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Everything posted by hydraides

  1. From my understanding....immigration only check your history attached to the passport number you enter with in the computer when you enter If you get a new passport..........they will only look at history on computer from that new passport number That is my understanding from Visa companies I have contacted Many Visa companies I have contacted have said....."get new passport to avoid any problems"
  2. What is the legality around this How do I get a new UK passport when i still have a lot of pages in my passport and its not been stolen Do i have to 'accidently' damage it in the washing machine?
  3. Immigration hates letting people with previuos educaitonal visa.....the see it as a bogus visa.....be glad you can even re enter.....just pay the extra..
  4. I came back through krabi and it seemed pretty relaxed.........I guess krabi should be more relaxed than BKK but who knows, if you can get cheap flights go for krabi
  5. Looks like his head directly hit the edge of the large curb when he came off, hed most likely still be alive if he had worn a helmet
  6. NWO in full swing and thailand lying down to allow it......
  7. if your son was at home, crying all alone on the bathroom floor, and hes hungry....
  8. Got a visa exempt no problem at Sadao border crossing in malaysia, no questions asked
  9. There are many airports in India though he could have landed
  10. LOL scare tactics to try and push through 10,000 baht scheme.....so desperate Thai citizens should resist at all costs...........They will be giving their freedoms away in the name of CBDC implmenetation.....No way thailand ecocomy about to collapse lol...........Tourism is going to go to all time highs this high season........Billions of baht being spent by tourists everyday
  11. Crazy Accident, It was harder for her to hit them that not to hit them with the whole rest of the road being completely empty Also very unlucky to die when being hit from behind.......and both dying. Normally wouldn't happen unless other cars on the road
  12. From my understanding you will get a 12 month extension after your 3 month intial visa You will not have to visit immigration again for the whole year next, or do 90 day reporting......but you may risk a 3000 baht fine next time you apply for another visa Normally 90 day reporting just resets though when you exit and re enter on a TR visa ..... no fine at airport for not doing 90 day reporting either....they can't see it......... The only people who can see your 90 day reporting record (What I think) are the officers actually in charge on that duty at immigration........If you apply for re entry permit at the airport (Should be no worry of them seeing your not 90 day reporting ) ........Basically you can get the Chiang Mai Visa and just not do the 90 day reporting ...............and you should be fine The only risk comes if you need to apply for a re entry permit ......Immigration may ask why you are flying into Phuket and not chiang mai or Bangkok
  13. You could in theory just not do the 90 report at immigration max fine of around 3000 baht if they catch you
  14. Much easier and better to just get an extension to your visa exempt You can only have 2 visa exempt entries per year BY LAND, then you need to either come by air (Risky can be turned away) or get a Tourist visa which is the best option
  15. So Are you saying an I could get an extension of stay (Lets say 9 months from once it is given) Quit Job the next day then live visa free in thailand with no worries?
  16. Here is an update I stayed in Penang two days Then Came back by Land at Sadao Border No questions asked by immigration even if I had finished previous job (I booked a flight out 1 month from now -which also wasn't ask for as evidence) 30 day stamp given with no problems or questions
  17. Russians have invested hundreds of millions - if not billions of dollars into the Phuket property market in recent years. You can drive past new villa proejcts especially in Cherntalay every 100 m. This also supports thousands of thai and Burmese labourers on the island This is probably the main reason for the free 90 day visa as a thank you.
  18. I think they did think this through alot........susprised how little resistance this disgusting scheme is getting Wish we could see more academics and economists coming out saying what a terrible idea it is.
  19. No its not. It alot darker than than that This is paving the way and first major stepping stone to a cashless society and control over major freedoms ^Yes they shut down truckers account before we didnt have digital economy, but it didn't matter as much because people still can use cash in most places....Within 5-10 years.....You won't be able to pay cash with anything anywhere
  20. Completely unfair................if roll this scheme out......roll it out to all the 'developed nations'
  21. Have you been to London recently? Its actually rare maybe 1 out of 10 restaurants that will accept cash......I couldnt believe it when I went back home The same will happen here within the next few years This is why they are doing this handout to try and get mom and pop stores onto digital payments its all VERY sinister indeed
  22. Yes digital currency will pave the way For human enslavement. Government control just shut off your income stream Remember the Canadian government, A supposed Western free democracy, When they shut off the bank accounts of Canadian truckers protesting It’s a very real and boring future ahead
  23. Shame on thailand to lead it citizens down this dark path of human slavery Dark times ahead indeed , I hope there is a massive protest at this app and scheme
  24. Has anyone recently left a job/Thailand (After being on a Non-B/Work permit....... and returned to thailand within the next few days on a visa emept 30 day entry? Were you successful, did you go back by land or air? I've been teaching in thailand for 1 year on a Non-B/Work permit and want to switch jobs and need a new visa exempt How risky do you think it is for me?
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