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Posts posted by ajahnlau

  1. I've searched the forum but haven't found an answer to this one . . .

    I'm used to riding a larger scooter/bike than what is typical in Thailand. (not huge; just larger. 250cc) I have not seen any 250-650cc "maxiscooters" for sale at dealerships.

    I have also heard about tariffs on imports, and also limits on engine size.

    As I have also seen large Harley choppers here, whatever governmental limitations on the marketplace must not be absolute.

    Can anyone give an overview on the Thai Motorcycle/scooter industry and marketplace?

    1) What makes and models are produced in Thailand?

    2) What size limitations are there, and why?

    3) How severe is the tariff situation for imports?

    Go to www.mocyc.com I've seen 250cc maxi scooters. Registration costs for 250 would be about 30,000bht. Harleys are about 80,000bht. I would figure at least 80% of HDs are legal.
  2. Thanks for the help.Unfortunately I live in the UK and enter under a tourist visa so unless anyone can come up with any better suggestions I shall take Crossy's kind advice and try to get a letter out of the insurance company but I am not hopeful.

    You should be covered. Try to find out if GF has 1st class ins. You should ask her how much she pays. An amount of 15,000 or more depending on car model and year will mean it's 1st class.

  3. my buddy who lives in p,lok is somewhat agrieved at being stopped and breathalysed at the wheel of his car and has had to cut back on his boozing . he says theres a fine for any trace of booze on the breath, anyone else had this problem? he complains the BIBs have all roads covered later on.

    Nostrel whats the full fine/penalty if you are caught DUI and DWF (driving while farang) ?



    A friend was busted last year. 1mo. suspension,3,000bht. fine,40hrs. community service and 1 yr. probation. I've just returned from working and word is random road checks usually on the bridges. Checks usually holidays.

  4. Sawadee krub,

    I am trying to figure out where to get cheap motorbikes Spare Parts and Accessories in Bangkok... Could someone recommend me to a few shop that have wide range of CHEAP genuine spare parts and accessories for Honda Wave 125S...

    Khor khun krub...


    Or maybe I should ask whether there are good motorbikes repair shop in Bkk...?

    Khor khun krub...


    These shops are everywhere. Just get out of the tourist areas and you'll find them on every 2nd corner. I'd stick to large Honda dealers for the repairs. A little more expensive but if problems arise after well worth the little extra.
  5. If I rent a car in Thailand, and the shop does not offer insurance, is there some kind of insurance i can buy to cover me for any vehicle I am driving? Ie. that covers the driver, not the vehicle? I am more worried about hitting someone else and having to pay for it than any injuries to myself (I have health insurance). Thanks for any info...
    In Thailand ins. is for the vehicle. Shortest period I've come across is 6mos.
  6. I will have to look into that bike you mentioned. The size seems fine.

    The thing is the price. When you start talking that kind of money, you get choices. For instance, the Super four goes for less than that (commonly). But you do not get the off road ability.

    That is why I wanted a "dual sport" like the KLR type bike. Now I am not much on the looks, but what do you do?

    Thanks, I will see what I can do to find more info on that kawasaki.

    Go to www.mocyc.com and near bottom of page you will see Bigbike. Lots of sport bikes.

  7. he covered his head in a plastic bag before locking his arms & ankes together with handcuffs! hmm

    Actually, that sounds like he watched a certain movie that came out awhile ago. It was about a reporter covering a death penalty case in the US.

    One of the anti-death penalty advocates was dying (cancer ?) and she commited suicide, with help from her friends, in such a way as to make it look like murder.

    Their plan was to get an innocent man executed for her murder, then prove afterwards that he was innocent. The premise being that such a case would result in the death penalty being thown out.

    Any ways, in the movie, the woman is filmed swallowing the key to the handcuffs, putting the plastic bag over her head, the securing her hands behind her with the handcuffs (this would prevent her from insinctively trying to rip the bag from her head as he suffocated).

    The presence of a suicide note would make this case seem plausible. If it were a murder, there probably wouldn't be a note, there would be signs of struggle and possibly marks on the body.

    The Life of David Gale. Was a great movie.
  8. I recently got nicked on my motorcyle for making a left-turn after stopping at a red light at a 3-way intersection (made the left at the top of the 'T'). The policeman was writing the ticket before I got off the motorcycle. I went to the Thong Lor station the next day and paid the fine of 400 baht.

    Is this a typical fine for a relatively minor infraction?

    Yes this is the amount for most infractions.
  9. Hi, can any tell me the phone number for a womans clothing store in Phitsanulok called `Catwalk`?

    I have lost the number and need to get in touch with the owner! Or if you know the owner please tell her to tell Honda to check his email please and tell its Allan :o



    //email removed//

    Do you know where it is or close to some hotel. I could drop by and give a message.
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