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Posts posted by BobBKK

  1. 7 hours ago, Dap said:

    "No way--your OTT about freedom is stupid and way off,   I live here and no where in everyday life do people speak about they are gagged ridiculous propaganda,"

    Really? So all those people who have been carted-off for "attitude adjustment" are just a figment of my imagination? :sleep:

    I already posted three links to try and educate ginjag but it's a hopeless cause and not worth the effort.

    • Like 2
  2. On 4/4/2018 at 6:51 PM, Skeptic7 said:

    Thailand is at the top (or very close to it) in successful coups of the modern era. That said...I am NOT a fan or in favor of the current Junta. I agree with most of your above post and about Prayuth.


    However, the topic is whether the Shins should be ashamed. The answer is a resounding YES. 


    Also, I worked with around 70 affluent, well educated Thais back then...Thaksin PM reign...before and after. 90% of them did not support Thaksin...nor did they support the ensuing "Red Shirts". They were solid "Yellow Shirts". 


    Of course they were. They were 'affluent' elites and no one would expect differently. I am talking about 'ordinary Thais' but go ask some?  it's not to say things were great back then but better than NOW (for them).

    • Like 2
  3. 8 hours ago, ginjag said:

    I could  send you a string of the same my Thaksin democratic lover,   20 if you want.    Biased--you Sure,   My opinion is against both Thaksin and the Army,  voted for or  not I would not want the Shin family back to buy in power again,  would vote democrat every time--Remember Mark  ??     

    by the way you said goodbye before    5555

    please send?  even 1?   BTW you don't have a vote as I don't so no one could care less if you would vote for weak Mark and the un-Dems


    You have AVOIDED answering that you live in a coconut?  you denied there were 'attitude camps' so either you are ignorant or what?  

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  4. On 3/25/2018 at 6:41 PM, The manic said:

    I have seen Thais all over the world reclaim their cultural pride on occasions. Nobody is forced to wear traditional clothes in Loburi during the King Narai festival. Nobody forces the locals in Issan during the rocket parades to wear their traditional clothing.  And when songkran is celebrated throughout the world by Thai comunities nobody is forcing them. As for the vile flip flop, base ball cap and singlet.. It is, a matter of American/Australian cultural hegemony. An ugly, stupid lazy dress style. 

    Every government worker is forced to wear Trad dress so stop the misinformation please.

  5. 1 minute ago, ginjag said:

    Attitude camps, ???     I see them everywhere I go in Thailand---or do  you mean camps for persons who are bad in any society.






    You live in a coconut?   





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  6. On 4/2/2018 at 1:18 PM, JOC said:

    You are clearly socializing with the wrong people.....

    None of the people I know, matches your description..

    Most retirees around here take good care of themselves....exercises, eat healthy and are not too heavy on the booze...

    And would never settle for a wife like the one in the OP....:coffee1:


    Be fair most retirees pick a much younger model 'because they can' and that is about money and security. Anyway we are off-topic and this jealous, murderous guy deserves NO sympathy at all. Catch your girl cheating?  walk away.

  7. Just now, ginjag said:

    No way--your OTT about freedom is stupid and way off,   I live here and no where in everyday life do people speak about they are gagged ridiculous propaganda,    Democracy is needed for sure and good parties to fight for governing.

    You are not telling about the Shins total control of the Thai Rak news and TV control, or red shirt villages with village leaders paid off.  I lived in one.    why not weigh up the pros and cons and not fall back on the old --"Well the shins were elected"  It is good governance not Thai democracy ---whether Junta or Thaksin family.......Get rid od Military control and mafia style governing---OK  OK


    I am not going to engage an anti-democrat Junta supporter on here I'm sorry. I have lived here for many years too and everyone is talking about Prawit, Prayut and how things were so much happier and better (although not perfect of course). Good day.

    • Like 1
  8. Just now, ginjag said:

    Good old days when the poor were still poor, and the rich were richer   ??


    Nope but nice try!  about when people had more cash in their pockets,  were happier,  could VOTE, could talk freely and laugh loudly.  Could meet each other and discuss things,  could stay out late without curfews and would not see people 'disappear' and sent to 'attitude camps'.


    Times weren't perfect, by any means, but I don't know a Thai who would not swap those times for these Dark Days.

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  9. Just now, ginjag said:

    The submarine issue, Thailand always had submarines from 1936 onwards,  scrapped in 1951.    The Chinese purchase was for 2 subs with the 3rd free  March 2017, based out of Sattahip and the reason being Thailand did not feel totally secure relying on the USA for everything.   Thailand is the second Asian country to have subs.    (Google)

    I am not defending the Army PM as there are so many things that have to be sorted out.


    Suppose one has to choose between a military or a dictatorial PM and Sister.    I do not call either Democratic--voted in or not.


    Tablets scandal,  and the rice corruption   was far more expensive than a few tanks and 2 subs.

    Thailand voters under Thaksin were given money for Love, they were bought,  seems to me it is the same now all over Thailand where kids at bars are bought for love.   ??


    First and foremost and ASAP elections should be forthcoming.  But where are the decent parties coming from to run  a non corrupt government.       


    Not just about buy 2 get 1 free Subs.  it's about freedoms of expression, freedom of assembly and freedom of speech.  And, yes, you are defending the Junta.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    Basically, the answer is YES.

    They wouldn't use the word allowed.

    They've written about this several times.

    What they say is that if they visit a place and it's awful, they won't review it.

    They also indicated that people can read between the lines to figure out that they're not excited about a place.

    That is true.

    But they still won't say anything strongly negative.



    What a sad state of affairs and what a sad reflection on Thailand. All shim sham and face. 


    Next is don't criticize the football team?  music? beer?

    • Like 2
  11. 6 hours ago, mikebike said:

    I do not, and have not said, that I advocate a tell-all culture. I do however advocate a full understanding of the purpose and limitations on NDAs. Leaks will never be controlled by NDAs. To control leaks you need to have the trust and respect of your staff.


    Good news. Leaks will never be controlled, period, and we can agree on that but I still advocate a tight culture of respecting the NDA once signed but I realize many people just do not care, these days, about keeping ones word, promises or loyalty. 

    • Confused 1
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  12. 21 hours ago, mikebike said:


    I don't know why you keep drilling on about stabbing in the back, or breaking their word for politics, or loyalty or leave... The simple thing about NDAs are that they are meant to protect an entity from loosing secrets and valuable proprietary information. They are not meant to stop employees from reporting illegal or possibly illegal actions by said entity. That is ethics.


    Why you continue to see this as a "loyalty" issue rather than a do-the-right-thing issue is baffling.

    Non-Disclosure is what it says on the box.  Why you think today's culture of 'tell-all' and chuck everyone under the bus is ok baffles me to.  If something is illegal go to the Police but most of the leaks are not about 'illegal activity' they are about politics.

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