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Posts posted by ajahnlau

  1. How comfortable are the Honda CBR 150's? They look like racing bikes that would be fun for a short while but may be a bit much for daily use. Also, I occasionally see used CBR 150's advertised for sale at prices so low it makes me wonder about their resale value. I didn't call on these bikes, perhaps they were old or had a lot of km's on them
    Your best bet for your size would be the Kawasaki GTO. You should really look at used 400cc up chopper style.
  2. If the Police asks 400 Baht for every driver who are using the passing lane without overtaken a car they will be very rich.
    They do pull over every car that travels in the passing lane. They just don't see the cars when not set up. When travelling from BKK to up-country in a taxi I comlained to the driver about the rough ride and he wouldn't drive in passing lane unless I said I'd pay for ticket if stopped.
  3. The official expat retirement scheme in Malaysia (Malaysia My Second Home) offers retiring expats tax-free vehicle imports. Anything like this on the go in Thailand? I'm having to take unplanned retirement in the near future for health reasons, and having just spent about $4500 on a complete mechanical overhaul of my '97 Jeep Cherokee (mine from new - 85,000Km), I'm not too keen on the idea of selling it when it will go for less than $6000.

    Rockin' Jock Scot

    No, nothing like that in Thailand.
  4. Because this is something that would happen regularly, its not a one off.. Thats what i mean by unpredictable.

    The downside is I cant guarantee that I purchase each visit.. If I rent a vehicle like this.. Or even a pick up.. Then spend 10k on the visit and dont purchase.. Maybe multiple times the savings evaporate fast.. Its about picking up bargains (and having fun, I like hustling auctions)..

    U rent in BKK and therefore only pay if u buy.

  5. Hi all

    I think basically its down to the fact there is no real set price for a vehicle, in the UK we have the Glass's guide which is like a bible so all the car dealers know how much a car is worth and then sell it at that price. All dealers will be around that particular figure.

    Here I'm sure they just think of a number and double it, I see dealers within a few hundred metres selling the same make of vehicle, same year and the price difference is around 100k.

    If people stopped paying over the odds for secondhand cars the prices would eventually drop.


    You don't have to pay double like the rest of the people,Walk. Forget about the price of tea in the UK or anywhere else your in Thailand.
  6. I may have a need to move multiple scooters from near to BKK to Phuket.. I can get 3 safely on a pickup bed but with the cost of renting pickups, driving to BKK, return, couple of days.. Maybe doing this multiple times.. And the fact its unpredictable that each time I need the pickup its not an ideal solution. This would be ongoing / sort of regular.

    I have heard bikes can be literally posted around the country.. Cheaply... However as these would be in good condition, I have visions of a wreck arriving all scratched and broken up needing repair. Anyone have info ??

    A cheap bike trailer springs to mind.. However it starts to become not cost effective if thats not cheap and the slow speed of trailer pulling makes journeys a PITA..

    Anyone have an ideal solution ?? A transport company that can do this and not damage them on the way ??

    Why not hire one of those flat bed motor rescue trucks? Could likely hold 20+ small bikes. Should run about 8-10,000bht BKK-PHuket. You could likely ride with driver and save on your own transport.

  7. To legally import forget it.. 100's of % of the value they asses.. They basically keep putting the price up until you walk away and they then steal your car.. You cant even get a quote until its in thier hands and you then owe the tax if you wish to move it back out again..

    On the other hand I have heard of people getting cars into Thailand visa cambodia without leaving a 'bond' for the tax.. Leaving it on home country plates.. The car is technically supposed to leave the country and visa run every 6 months (look at how many harleys are running on USA plates etc) but it seems that some people even just forget to ever visa run it.. The system of checking the cars time incountry is weak.. Secondly one person can bring the car in.. then leave.. You drive thier car..

    I have seen multiple cars down on Phuket like this (running on right hand drive British plates) and I was very tempted to bring in a cheap 7 series from UK to test the water..

    Once in country finding bent books, written off vehicles, or other thai options involving bribes all start to come into play..

    UK prices on a nice SL500 = 500k baht.. here 2mil ish..

    7 series 200 - 300 k baht.. here 800k to a mil..

