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Posts posted by AsiaHand

  1. 21 minutes ago, nahkit said:

    So fourty years after he skipped bail the Academy finally got to hear about it.

    The 13 year old that had a 17 year old lover had many photos of her topless and in underwear that her mother had approved of.After the sex at Jack Nickelson's house hot tube she called her girlfriend to tell about her first butt fxcking.The conversation was overheard and the media got the story then .If he had not been buggering her and just had stright sex then the world would have never known..Report is via a playboy interview with Polanski.

  2. If some one can come up with an idea where as the Bib could make more money with it legalized then the fines for a bust it might be come a reality....How about if Thailand passes a law that only the government can grow it on government farms any and all varieties of it with government controlled shops selling it.? We get to smoke and they make a Hugh profit .

  3. On ‎2‎/‎5‎/‎2561 at 5:02 PM, strikingsunset said:

    i suggested taipei earlier - i don’t think there’s much difference in living costs overall these days- last year i was at a “Hash” in Taipei - all the girls: women looking for partners were called into the circle - 6 walked in !
    Another issue in Taipei is the average salary is quite low - so it is possible to live a “ local style “ life affordable - i love the place - totally safe.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    You are right, out side of rant and taxies the cost of living here has gone way up .There are many things at the grocery store and entertainment venues that cost more here then in America. Taipei and other places in Taiwan are very nice.

    • Like 2
  4. 17 minutes ago, topt said:

    Very surprised that the snake did not get to bite the dog whilst it was throwing the snake around by it's tail/body?

    I have seen a house cat kill a Rattle Snake ( that is ten times faster to strike then a cobra) in Texas. Against a aggressive dog vs a cobra,I will bet on the dog every time.

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  5. 1 hour ago, stevenl said:

    I also think they mean the 2,8 mio as a per person payment.

    One of the most stupid things that you could in Thailand is to put money into a condo that has yet to be built.That being said do you think that they will take any of my shares in The Brooklyn Bridge as down payment ?

    • Haha 1
  6. 4 hours ago, BEVUP said:

    I wonder why half these events are conducted by the Tourist Police,

    Its' been mentioned on here that they have no real authority 


    Why aren't the REAL police handling this since it's Fraud

    Probably because some of them have an intrest in these projects or there are the brown envelops being traded around


    • Sad 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Get Real said:

    Doesn´t look like that to me.

    And if they were living in such awful conditions and in powerty. Why didn´t the father staying and working in Thailand get the children with him during the custody hearings?

    Seems like many people, all form familt members to authorities have been ignorant once again, leading to a terrible accident.

    The part of the balcony that fell, was also something that people without knowledge built themself. Also hera it must be laws, that regulates this and devilers a severe penalty.


    Why do they have to write like this. The thai news already stated that she work night a an already specified hotel. Articles with information like this only creates assumption from people. Thinking that she worked in the sex business is very easy when stated like that. This woman and her separated husband have enough problems already, withhout the news giving information for others to speculate.

    The father is a teacher at one of the (so called international) schools paying a very low salary. which is probably why he has been trying for over three years to get custody and being denied..

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