning in Phnom Penh I took my passport to Luck Motorcycle Rental and had them handle getting my Thai tourist visa for me. The next day I had my passport with the tourist visa and a few days later I flew back on Thai Air to BKK and was admitted without any questions.


    So based on my personal experience, you don't need to get a new passport before getting your visa. Not only did I come back a few days later with a tourist visa, I'm in Thailand now with that same passport with an OA visa.

    So they could not have stamped your passport 'denied entry'?  if they had how could anyone get you a new visa?

    • Like 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, pedro01 said:


    LMAO - this is so blinkered.


    This is not about hate-speech. A few days ago - Campus police blocked Ben Shapiro from entering an event



    Regardless of your opinion of Ben Shapiro - he is far from a hate speaker. 


    Of course, people on the left have called him a Nazi (yup - Jewish Nazi). 


    The mantra of the left is "everyone right of center is a Nazi" - so just like you - they attempt to label everyone that doesn't agree with them a hate-speaker.


    Utter nonsense

    THAT is an absolute disgrace but I'm sort of sorry Ben didn't go in and be arrested then sue those pompous morons for wrongful arrest. I don't agree with some of Ben's comments but he's probably one of the greatest debaters in the world today. LET HIM SPEAK.  

    • Like 2
  7. I'm probably an 'in control' drinker in that I never drink before 6pm and have days when no drink at all but I do enjoy 2 or 3 glasses of wine in the evening. Benders are reserved for nights out in bars maybe once or twice a month. I have a friend who drinks when he wakes up at 11am and continues until 3am every day.


    Someone mentioned on here can you be in control when you don't drink? and do you drink daytimes?  I would think that was a good way to classify an alcoholic. I'm probably borderline an might be called a 'functioning alcoholic' maybe. I do know if i suddenly have no drink at all my sleep is very disturbed - nightmares and all. I'm sure there are millions like me. In control but borderline.

    • Thanks 1
  8. On 3/16/2019 at 12:38 PM, billd766 said:



    The NZ government has been operating like this for decades without any problem. They are correct when they say it is totally unexpected.


    If you plan for the unexpected, please tell us all what unexpected things do you plan for?


    You have no understanding of risk management or contingency planning. The world is full of terrorist attacks or hadn't you noticed?  of course they should PLAN for it.

    • Haha 1
  9. 20 minutes ago, sumrit said:

    Pretending to have 800k by using an AGENT  and paying tea money when you don't have it have been the most common fiddle for many years. 


    Immigration have tightened up on both the 65k and 800k options recently.


    Wait until they ban agents here, like they did in the Philippines, and the s**t will really hit the fan, the complaints here on TV will really hit the roof. ????????

    Never heard of the 'agent' scam. I have 800k in Bangkok Bank for 10 years and just leave it there as a 'sunk cost'. I know of many Americans who did NOT have the 65k and laughed at the system that allowed them to 'swear' they had it - that's all I'm sayin'.

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