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Posts posted by AsiaHand

  1. So it all started with the stupid act of being overstay (because I can afford it for a few K attitude). Then adding to the next round of ignorance by leaving your passport in a motorbike (oh yes Unsecured bike) then causing a row with a Thai instead of getting a policeman.You are lucky that the immigration boys are not involved as you would be waiting for a plane ride home. Does your girlfriend help you to dress in the mornings also? ?

    • Haha 1
  2. So ,From the act of being so stupid as to being overstay,then leaving your passport in a motorbike instead of carting a copy of it. And then not securing the bike properly.Now if you have been here long enough then you should have learned by now that you can not "confrunt" a Thai as you are then in the wrong by not alerting the police

    4 hours ago, giddyup said:

    Who the hell leaves a passport on a bike?

    Dumb asses thats who.it.

  3. 1 hour ago, Mansell said:

    Anybody trained well will not admit to real facts under torture, but will slowly over time feed bogus information to the torturers. The so called mastermind of 9/11 was water boarded 185 times......if it worked so well he would have spilled his guts the first time......the other 184 would have been redundant. Any professional interrogators know that just talking to the person and instilling trust and a relationship will yield real information over time. Well why not just cut off his fingers and speed it up? Because the person will tell you anything to get you to stop, and now you have to go through all of the crap looking for a kernel of truth. But the people on here that believe torture works cannot be convinced of any other point of view, even from the real interrogators who admit it's a waste of time.

    Maiming a person does less then a good psycology type of approach of torture .inflecting pain is not a good idea as one can become used to pain and learn to overcome it .When the water torture was started it took a while to get it correct. .Not many (one out of a two hundred could hold back what you are looking for .Showing someone sometimes is good also but not always ,as in Vietnam they would take 6 prisoners up and start throwing them out until you got what you wanted ,if the info proved wrong ,you took the rest up and threw them all out.    Mansel your are wrong about "anybody trained " idea. Diod you get your military training in the movies ?

  4. 6 hours ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

    Wow. Don’t tell me ... a fake Irishman? 

    Beleive it or not ... the Brits got your back . Maybe visit the UK and have a few beers in local pubs in England ... not London.  Responses like that from you is not a good look mate.

    I would have been happy to have had a beer or good whisky there but as you said(not in London) as I don't drink where the town leader is Muslim .Do not forget that The UK since WW11 have not been acting as leaders but followers .Oh where oh where are people like Winston that have that drive to help the country to excel? Wait a minute there was one a while ago ,I think that her name was Margaret. .Goes to show you that it is not only men that have that quality.At least she saved the pound for you .No offence Sir ,just a bit of banter.( not kidding about the good whiskey though.)

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. 32 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

    First to all the pro junkies or drunks....even a lack of rest, with no use or abuse of substances, can make a driver a potential danger on the road....:1zgarz5:


    Drinking and driving makes the driver a potential killer on the road,  so no mercy. This apparently does not seem obvious to many who still argue on the issue !??:post-4641-1156694606:


    Same for the junkies under coke or any other shit...they are potential hazards and should be banned from driving just as those who drink and drive. Case closed. :post-4641-1156693976:


    And before I get bashed :whistling:,  Yes, I do enjoy a good bourbon, wine etc...I do get dunk also sometimes in a party...but when I go out for fun....I NEVER take my car...Uber (when abroad), Grab or even a Thai taxi cheat will be better then driving...:burp:

    In Texas for even the "First" DWI for alcohol or drugs, it is a stay overnight in jail until you get bailed out then with the court cost ,fine ,lawyer fee ,a one month class for rehibatation (very costly) your cost will be a minimum  of $10,000 plus a suspension of your license. And now with all states in the national register you can no longer go to another state and replace your license there.

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


     I get a kick out of all the people that want to legalize drugs. They are walking into a trap and their drug addled minds don't seem to understand that. Sure, take all the drugs you want, but if you are impaired in any way, (duh!) you enter the system.

    Jail all the "White line cowboys".

  7. 4 hours ago, scorecard said:

     Well the process needs more but it's possibly a good idea to reward folks who report such things.


    In my old country in some provinces all public utilities have a large sticker with an ID number.


    Folks who call in / report that the equipment etc., at ID # xxx is faulty etc., automatically receive 10 lottery tickets after an appropriate officer has been to the location to check and fix / order prompt repairs, within 24 hours. The lottery  tickets arrive quickly.


    At least that was the system some years back, I'm guessing it's still in place, it works.


    Power Banks... good quality or cheap rubbish brands?





    I bet that a number of cable ,telephone and electrical  companies would be getting off their asses and removing the non needed lines if somebody with a large pair of insulated wire cutters started cutting them on a late night,5555

    • Haha 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Juan B Tong said:

    Thank God they stopped this terrorist!


    Practice dummy training claymore, antique rifle magazines, and who knows what else he was smuggling.


    How did he get his hands on these in Vietnam?

    (If your not in the military or police in Nam, you can get arrested for having a sharp stick and need a permit and a good reason to have a BB gun.)


    I pray he didn't get his hands on a P38 or P51. These were carried by almost every Grunt and tore up more metal than anything else did when I did my tour of duty.










    Carried it on your dog tags did you Mr Tong ? If you lose them your bayonet made for a OK sub but was a bit messy sometimes. The first time that I saw a P51 was a gift from an Aussi in Nam over 50 years ago ,thanks for the recollection Tong.

  9. 3 hours ago, Peasandmash said:

    whatever happened to the brave English people?

    "We will not let a country that chats, 'death to America' have the deadliest weapons on earth." God Bless America, God Bless President Donald Trump.

    England, You do not tell anyone to relate about any plans they have. The US is no longer one of your slave colonies. You may "ASK" about things though.

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