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Posts posted by AsiaHand

  1. On ‎4‎/‎1‎/‎2558 at 6:06 PM, Naam said:

    i run my soon 45 year old E-Type in broad daylight and people, including policemen, give me approving looks.

    driving another 23 year old car a few years ago and high speeding on Sukhumvit (Pattaya) on a sunday morning i was stopped and had a 1k Baht note ready with my license. two boys in brown approached me and i was fingering for a second note but then they were happy after asking me to open the hood, asking questions about the engine and were surprised when they counted 12 cylinders. i was then released with a polite "thank you Papa, have good day Papa."

    My friend gets nothing but a happy wave from the Bib in his 1956/7 red Chevy pickup  and his 84 red 427 Corvette

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Fore Man said:

    Reunification is not likely, at least in the near timeframe. It would utterly bankrupt the ROK and take away national funding needed in important areas...education, healthcare and infrastructure.  Would the ROK drastically cut its defense expenditures with an outbreak of peace?  I don’t think this is reasonable to expect, given all the nefarious deeds that nK would probably continue to commit...international missile technology sales, cybercrime, counterfeiting and other worrisome operations.  But, a peaceful coexistence could ensue, bringing about significant cross-border tourism and trade and this in itself might be good enough for now. 

    If any reunification were possible it would be after The North Korean Army takes over The South. Kim Jung-un will not have any sort of democracy.


  3. 5 hours ago, JohnnySixString said:

    Both parents are dead, so I'm on my own trying to figure anything out now. Along with my US Army issued birth certificate, I found my "Record of Birth Overseas" form that shows I was born in "United States Army Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand", which I'm assuming isn't there anymore. It also lists my mother as a "Thai National". Do I need to contact the Army or an American Embassy...? How's that work?

    So you waited about 50 years to do this? It will be very difficult unless you were born in a Thai hospital,no what town or Ubon and you were registered by your mother in her village.There are many Thais with a second passport in another country but they keep it secret from the Government.I am thinking that if you could get a Thai passport you must give up all citizenship to other countries.

    • Confused 2
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  4. 14 hours ago, lonewolf99 said:

    It cannot just be Brits coming here to die - nearly every week a Chinese person drowns and the Ozzies manage to mangle themselves on a regular basis.

    What they should report is that other than war zones LoS is the deadliest place for any visitor.....though most of the time self inflicted...
    especially on balconies according to the Police and the (ex) Girlfriend.



    lonewolf,see text #64 from Asiahand

  5. Thats BS ,In the last 45 years that I have been spending here, 90% of my friends or acquaintances are from the UK and I have found that less then 1% of them other then gentlemen.When living in Pattaya 12 years ago there were a few of the "football" thugs but these types found out that thuggery did not go well here.The AXXHOLES of ALL the expats do not last long in Asia and with the Thai Army forcing the Bib to get rid of the bums of over stay and non work permits we now have even less.

  6. On ‎27‎/‎4‎/‎2561 at 6:58 AM, Samui Bodoh said:

    I wish this news story and others would stop trying to tie this to the #MeToo movement; it is not really a reasonable proposition. Cosby was accused, tried, acquitted and recharged all before the #MeToo movement really got underway.


    I am a firm believer in the concept of innocence until proven guilty and am always wary of a celebrity getting accused; they tend to attract a lot of wackos. However, in  Cosby's case there were over 50 women accusing him of sexual assault and other sex crimes; when there is that much smoke I tend to believe that there is fire. A lot of fire.


    It is weird; I remember watching the Cosby show in my younger days and he really was a 'magical' father-figure to many, including me. Yes, I know it was TV, but for a while there I am sure many people thought that it would be nice to have him as a 'Dad'.


    To paraphrase; sometimes reality is uglier than fiction.


    Rot in jail old man.


    He was NOT ACQUITTED HIS trail resulted in a HUNG JURY

  7. 5 hours ago, BuaBS said:

    I wonder what has been said in Beijing to make Kim do a 180.

    North Korea does not need any more test after 6 test ,the same as India and Pakistan only needed 6 test to proclaim that they needed no more test to be able to produce a lot more bombs .So Kim Jung-un has not turned around at all. He will now have North Korea in a few years the next nuclear power in the world.

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