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Posts posted by BobBKK

  1. 2 hours ago, sanemax said:

    The people who collect money and who work for free in their shops to help people from poor Countries and the people who make donations , wouldnt want that money spent on prostitutes .

       Also , theres the probability that they paid  "non prostitutes" for sex , a poor hungry homeless 18 year old girl  "Drop by to my office at 5 PM sweetie , after work and I will take you out for a meal , as long as you have sex with me" kind of thing


    It's not 'their' money the people earned it through salary and it is theirs to spend on what they like.  Please reevaluate your 'righteous' approach and as for the 18 year old is there any proof of this type of exchange?


    A 'friend' meets 18 years olds in bars all over Thailand are they in the same category?  I see nothing wrong in my friend paying an 18 year old and getting some humpy bumpy in exchange. This is more about YOUR personal views than any sin committed by these guys. Next time you donate to a charity get them to sign a 'no-sex' pledge.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, impulse said:


    The Sheriff's a butthole?...  Keep in mind Sheriff is often an elected position, and he's probably pandering for votes by throwing this guy under a bus.


    LEO training doesn't prepare anyone to charge at a shooter.  That takes military indoctrination.




    close combat training +++

  3. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    Yes, I started a thread about the same type of thing recently.



    I never hung around long enough to see who buys that garbage. 

    Presumably, they are selling some of it or they wouldn't stay in business.


    Unacceptable, and all about education, but can I make just a minute observation? Swastika is Hindu and the word swastika comes from the Sanskrit svastika, which means “good fortune” or “well-being." Not Buddhist as you describe. 

  4. Just now, mtls2005 said:


    I guess if he had SWAT training, along with some real-fire experience, and was suitably armed/protected (body armor and a long gun) then I might feel free to do some Monday-morning quarterbacking on his situational performance?


    While a lot of the recent mass shootings have been solo gunman, Columbine did involve two shooters. Without any sort of intelligence, say from video monitors, it may be challenging to determine the number of shooters, and storming in with a 7-shot handgun might even make a horrible situation worse.




    Fine but not according to his boss who knows a lot more about the situation and the departments SOP's than you or I and, if this were the case, why suspend and why resign?  now they are saying they won't release the video and why?  possibly shows the guy cowering behind concrete? 


    I respect and love the Police and doubt they'll collect much for his retirement gift.

    • Sad 1
  5. 28 minutes ago, Morch said:

    Well, he'll have to live with them minutes of inaction for the rest of his life. And, yes, probably move somewhere else. Not going to change one bit for the victims and their families, obviously, but it's not an enticing future he's facing. Unless there's some book/movie deal in there, somewhere.


    It is all too easy criticizing others for failing to act in extreme situations, all the more so if they were supposedly trained (more or less) to deal with such. Until one is up against the real thing, though, hard to know for sure how you'll react. I think at least some of the outrage expressed is related to trust - the feeling that those tasked with protection cannot be relied upon. Wonder if that's not a nice sales pitch for the NRA, too.


    Arming teachers is obviously nonsense. Other than lack of training, raising the chances for accidents, and wacko teachers being served with means - what if a teacher just isn't into it (for ideological or whichever reasons)? Probably some constitutional issues there as well.

    All of that is true but one has to wonder 'what if his daughter was in there'?  very difficult for families to accept an armed, trained officer of the law not intervening whilst your kid is gunned down mercilessly. 


    Of course it's trust, what's the point of having an armed responder there who does not respond?  He was armed and trained and the Sheriff was right, get in there and kill that scum.

    • Like 2
  6. 40 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

    I'm very reluctant to attribute any blame or excoriate this deputy from afar. Combat fighting requires intense, specialized training.



    Combat Veterans Think Arming Teachers Is A Really, Really Bad Idea


    “There is a gulf between being taught how to handle a weapon, and learning to fight. Those are two distinct things,” Brandon Friedman, a former Army captain who was deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan and later served in the Obama administration, told BuzzFeed News. “And learning how to fight, how to stand your ground when an aggressor is trying to kill you, that’s not something that comes naturally to people.


    Learning how to fight takes training — military training.




    Indeed and trained he was having joined the Police Force in 1985 then further training specifically for schools and then assigned to a school. Your quote is for teachers a VERY different subject from the Police Officer, armed and trained, at his place of work (the school). It will be difficult for him to live with, it all came down to these 6 minutes, all his training and expertise but he was the only one there armed and he froze and resigned (as he should).

