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Posts posted by AsiaHand

  1. If you are trying to go the CHEAP CHARLEY bit to live here GO HOME and GET A JOB then when you can afford it come back.If you have to ask then  yes you are trying to beach bum your way here.

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  2. Just pack a bag,Drain the bank account ,leave no forwarding address and as you go out the door be singing the 1940 tune'Well Im packing my grip,and Im leaving today. Im taking a trip to get out of your way> Im not settling down and forever will roam,and making someplace my new home."  But not here darling,God by,Good luck,and may The Good lord take a liking to ya.(I played with the words a bit).

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  3. I remember when BJ set up his  brush arbor under the palm trees with 5 stools to sit at the 6 foot long bar.We were drinking on the road side away from the beach in the afternoon watching two Thai families enjoying the beach.There were a couple of litter cans on the beach side of the road.When the two families left they passed  a litter can but just discarded all their trash between their eating area and the road .Since most of the Farangs drinking with BJ had spent their earlier years in Japan,to us this was a learning experience of how trashy the Thais are.Thais WILL NEVER change.

  4. Just now, mlmcleod said:

    For me, my next stop would be Panama, Columbia or Ecuador.  The Visa process is a lot easier than Thailand and the Immigration Police are not constantly hassling the expats.  Safety and healthcare is about the same as Thailand.  I have roots here now, so I do not think about moving often!  There are really a lot of options in this world.

    Try Brazil and their hot blooded women.

  5. 4 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:



    Are the courts going to apply the same rationale to the cases of 'sedition' and other 'crimes' as they are applied here? I.e. because they are politically-motivated?


    Or will they continue to find people guilty of something if they do not approve of the Junta?


    Just askin'...


    The Government of LOS and the courts seem to make up their own laws as they go along from day to day.

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  6. 15 hours ago, jonclark said:

    So the police are not even going to attempt to find the person who made the threats. 


    This attitude simply feeds the spiral into lawlessness and impunity increasingly evident in all parts of society.  And the police are so oblivious to this consequence that they make their (in)actions public thinking they are doing the right thing. 



    Thai BIB  make up their own laws that fit their needs as they go along from day to day .Since they also seem to control the courts they have no depart ment to control them .

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