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Posts posted by BobBKK

  1. 23 hours ago, joeyg said:

    Would it be a problem in your church at home.  Plus she just in few view with the snatch hangin' out.  Do you really not get how thoughtless this is?



    What you don't get is she's here on a fun holiday and made a minuscule mistake by sitting on a ledge in clothes she would wear 'at home'.   Stop being so pompous a monk just asking her not to sit there is sufficient not a public flogging. 

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  2. 14 hours ago, downtowneddie said:

    Neither President Trump nor any other president has the right to make signing an NDA a condition of employment. So, in each and every case, the first offense is his.


    Why?  they can ask what they want and if you don't like it don't work there.  What a world it is becoming where people will sign, promise and vow to keep stuff confidential then break that word for politics. Your comments are based on your bias not ethics.

  3. Might I suggest, sorry if this is throwing a cracker in the woodpile, but we don't know the EXTENT of the 'deep cut' nor any nerve damage, infections or much else. Let's see the breakdown bill before we condemn eh?


    Another thing, private hospitals undoubtedly attract the best physicians and so please be GUARDED in your advice to go to a 'government hospital'. Doctors are like car mechanics some are good and some are ****.

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  4. 5 hours ago, downtowneddie said:

    Such a contract signed on behalf of the governement  would be invalid. Whistleblower laws alone would make it so. And Trump refuses to release the text of his NDAs. That alone should tell you something.


    But they aren't his to release or not as they are the Administrations. But, this aside,  I'm not a fan of the 'stab you in the back' culture in fact I'm not a fan, and have lost respect for, the USA in general (not the people) but the culture which is divisive, nasty and full of lies at every turn.

  5. Just now, downtowneddie said:

    It's common in private industry. There you are signing the contract with Microsoft, not with Bill Gates or whoever is in charge of Microsoft. But in this case you are not signing the contract with the US government but with Donald Trump. That's a crucial difference.

    I'm not sure that's right. We have not seen the NDA and I would assume that it is on behalf of the 'Administration' which would include POTUS. Would be interesting to see one.  BTW I am not defending the megalomaniac Trump but the principle i would say the same for any of the POTUS's.

  6. On 3/23/2018 at 10:39 AM, downtowneddie said:

    I read somewhere that making staff sign these agreements is actually a violation of statutary law in respect to bribery. In effect, Donald Trump is asking for something of value, the silence of people who work for the government, in exchange for getting a job. Their silence is of value since anything they say might detrimentally affect the value of the Trump brand. 

    I have signed many NDA's over the years as do millions of other staff. You don't want someone in Microsoft telling a competitor information. Standard practice which some are spinning into something 'unusual' for political reasons.

  7. On 3/23/2018 at 10:34 AM, Thakkar said:

    “He Owns their work”

    No, he doesn’t. The American People own the staff’s work.

    Their allegiance is to The Constitution, and the people, not Trump. When taking their jobs, they pledge loyalty to The Constitution.

    The only person with a chip on their shoulder is Trump.

    That's just not true. They serve at the President's Pleasure and should be utterly loyal or leave.

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  8. Just now, Thakkar said:


    So he can fire them. But he doesn’t own them, or what they can and cannot say, as long as classified info is not involved. 


    Thakkar he owns their work, their loyalty and their allegiance whilst they serve him.  I don't like Trump but this principal has to be supported or chaos ensues every time an individual feels aggrieved.  The press/senate/congress etc. are the 'check and balance'  not individuals with a chip on their shoulder.

    • Confused 1
  9. 20 hours ago, mikebike said:

    Of course... Corporate entities are ALWAYS up front about their illegal practices and it is so easy to determine their corporate ethics BEFORE you sign on and learn their internal culture.


    What world do you live in?

    A world gone mad is the world I live in. Where being PC is more important than truth, where liberals think they are left wing and where debate is crushed with invective.


    I loathe corporate entities, think Trump is a megalomaniac ego worshiping nutter along with Pence. I am VERY pro-choice, pro-weed and pro-free speech however I do not believe that individuals have the right to break their promises based upon their petty political individual leanings. That leads to chaos.



  10. 22 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    He doesn't have that power. He pressured Sessions to do that. He trashed him on Twitter. He explicitly complained that he was close to pension eligibility underlining the timing. So same difference.

    Sent from my [device_name] using http://Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    But that doesn't fit the facts that you claim to always know.  It was an INTERNAL FBI investigation that found he had lied and, although Trump was ecstatic,  this was nothing to do with him. If he thinks he has been 'wronged' let him APPEAL and let's see.  You can't go, but you do, bending facts to suit your political agenda.

  11. 19 hours ago, Thomas33399 said:

    It is wonderful to see this. Any reduction in these dangerous strays, most of which originate from irresponsible owners, is a great and very overdue event. The Vietnamese and Koreans should be allowed to come here and take them away for the dinner plates of those who enjoy them.

    Animal lovers? Who cares! 

    It's not about 'animal lovers' it's about 'animal sentimentalists'.  I am an 'animal lover' and FULLY support culling and educating for responsible ownership. Letting dogs wander around and have yet more dogs is utter madness!  If the 'animal sentimentalists' want to stop the cull let them FIX the problem, round up the dogs, treat them, feed them, neuter them and get them adopted.

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  12. 21 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:


    There's clearly no answer to posts like this...


    Ignore the proven example as "an exception that proves the point"??!


    The comment "this org has substantial funds that originated out of the Tsunami" is even more nauseating.


    I've no idea whether or not it's true - but as they're clearly doing a very good job, why is it important or relevant?

    You obviously have selected reading skills. I explained WHY Phuket has less of a problem but Phuket, last time I looked, was not Thailand.

  13. 13 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

    Putin wants to intimidate neighbors/destroy The UN/ weaken democracy world wide. He also wants to control America and is doing so vie scumbag WH temporary occupant. He wants Russia to seen as a world "super power" rather than a gas station with an army.

    bully bully.jpg

    Russia, you perceive, is a "gas station with an Army'?  how many times have you visited Russia?  worked there?  you are CLUELESS about this wonderful country and its wonderful people. And, yes, I would stand up for America if I heard such nonsense from a Russian.  Of course Russia is a super power along with USA and China.  Please keep the debate attached to even a modicum of reason otherwise the arguments look stupid.

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  14. 21 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    It's well beyond worrying about what offends "trump" supporters. "trump" himself is a mean spirited potty mouth. Firing someone one day before their pension kicks in is the sure sign of a leader that wants to be more like Erdogan than Lincoln. He deserves no respect at all and in my view decent Americans shouldn't be giving him any. 


    Trump did not fire him but, hey ho, nothing like a little fact checking to disturb your bias eh?

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  15. 1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

    I'll say sham elections are wrong.

    Next ...

    Sent from my [device_name] using http://Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    Sham?  anyway I sense no point arguing with you but a HUGE majority voted and Russians I know personally (yes, in Russia) support Putin.  Many Russians look at USA elections as more of a 'Sham' as the winner of the vote is not POTUS. 

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