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Posts posted by ajahnlau

  1. I really cant understand how its possible that no have insurance website gives this essential information for potential costumers..

    (and I even dont talk about 1 website unit all the insurance companies in thailand that costumers can pick up the lowest/best offer..this..maybe too much to ask in thailand. hehe :o ).

    Just walk down or drive down the street and ask at a couple places. Is it asking too much of you? He he
  2. Is it possible to change the owner ship of a bike over even though the bike is registered in a different province or do you need to register it in the scurrent province first and then change the ownership?


    No need to change ownership first. Take your paperwork copies of visa.letter conf. res.,copies of passport,bill of sale.etc. and bike to local reg. office. Takes about 3 mos. to get book and new plate.
  3. Hello,

    I have been to LOS 1 time last year and went around bkk, and pattaya. Let me just say it was an eye opener to say the least. Friends had laughs at my expense :o

    I am interested in moving to Thailand for a long term, in sept 07'. I will be arrinving in May 3rd for 6 weeks to determine where I want to live. Bkk is out. Pattaya is to much in my face all the time. I thinking about Udon Thani but its a big city and I want to find something smaller.

    My budget is $900 - $1500 us dollars a month, I prefer to be close to the $900 number as it would allow me more money to do other things.

    A little more info about me I am from the states, I currently live in Seattle, WA, USA. I am 37 years old.

    What could I expect from living in Petchaboon? I would like to find a 1 bdrm/studio apt furnished, aircon, internet, fridge, microwave, kitchen a plus, pool a plus. in a safe area that would be in a good location that is in a area with other english speaking westerners if possible.

    So what is there to do I am not married, no children. Are there things to do like movies in english? or golf anything ?

    Will the P4P be in my face like it was in pattaya/bkk or will it be there but in small area of the town. I have to admit I have friends that like the mongering scene alot, if they were to visit would there be an area for them to goto? Is there night life ?

    Any info would be helpful. I like thailand alot I just dont want to live in bkk or pattaya, too expensive, and I am sure after a while the constant in your face p4p would get old.

    So if you have anything to add please post, thanks.

    Phechabun is a small city and not many farangs about. You could try a week there,a week in Udon and then try Chiangmai. Not Pattaya type cities but do have many expats living there.
  4. Hi

    I was wondering what I have to do to make sure the Motorcycle is mine if I buy it used from a private person ?

    I have a Non-I Visa and i can get a letter of residence for the province where I would buy it.

    Is a buying contract enough ?

    I am not sure yet if the bike has an Invoice... or if it already registerd...

    Cheers Simon

    If the bike is registered it will have a green book. The person selling it must sign on the inside. Check to see if the numbers on the bike match those in the book. If it doesn't have a book forget about it no matter how cheap it sounds. Do a search and you'll see how to reg. it in your name.
  5. would appreciate any comments, questions, pointers, anything to help me decide on whether to go ahead on an offer of a honda wave 100 (non-automatic), 2.5 years old, done about 5000 km which is being offered at 20,000 baht. the seller is related to my partner and is apparently to be trusted on her assertion of the bike being in ok condition.

    i'm a total ignoramus on the market in motorbikes.

    is the price market? a deal? high?


    Very good price.

  6. Just had the front brake pads changed on my Honda Sonic. Paid a little bit extra for better pads.

    After changing the pads, the front wheel will not spin freely when the bike is at rest. The bloke in the shop says it's ok. When I rode the bike back from the shop, it feels as if there is some drag which of course there must be. This doesn't seem right to me.

    Do new brake pads take a while to wear in? I don't remember this ever happening before? Would you take it back?

    There shouldn't be any drag,just like a car. Take it back or another shop.
  7. I had mentioned I was looking at some cars in BKK and provinces other than my own (Phuket)..

    I have found a car I like the look and price of.. Haggled out 90% of the deal with the owner and am now at the stage of booking a plane ticket to head to Chiang Mai to look at it. Of course its vital to get this right one time only as I dont want to drive the CM to phuket round trip a second time because theres a missing stamp on form 36c !!

    I previously had posted this thread


    And also read this one


    Both threads indicated I should buy the car.. Put it in my name at the point of sale (CM) and then I have 30 days in which to reregister it in Phuket..

    To make sure I had all bases covered I went today to immigration to get my 'proof of residence / Proof of address' paper (why is this required when I already have a Thai driving licence based at this address ?? All I did was show my thai licence to obtain it so its proving or verifying nothing) as I was next to the tranport office I figured I would ask them.

    The conversation in there was tough due to language issues.. However they told me just bring the Chiang Mai book to them !! They also said I need copies of the current owners passport visa page TM7 but when I asked if he had to sign a form to approve the sale was told no !!! I know flat out that every time I have done a car transfer I needed the sellers signature on a paper. So now they have really confused me by telling me just bring the book in the other guys name back to Phuket !!

