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Posts posted by AsiaHand

  1. 2 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Here's an idea, declare a blanket amnesty to all overstayers, get to know who they're, fine then accordingly and renew their visa if they are good people and not a  wanted criminals of fujities of some sort, that way Thailand will show that they're reasonable and forgiving and by doing that they may have the chance to clear the books and start fresh...

    If you remember there was an amnesty that  went on for about one year before July 2014. Many ignored it so now they are paying the price.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, TheFishman1 said:

    No surprises here Fake Monks Fake Police Fake watches Fake Bags many Fake things here TIT

    Ah Yes,, The LOS (Land of Smiles),and The LOF,,(Land Of Fakes) to include watches,police,hospitals,government,constitution,ETC....and never will it change,but these daily fakes keeps the country cheap enough to afford many of us  farangs the luxury of living here.

  3. 2 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    Would have been surprising if the tires burst while in the air and how could the pilot know?

    "Emergency landing" is a misleading headline as it implies there was an emergency before landing.

    It was planned to land in Dhaka and so it happened.

    Different reason possible, but might well have a been a faulty/damaged strip, debris.

    Or an exceptionally hard touchdown triggered by the rain?

    It's standard practice to bring them down "hard" if the runway is wet/slippery.

    The standard procedure for an emergency landing is to dump fuel to have the proper weight for the correct landing or the tires are in danger of bursting and among other reasons .Sounds like he had a blown tire on take off (could have been informed via the departing airport) and further the possibility of tire burst by not dumping fuel .Don't know why he reported an emergency other then a blown tire upon take off .The site "Flight Aware" will have the particulars in about 10 days.

  4. 4 hours ago, Banana7 said:

    Notice that the Assistant Chief of Bang Lamung District led the raid into the Club that is located in Pattaya. I wonder why Pattaya Police didn't conduct the raid?

    Because the local BIB would be biting the hand that feeds them the brown envelops.Most of these midnight Pattaya raids are military ordered without the local Bib not knowing where they are raiding until they are led there

    • Like 1
  5. On 7/14/2018 at 9:41 PM, TPI said:

    In an investigation in Oz they found that the collection and delivery to Alcoa of aluminium cans were in fact sent to land fill as it's too expensive to recycle the cans, it's cheaper to use raw material!

    Elsewhere in the world  the aluminum  cans are recycled so I think that you are wrong,unless "OZ" is way behind the times of recycling.

  6. On 7/13/2018 at 9:59 PM, Carlos Primeros said:

    I just wonder, how on earth, they can be using these ring pulls for prostetics? These ring pulls are exactly they same material as the alu can. They are just rolled and stamped...


    Does anybody know?

    The "ring pulls for prosthetic s" collecting has been a SCAM for many years in many countries..Have you ever heard of an aluminum can manufacturing company calming to have received these ring pulls and then donated money for prosthetic to a hospital? Have you ever read in any European or American news paper reporting about the collecting of ring pulls ? No because they are not in the business of promoting unsubstantiated roomers  and obvious scams.But then again the Thai media seems to be. seems to be.

  7. On 7/13/2018 at 11:51 AM, observer90210 said:

    Do the police conduct their raids by jumping from a parachute ?....all those boys posing and grinning in their black paratrooper uniforms makes, one wonder.. ? ?

    You may be supersized to learn that many of the "paratroopers" may have received their "paratrooper wings" after going though the ground training then jumping off the controlled jump tower but have never jumped from an airplane.

    • Haha 1
  8. Go to Cambodia first then the Philippines,then Thailand. You will like the crazy times in Cambodia but be glad that you left for the Philippines with all the cheap beer and young girls that you can handle while you are learning how to protect yourself from armed robbers and the worlds best pickpockets.You will then go to "The Land Of Smiles" . A land that caters to the interest and whelms  that can please everyone from families ,backpackers,and the single seeking all the pleasures of life, while meeting some of the most friendliest people in the world..You will now learn that this is the place that you will now live or  will always come back to . Enjoy my friend when you arrive and pleasant stay.,,,,DJ

    • Thanks 1
  9. 19 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Funny, but Kim's coup here is even without the meeting having "trump" put him on the same level as the USA (witness the bizarre coin from the white house) and he now gets to promote the idea that his regime is the more reasonable one. 

    That "COIN" was a private speculation of someone trying to cahs in on a money gain .Neither The US or The White house authorized that "Coin" which has no value and did not cost The US one penny. So what "Coup".? 

    • Sad 1
  10. 9 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Kim wins. Now nations are going to ease on the sanctions blaming "trump" for the failure in diplomacy. Art of the schlemiel.

    Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    You will see no easing of any of the sanctions except for Iran,China.Syria and a few others that are already supplying him.The other nations do not want any sanctions on themselves from The US.Little "Rocket Man" had no intention of giving up hie 20-30 atomic warheads,the test site being eliminated was a no brainier as it was no longer useful,so Kim has nothing to trade .Why meet him for nothing?  .Now tell us something to clarify your statement or are you just chiming in ?

    • Sad 1
  11. What crisis ? The US will not attract but they will retaliate if attract while Kim will not attract as he knows that his government will no longer exist if he does.Jim rather enjoys being the dictator with all the trimmings as did his father and grandfather did. North Korea has several secret connections to keep Kim in booze and luxury items for him and  his young ladies, so he isn't going anywhere.  for now.

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