    Range Rover 2mil into 8 mil

    I have to visa run anyway.. And at those price differences, why not ??

    How many Harleys have you seen with USA or other plates? I've never seen one. Seen a few plates from Malayasia and Indonesia but they were here on holidays. Prices there are same as here so no advantage.
  8. I'm a thai girl who have farang b/f I always be good girl and I know he try to be good boy (just in fron of me) but ........ I try to acceptable from whats he done but why I have to be in thats situation? be good girl for whats? that I asking myself.
    Mai kowchai
  9. A friend here up-country just had a lawyer do his divorce. He wanted joint custody so that he could take care of daughter on his time off from work. Went to court 2 times and once to child services. Total cost 32,000bht.

  10. Less the cost of she calling me... 75 baht goes a long way if you live in some village way out in Eesan. But then if you are a rich westerner then 75 baht is probably the price of a packet of Polo's back home :o

    If someone is driving a vehicle that holds 75 litres then they shouldn't worry about the 75bht. For someone out in the boonies it may go a long way but then they're driving something that holds 2-3 litres.

  11. Hi,

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to post so mods please move if neccesary.

    I'd like to know if it's ok to bring in electronic items from singapore through bangkok customs. For example, a stereo set.

    Is there a tax fee charged? If yes how much.


    I think you're allowed 10,000bht worth for personal use.
  12. I have searched the forum, but i cannot find a post where it tells me what documents are required in order to buy a car from one farang, and to transfer ownership to another farang. I also do not know WHERE to get this done!!

    I apologize in advance if I missed this posting - I really did search!!!

    Thanks for you help,


    You'll need copies of his passport and visa. You better get a copy of his conf. of add. He needs to sign all copies. You'll need the same. He also has to sign book and power of attorney and bill of sale. These are available at any car or mc dealer.
  13. I've search for this topic I swear. I'm moving and need to buy a small scooter to get up and down the soi and to the BTS station. Do I need a motorcyle license? How do I get one? I've been told different stories that it depends on how many cc's the bike has. True? Same as drivers license? I don't have a valid drivers license as I stupidly let it expire a couple of years ago. Thanks for any help! Anybody selling a small scooter?

    As a farang I'd get a dr. lic. Look at top of forum for info.

  14. SO being a first time motorcycle owner, I did minimal research, and ended up getting screwed big time. I payed almost double what the bike is worth. I understand that I'm just as much at fault as the guy who screwed me, I could have done more research, and looked into things a bit more, talked to more people ect..

    My point, I"d like to prevent other people from making the same mistake as I did. I don't want to shout this guy's name out right away, but it is a store front buisness in Phuket, and I thought hey, if it's a store and not some back alley shady deal, it's gotta be a real deal. NO Way!

    How can I get some retrobution, and possilby help black list this guy from other farrang so they don't end up like me.

    Any Idea's boys?

    What did you buy and how much did you pay for it.

    OP bought a Honda Rebel and wanted to change to a Steed.

  15. There the question is in the topic box. Is there a paper like exchange and mart that would give us a rough guide to how much we could reasonably expect to get for our car? Any suggestions gratefully received.


    Go to the local book store and buy a used car magazine. In there you'll find a guide for just about any make,model and year. Also look at ads by private sellers and dealers.

  16. Sawatdee All,

    I will be in Thailand for 2 months over the summer.

    I have been looking for a Big Bike to rent but I haven't found any.

    (Pref. Honda Gold Wing.) If anyone knows of any bikes >500cc,

    please le me know.

    Thanks much,

    Thailand is a big country. Would be easier to help you if you gave your location. There are rental shops all over the country especially the main centres.

  17. I noticed Chong Dee motor cycle in Phuket town has a Honda Steed for sale. He want's 250,000BHT for it. I bought a bike from him before, and it was in great shape, this Honda steed has about 7,800km on it, and looks pristine, is that a good asking price? Does anyone know anything about him or his previous dealings?

    Never know when you're getting ripped off, but someone told me that he overprices, I don't know the difference, though all his bikes are Japan imports and I know there's a heavy tax on that.

    Any info Let me know.


    Go to www.mocyc.com and type in Steed in the search classifieds. 250,000 is about double,but then 140,000 for a Rebel is way over the top as well.
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