    To top matters off we have a local office that acts a satellite office to the transport office.. Not even sure if they are a government or private as they seem to slap 100 baht transaction fee on everything and bulk take all books over and collect back next day. When I went there and asked about the CM transfer he got that blank look and walked off.. After trying to avoid me for 20 mins it was clear I wasnt leaving and he then asked what make of car it was (I replied.. Ohh VW mai dee ?!?!) said he would need to see the book.. When I said book was in CM his final answer was 'mmmm fiftee fiftee' not confidence inspiring.

    Now they have put me into a worried mode. The office are telling me to just bring the book in the other guys name to Phuket.. forum says I should get my name in it in CM.. And the local satellite office has one of those blank grins !!! My plan is to try to register it into my name and Phuket address in CM, if that fails bring the book in the other guys name to Phuket (not happy about this option).

    Comments anyone ??

    Transferring ownership from prov. to prov. is not difficult at all. When you've made the purchase get signed copies of ID card and house reg. or if from farang signed copies of passport with visa and entry stamps. Now get the person to sign veh. book and the 2 in Thai papers. One is the power of attorney and the I think bill of sale. Take directly to transport office in Phuket with signed copies of your passport,visa,entry stamp and letter of residence. Vehicle will likely be inspected. Likely 2-3 hrs. for everything and wait 2-3 mos. for new plates

  8. Hi, been daily commuting from Kluoy Nam Thai (AKA Ekamai) to the Rama II Centron area for 6 months... and I just can't stand the 3 to 4 hour round trip commute (for 16 km one way!) another day.

    Anybody know a second-hand bike I can pick up for about 10k Baht?

    Ready to buy, like... yesterday (even got an advance from my boss because I'm so frustrated with my 2 bus / walk 3-5 blocks carrying heavy bag-routine...)

    Maybe at 57 my patience is wearing a little thin...


    July-2006 Expat, here to stay. :o

    For 10g you'll likely end up taking bus and pushing bike on regular basis. Keep saving till you reach about 20g and then buy.

  9. Hi all,

    We have done a search on the forum and have been able to find some very useful information regarding this topic. So thanks to those who posted on this subject. We am looking for a reputable Insurance company who will provide cover for health, car, house & content for. NZI or IAG Thailand seems to offer cover for all these, but I thought that maybe there were other companies out there that I haven't found who would be able to provide insurance for all three. We are wanting to deal with just one company if that is possible.

    Also wondered how much people pay for insurance in Thailand.

    We are Thai and Oz couple, no kids.

    Modest house in central Thailand.

    Toyota pick up (older one) is our vehicle.

    We would appreciate any information.



    Need to be a little more specific on your Toyota,not just older. Year and value are what ins. rates are based on.
  10. How does it all work here?

    For example if I buy a car and then sell it through a dealer. How much the dealer is getting his %%?

    Or how to buy a car directly from owner? I'm not asking about technical inspection or so - just legal matters.

    I'm planning to buy a used 1-3 y.o. car and then sell it after a year.

    Tried to view some cars at street dealers (Pattaya) - all the cars were in bad condition. A 2 year old Honda City looked like its 15 y.o.

    It works the same here as where you're from.

  11. Morning All,

    With Siam Superbike gone - I'm looking for a good bike shop, preferably with a good website. Any ideas?

    I had heard that the chap at expatmotors would be moving into bikes but that doesn't appear to have happened.

    What I'd really like is the new Ducatti Supermotard........

    Or even a second hand Ducatti monster or a Harley.

    No sports bikes - 6.5'' makes me look like an elephant with a hunch back, riding an ant


    Try www.mocyc.com and www.tarad.com www.big-twin-thailand.com
  12. .


    After two years of extensive eating, I've found my personal choice for "best hamburger" in Bangkok.

    This is not the best hamburger I've ever eaten, but it is quite fine overall.

    And for the price, the quality is a very nice value, too.

    The restaurant is Chokchai Steakhouse near Asoke.

    More about that below, but, first, the hamburger:

    On the menu, it is listed as a "steakburger", and indeed it is.

    The flavour is certainly that of properly-aged, premium, steak -- not the pre-shaped patties served in many restaurants.

    The meat texture is freshly ground -- not something that has been waiting in a freezer since the last ice age.

    The burger is thick -- a generous portion -- although not as huge as, say, the burger at the Nana Coffee Shop.


    It comes on a fresh bun which was lightly toasted.

    Of course, there are slices of tomato and cucumber on the side, plus a small serving of very delicious coleslaw.

    I liked the coleslaw a lot, but I wanted more than that small sample.

    Next time I will order an extra side dish of that coleslaw.

    I was hoping for steak-house-style chips, but, alas, that was not to be.

    The french fries are a packaged, commercial, variety -- quite decent, just bland.

    The steakburger at Chokchai comes in two varieties.

    Plain at 120 baht.

