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Posts posted by AsiaHand

  1. Why Not ,They gave it to Obama just for being black as a elected president.  Then They should also give a Nobel Prize to Megan Markle for  outstanding Achievement when she marry s  into The Royal Family. In the last 10 years The Nobel Prizes have a bit of stink to them in several fields.

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  2. 8 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

    Odd that they searched passengers in the taxi too. You have no rights in Thailand. And why than less than a gram is even brought into the spot light is just moronic. 

    So ,were you to be caught with the same amount of cocaine in your home country would you not be arrested ? Where do you know that cocaine of less then an ounce is legal?

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  3. 1 hour ago, KiwiKiwi said:

    Nobody cares if your tired or not. If you're not up to the job, then bugger off and call an immediate election.


    Tired my left foot.

    The main reason for this very long military take over is so that they can change enough of the "so called) constitution so as to never have a elected PM to have such a strangle hold over the country that they almost become a permanent dictator. Do not forget this country has been for over 80 years controlled by the military and will continue to be for a long time in the future.

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  4. 16 hours ago, hanuman2543 said:

    Will he get the same teatment and harsh punishment like Yooyee or will he get the "VIP"treatment like the "Boss" Vorayuth?


    I would put my money at 20 to 1 that he  gets the VIP treatment. A proper bookie in The UK would have about five different out comes for different odds.

  5. 1 hour ago, zydeco said:

    Yes, it's all about "refugees" and illegals for McCain. No  mention of American citizens and the cost they must pay to fight all the wars he wants fought. McCain should have realized there wouldn't be so many refugees had he not demanded to invade and destroy countries from Afghanistan to Iraq to Syria and put upset things elsewhere. What a self-righteous hypocrite. 

    McCain is from Arizona where many of the illegals life and if he were to ever run again (he is trying to beat brain cancer) he would like those illegals and those refuges to be able to vote for him.And like you pointed out zydeco it is not his money he is spending.

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