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Posts posted by AsiaHand

  1. 16 hours ago, Unsane said:

    I have a tipoff for the RTP if they're interested.  Outside of 7-Eleven on Soi 15, Lower Suk, just a few metres from the police tent is loads of Nigerians dealing every night of the week.  

    Those are the ones that are dealing" For" the BIB.Most of those are Nigerians that have been caught before for some minor crime and are being used by you know who,to sell some of the drugs that the bib confiscated earlier. Now would this come under "slave labor" ?

  2. 12 hours ago, observer90210 said:

    Some nice new opportunities here !!....for 500 THB the impounded vehicle can get recovered, but with no receipt !! :whistling:


    As for the stupid farangs renting and driving without licences, the law should plainly call them to be jailed for a week and the law should be largely visible at the rental agencies. It will immediately dissuade the stupid and the issue will be solved. No big deal ?


    This will obviously dissuade the renegade bikers with no permits to drive and with only a licence  to Kill or get killed !!

    The bike rental companies would probably remove the signs as it would down on their business.

  3. As onera ask " how long is your over stay ?" I am thinking that since you did not take care of this before there is a lot that you are not divulging and unless you have a shxt pot full of money you better just try to get the 20,000 and a plane ticket out and turn yourself in.Otherwise you could be in the immigration detention for a long time. Cheap flight to the PI and start over again.

  4. 7 hours ago, Cadbury said:

    Seems Hun Sen's monumental political ego is up there with someone else we know. Must be something in the S.E. Asian air that generates this arrogant self-conceit.

    Just your normal dictator claiming that his reign is everlasting because of the love that his subjects have for him.

  5. 3 hours ago, JAG said:

    The real money is in the supply of textbooks. M1 works out at ThB 2500 per pupil. Multiply 10% of that by 30% or so and you're looking at ThB7000 per class. If you assume that each year group in an average school has 4 classes that is ThB 28000, for each year. Add up M1 to M6 and that's over ThB 150,000 a year. New Fortuna's all round...


    I ought to be a Maths teacher.


    Also may explain why some of the textbooks chosen are so banal. Certainly I would be embarrassed to be one of the obligatory western "Ajarns" who have their names on the covers. But that is another story...

    A true math teacher would explain the relativity of math to the everyday usage in the world as it relates to the students. You were just adding and multiplying as any third grater can do. But then again here in LOS there are many Farangs that do just that and are called "Teachers".

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