    On that plain burger, cheese is free -- a nice touch.

    Or order with bacon and grilled onions and cheese and special sauce for 150 baht.

    I ordered that fancy option, but next time would just have the plain with cheese.

    The bacon and onions weren't needed with an already tasty burger.

    The special sauce was a chutney, made, I think, with pineapple.

    I don't know if that chutney comes with the plain burger, but I certainly enjoyed the taste addition.

    The only problem was I ordered medium, but the burger came rare: barely warm and dark pink inside.

    That shows the meat is fresh -- not frozen -- but I don't care for rare.

    Maybe my Thai language ability is not as good as I thought?!

    Next time I'll order well-done and see what happens.

    Chokchai Ranch also runs a large diary operation, and they have a milk and ice-cream shop right next to the restaurant.

    For dessert I ordered a butterscotch ice cream sundae.

    Their ice cream is at the "premium" level of flavour and fat content -- richer, more dense, than Swensons

    The butterscotch sauce was fine, but, I'll bet, came out of a jar.

    A generous sprinkling of roasted cashew nuts on top.

    An honest value at 55 baht for that sundae.

    The service at Chokchai Steakhouse is outstanding.

    The staff is exceptionally well-trained for any restaurant in this price range, anywhere.

    For Thailand, their level of training is uncommonly high.

    The restaurant is moderately small: only 25 tables, but there were about eight waiters/waitresses, three area captains and a room manager.

    Everything moved with smooth, well-rehearsed, efficiency: remember this is in Thailand!

    Meal platters came out of the kitchen steaming and sizzling.

    When a table was finished, waiters would descend and immediately clean and re-set with careful precision.

    I was impressed.

    This should be a white-table cloth place -- that is the level -- but the tables are actually wood with leather place-mats, in keeping with the steakhouse theme.

    The water glasses have long stems: the water doesn't taste any better that way, but it is an indication of the attention to quality.

    The decor is bright, but an ersatz version of what some Thai thinks an American ranch-house should look like:

    pine lumber studs criss-crossing the ceiling, white canvas shrouds trying to imitate covered wagons.

    Everything is very clean.

    Even the toilet room had been cleaned in the corners.

    Other patrons were up-scale travelers -- business-class -- and some locals, many wearing office shirt-and-tie.

    There were none of the backpacker crowd with their dread-lock hair, short-leg trousers, and sweat-stained t-shirts.

    I enjoyed Chokchai Steakhouse so much, that I went back again a few days later.

    For the second meal, I ordered beef kebab: two huge skewers of beef, onions, sweet peppers, tomatoes and pineapple chunks, plus that same, delicious, chutney.

    So much food that I needed a take-home box.

    There are more expensive hamburgers in Bangkok, but, so far, I've never found one with a better-taste.

    Add in the quality of service and the cleanliness, and it makes the Chokchai steakburger my favorite hamburger.

    Location is on Sukhumvit soi 23.

    From Asoke sky-train or Sukhumvit subway station, an easy, 10 minute walk North on Asoke Road.

    Turn right (East) at Sino-Thai Tower and continue towards soi 23.

    Or, from the back entrance of Soi Cowboy, at soi 23, go North approximately 371 metres.

    Chokchai is on the West side of soi 23, on the ground floor of a cluster of small shops.

    Here's the web site with menu and map: Chokchai steakhouse


    I just returned from consuming the 120 baht burger at Chokchai. It was good but so tiny it fit in the palm of my hand! My companion had one also and it was the same size. I'm not a big eater, but I wouldn't call this a proper burger. More like an appetizer.

    I am willing to give the hamburgers the benefit of the doubt, but the steaks are the worst I have ever had. Chewing my tennis shoe would have been more tasty. I took a customer there who is a big steak lover and I was a little embarrased. I've since learned why imported beef is so popular here.

    So why didn't you have the imported steak available at Chokchai?
  13. Hi,

    Just for new year eve, an insured driver crushed the back of my car :D . He was at fault

    My insurance company says I am on my own if I want to get the insurance of this other driver to pay for a rental car while I wait for the repair to be done.

    Has anyone had such an experience ?

    If so, what procedure/special form did they fill to get the insurance company from the guy at fault to pay for a rental aka compensate for "loss of use"?

    Any advice would be most welcome.



    Right know, I am using my motorcyle to go to work (40km commute accross Bangkok and then sukmwit 77).

    This id definitely not safe :o , that's why I need to get rental car while they fix mine.

    This might be a little late if you're car is in the shop already. It's the body shop that will give you a loaner.
  14. I may be coming to Thailand in April and even the Thai people here in North Am say its STINKING hot. Would anyone dispute this claim? I remember being a kid and stepping out of an air conditioned car in Florida for a moment and I was sweating like a cold beer mug. Is it really that bad? (I'm coming anyway so no dissuasion! :o

    Look for temps 35-40 degrees.

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