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Posts posted by AsiaHand

  1. 1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Kim is undoubtedly playing poker.


    Shame the US has a weak President who tries to bluff after already exposing his empty little hand.

    North Korea has an estimated 20-30 nukes ,so his hand is not empty but he has only a few number of missiles to deliver them .The US is not bluffing as Trump raised the pot by sending two missile carrying subs to the area.One of The Ohio class subs carries  22 Trident 11 missiles with multi nuke warheads in each.One sub can wipe out all of North Korea and we have 14 of them. Mr Rocketman"s earlier bet of dismantling his test site was found out to be of"false gold",as it was discovered that the test site was already useless as tits on a boar hog.So he will now puff up like a puffer fish to blow smoke at  the other Asian leaders telling them that the game was either rigged  in Trump's favor and he doesn't want to play anymore  or that he was just playing for "Funzies" and did not mean any of his bets.   You will notice that I did not mention about the 12 other war ships making up a new Navy  Task Force being added to the area at the time including a Nimitz Class  Carrier. (Of which the US has 10 of). NO Not a bluff ,and from a Strong President.

  2. 5 hours ago, ezzra said:

    It was too good and too quick to be true, Mr. ' i'll huff and puff and rain nuke missiles on your heads and blowe you to kingdom come' all of a sudden the bad boy is releasing prisoners, , visiting downtown Seoul, dismantling this and that and being friendly with high ranking US diplomats, just like his father and grandfather who were brutal and ruthless tyrants, this man can't be trusted....

    If he will give up his estimated 20-30 nukes ,what does he have to offer ? NOTHING !

  3. Years ago it was the friendly people,good food,,great tourist sites interesting sites and temples, the beautiful pollution free beaches and forest,inexpensive golf of great courses,lovely ladies to meet,pollution free klongs all over the country,good weed to smoke,cheap rent, and cheap hotels.  Now out of the ten Thailand still has numbers one,two,six,nine and ten.

    • Confused 1
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  4. 15 hours ago, Cadbury said:

    So what's unusual about that. This happens all the time in the civil service, the RTP, the military, the education system and just about any department you care to nominate. How do generals without brains get to be generals?

    Would this put Thailand in first place as "The most lucrative of police positions" in the world ? That is compared to  their actual salary  as to their actual worth.

  5. 18 hours ago, dundas said:

    To be honest, who cares? Starbucks -- mediocre, and overpriced, in my opinion.

    Even in The US when I go back I see all these people with money to waste in line in their cars waiting 20 minutes to get a coffee that is not as good as a Mac Donald's coffee (survey proven). But here in Asia where if a store,any outlet of any goods or service that is a TRENDY",over expensive ,chain in America then Asians can't wait to be seen spending their money there also.

  6. 1 hour ago, rkidlad said:

    And what have the junta done? It’s been four years and they’ve had absolute power. Perfect opportunity to allow democracy to prosper and all they’ve done is change the rules to benefit them. 

    The Junta  is not expected to do anything for the country ,The Junta is there for the Junta. They will allow at times some politician's to run the county  to make money for their political party and the Junta with some trickling down to the citizens If they are dissatisfied with not getting their larger sum of the pie then they will stage a coup to show who is running the country.It is never about the people.

  7. 6 hours ago, colinneil said:

    This is democracy Thai style.

    The PM has stated he wants to bring happiness to the people.??

    This is happiness Thai style, sad so sad, we are the rulers, you do anything, we will stop you by force.

    The sad thing that is happening here is that many of the people in los actually believe that  with elections and political posturing  los is a Democracy. Wake up people ,los is a military run country with the veil of democracy covering it.

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  8. On 5/21/2018 at 10:48 AM, RuamRudy said:

    Baerboxer and I clashed a little earlier, but he has a point - there is no alternative being offered to what we have now. If you think about it - the freeloaders, as you put it, are already not paying taxes, but they are not those on the dole, they are those who contribute to the Tory party, represent it in the houses of parliament or own the newspapers that keep us compliant with a daily diet of trash and lies.


    I have never lived in a socialist country, and certainly the likes of Cuba or Venezuela doesn't make me want to move towards that model, but we desperately need to change direction. Socialism may be bad, but we have something equally as abhorrent and evil in its place now.

    If you are living in The UK  you are living in a socialist country..The US liberal party in the US has been for many years trying to move The US into socialism .In both countries GREED of many of those wanting a better life without paying for it and those people not willing to commit to hard work to strive to make things better keeps the Labor/Liberal parties alive.The US is a Democratic REPUBLIC and not a Democracy. In the free world this is not unique but misunderstood by many.

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  9. 21 hours ago, saakura said:

    I have been on a trip to Sanghklaburi a few years ago and saw this bridge and also went on a boat ride to see some sunken temples. Stayed at one of the many resorts nearby. Many nice restaurants on the riverside overlooking this wooden bridge, serving locally caught fish. I would recommend an overnight trip for long time expats who are looking for a new place to explore, away from the crowded one week tourists. Not sure if the Chinese tourists are being taken there in tour buses now.

    Thank you for the info saakura

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  10. On 5/21/2018 at 9:29 AM, zaphod reborn said:

    There's been a lot of cost-cutting and their fleet of airplanes is way too old.  However, are they going to give any credit to the token ex-pat Sales VP they hired to turnaround their performance?  https://loyaltylobby.com/2016/01/22/thai-airways-appointment-of-foreign-executive-as-sales-vp-causes-local-uproar/


    Of course not, because this is Thailand.  

    Ah Yes,When the maintenance goes down ,the  profits go up.

  11. 18 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

    Her get out of jail card would be the tried and tested I borrowed it from a friend preferably a dead one should be fine with that.

    I knew a woman that was renting a cheap car from our friend when he died.She just kept driving it for about six months when the inspection sticker expired.Got away with it for about a month, then one day got stopped by the police.She could not prove where she got the car and went to jail until she got bail.Total charges were over $800.5555 You don't get something for nothing.

  12. 2 hours ago, YetAnother said:

    idiot, that is not professional driving; in the area of the world i grew up in, we are taught in basic driver education where to hit animals such as deer that dart out over the road;

    motorcy that aren't looking should be treated the same, else this tanker takes out a group of innocent bystanders

    What a stupid idea .In most educated countries countries a driver is taught to "Observe" the road and drive safely so as to avoid accidents.Where did you "attempt to learn" to drive ,in Russia or China ?

    • Haha 1
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