    • Like 1
  7. 19 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    So, you think the Russians weren't seriously involved because the reported amount of money isn't large?


    Here are 2 reasons why the reported amounts (paid to sway the election for the dufus) of money aren't large.......


    #1.  People who pay black money like that - do everything they can - to hide payments.  It's like drug or weapons dealing.  they aren't going to open their books (if they have 'books') to show everyone how much they spent.  They know they're breaking the law.  


    #2.  It doesn't take much manipulating to dupe dumb-as-clay Republicans.  I could start a whacko conspiracy theory about HRC or Sanders or Biden, ......and it wouldn't cost me $100, .....and hundreds of thousands of right wingers would believe it.  

    Unconvincing sorry. Your analysis is biased because you want to believe it.

    • Like 1
  8. 31 minutes ago, DoctorG said:

    The Russians have had a great ROI. FB says the Russians spent $46k on false advertising, while a Senate Committee put the figure at around $100k.

    The aim was to disrupt the political landscape of the USA, not to get Trump elected. This can be easily shown because they organised the anti-Trump rally outside Trump Tower AFTER his election (as per FB).

    The Dems and the US media have ensured with their ongoing silliness, that the political scene is in turmoil in the USA. A great Return on a paltry investment.

    You think the might of Russia can't afford more than $46k?  it it was $46 Billion then the charges could be take seriously but it's all hot air from the Dems and their press gang.


    Some Russian individuals played 'hanky panky' because they liked Trump and some want to extrapolate this into some Dark Conspiracy that lost HC the election. I just don't believe Trump actively engaged and he got in, not because people liked him, but because they have had enough of the pc'ism of society and once a rational candidate is found who exudes balance then Trump is out and will be remembered as an interloper. 

  9. 18 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I only said she feels sorry that he is a broken human being. 

    You make too much of that to accuse me of something.

    I don't support executions but he should be kept in solitary till he dies, like every other murderer.

    Fair enough but he's not mentally sick he's bad. He planned it, boasted about it and executed it now he will try and con us all that he's mentally ill.  The Pakistani guy 'broken too'?    we could go on making excuses - the time has come to STOP making excuses and end the carnage. People should pay for their actions and take responsibility. If this guy had thought he might hang he might have thought twice but aside from 'is it a deterrent'  it's justice.

  10. 17 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I saw that too, and I think she just realises he is a broken human being that did a horrible thing. We all have our own responses, but we should be allowed to have them.


    Re bullies, they were just as bad when corporal punishment was in force in schools. In my secondary school bullying was officially sanctioned and encouraged by the headmaster.

    Even prince Charles was bullied.

    Morning, well we will differ a bit on that. He just killed 17 people and the only 'comfort' should be to those families. how will they feel watching that?  Our society is far too much for the criminals and not the victims IMHO.


    Yes you are right bullying has been around for ages and should be stopped but in Prince Charles's school no one brought in weapons as far as I know. Bullying is horrible and I suffered too but i did not hurt anyone as a result of it.  I'm afraid I have little sympathy with this freak and, I know you don't agree, but i think he should be executed for it (as I hope the guy in Pakistan is too) but he'll go to a comfy institution, watch tv, have therapy sessions, play football in the prison yard while 17 families suffer forever.

  11. 20 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    You obviously haven't been reading what I have written. I want armed guards in schools.

    I'd also like to see intervention, counselling and action before incidents happen.

    Stopping the bullies would help too.

    But you're missing the larger picture. All this is a s a result of the pc'ism of society. Bullies are bullies because we 'care' about their feelings instead of clamping down HARD. If someone gets kicked out of school there maybe a lawsuit and additional damages for 'hurt feelings' etc.


    It happens in America because America is weak in dealing with some crimes (I saw the lawyer with her arm around the suspect on TV giving 'comfort') yet is draconian on drug crimes locking away even marijuana users. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    If you want a country where police become judge, jury and executioner you are on your own.

    When they took him into custody he was only a suspect. Had they gunned down another guy that looked the same would you still think it was OK?

    Well it's jolly decent of you to stick up for him. Poor soul that he is with his disadvantaged background and who can blame him?  it was all society's fault!  I'd agree with your comment IF they still had executioners but many do-gooders would still be trying to save his evil arse.

    • Confused 1
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