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Fruit Trader

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About Fruit Trader

  • Birthday 05/19/1977

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    Si Racha

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  1. The recent Wiki article has detail about Taleb al Abdulmohsen past in the suspect paragraphs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Magdeburg_car_attack
  2. Family in Chanthaburi use high pressure spray pumps which is where I picked up the info. The oil you show should be fine for your pump.
  3. The 4T oil is for the 4 stroke engine. If the automatic transmission fluid is for the pump then it is incorrect. Use SAE40 pump oil. The piston lubrication cups require grease.
  4. If you provide the pump with enough direct solar panel power the pump should run but its a terrible method. Solar well pumps operate best when there is a power point tracking controller in between pump and panels. The video below might explain why you are having problems with your pump directly connected to a solar panel.
  5. Thailand has many written standards that are rarely followed. Example TIS 11-2553
  6. On that note, its would be a good idea for the OP to check all existing surge devices have the essential solid ground connection.
  7. Here is link to Thai 3M Filtrete website showing split air products. https://filtrete.3m.co.th/3M/th_TH/filtrete-th/products/air-conditioner-cleaning-filter
  8. Not my pump, best to aim concerns about pump size at @djayz
  9. Below is detail for generic Chinese solar pump controllers with 1500W highlighted. I would go on the high side of recommended solar power of ≥ 1.3*Pump power
  10. Insisting they install a ground wire was a wise move but its likely the surge that wiped out your AC was too large for its protection to capture. As mentioned by @Crossy, surge protection at the CU adds another layer capable of handling larger surge currents. Local isolation at each AC is another method to reduce risk. This allows two pole disconnection from the power line when AC is not in use for long periods.
  11. Lightning is a varying electric current and does exactly what we expect from varying electric currents, it produces EM waves. These waves can be detected many kilometres from the source. Inverter type air conditioners that are not correctly grounded will be more susceptible to damage from spikes on the supply line. Its quite common for Thai installers to not ground outdoor units which later gets picked up during warranty claims.
  12. Apparently, Tommy Robinson has become a best selling author. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Manifesto-Tommy-Robinsons
  13. For those living in and around Pattaya, a claim that yellow books are sometimes useless might carry a little weight. I agree with the usefulness of a yellow book but it must be quite disappointing for someone who went through the application process only to find their local DLT does not accept yellow books as proof of residence. I know of two fairly recent cases where the yellow book was not accepted when renewing a driving licence at Chon Buri DLT. Reason given by this office for rejecting yellow books is that people move address without updating the yellow book whereas in most cases immigration carries up to date address information. For those who wish to question this, a call to the Pattaya Chon Buri office will provide the latest ruling on yellow books and pink cards.
  14. For an official Jinko panel distributer where you can pay then collect and inspect the goods :- JTN ENERGY CO LTD

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