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Posts posted by AsiaHand

  1. On ‎6‎/‎5‎/‎2561 at 6:11 PM, KKr said:

    whereas I do understand that people go out camping or to the beach in a naturist environment, (that is usually closed for the general public), this appropriately named "nudist" event has nothing in common with the former.
    however, as long as I do not have to go there, each to his own !

    " Next in store is a nudist clubbing night planned for later this year. "
    They tried that in Pattaya, but that was a different kind of clobbering

    Many years ago in Pattaya some of the clubs on soi Yamamoto and nearby sois in mid day had sings stating "for men only" while having fully nude shows and acts inside. You had to order two beers at 100 baht once inside.

  2. 9 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    Horrific is truly the correct word.


    I often hear (but don't see) racers on my island late at night on the weekend, and occasionally see the end results of racing as I go for a morning cycle; it is a terribly sad situation.


    Kids will be kids, but one certainly has to wonder where the hell the parents are; well-brought up kids don't do idiotic things like this.




    In Thailand there is an ole saying, "Parents don]t raise there kids, The kids raise their parents". Every day you see many examples of this.

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  3. 13 hours ago, dinsdale said:

    What a load of rubbish. As is your following post. How old are you? Let me guess 13 and drunk. This is also highly offensive.

    Offensive to whom ?dinsdale either you are very ignorant of history or have yet to go to a school or schools where history is taught.I am 80 years old and have spent more then 50 of the last 60 years in Asia.I am schooled in Far East studies as well as world history.With a BS and some graduate studies.Go to school young man or continue to just trod along the beaten path of others.

  4. 1 hour ago, toofarnorth said:

    In the 1890's the British thought about building a railway through Burma and Thailand if it had gone ahead thousands of coolies would have to be brought from India. The japs had thousands of POWs. and needed the railway in a hurry , the rest as they say is history.

    Yes.The history of the most ruthless Axxholes next to the Nazis to have been in modern times.The Brits actually started  it with PAID labor not SLAVERY and then the money needed to continue this was needed back home in England and was abandon in about the 1930s. 

  5. On 5/5/2018 at 3:51 AM, F4UCorsair said:

    Take control by stealth. They aren't called the 'religion of permanent' offence for nothing. Crimes against Jews may be higher, but reporting of crimes against muslims, possibly imagined crimes, is higher I'd guess.

    Freddie Royle, some of those things are already happening, halal food, which is really a religious tax on infidels, changing menus in school canteens, putting pressure on schools not to celebrate Christmas and Easter because they are offended, etc., and if WE resist, WE are racist and islamaphobic.

    Sent from my SM-G610F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Yes,I they want their way while trying to eliminating mine,they can either stay away or I will battle them in every way I can.

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  6. So would this be a Heritage in honor of England,Thailand,Japan,China Malaysia ,Indonesia,Holland Australia,America, or any other country involved in this worthless endeavor? By the time it was finished it was no longer needed as Malaysia was now in the Allies hands  pushing out the Japanese army. Oh by the way there are grave yards with other allies that were killed by the Japanese on the Malaysian side of this railway.So where would this "Heritage" site began and end ?

  7. Just now, cmrichsw said:

    It is very sad that this should even be a question. This person has caused more pain to others than any other president in history. Anyone that supports him I feel very sorry for in the future.

    So ,outside of just mouthing the words from a Hillary voter, what is the "more pain" that he caused.I really do not think that you have a lot if any knowledge of the past presidents.

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