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Fruit Trader

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About Fruit Trader

  • Birthday 05/19/1977

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    Si Racha

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  1. ECU repairs are often successful even more so when there is little or no PCB damage. The same applies to many modules sitting on automotive bus. A simple $1 driver component could easily restore a faulty ECU to a level where it outlives the rest of the vehicle.
  2. Without dealer intervention, the easiest way to clone a dead ECU to donor ECU with identical part number is to move the memory chip which contains all unique data along with the all important immobiliser code. Do some research because ECU inspection and repair is available in Thailand even for rare modules. ECU's often fail around inexpensive driver components that interface the processor with the outside world so its worth paying for an inspection before seeking a replacement. One should also consider the repair shop has diagnosed the fault correctly and not fallen into some faulty ECU trap created by another module or external fault.
  3. I was surprised you did not use a fixing system from the start. Our work shed roof strings. 120mm brackets fixed to the low flat areas of the roof sheets. Compared to 80mm brackets we found the 120mm provide better air flow and access to connectors. Thick rubber gaskets and strengthening plates behind provide good reliable water seal.
  4. Chilled food processing environments often suffer excessive icing of cooling evaporators if not turned off during end of production wash down which is often done with steaming hot water. Its an extreme example yes, but demonstrates what can happen when conditions exceed normal. Modern inverter AC's monitor the evaporator coil temperature and will reduce output based on load, length of time running and fan speed. The anti icing parameters set in software would likely not handle unusual situations where room humidity is being held high. AC's equipped with humidity sensing can better avoid coil icing. If refrigerant levels are correct, filters clean, coil fins clear, fan clean and operating correctly, it is still possible for the evaporator to ice over if environmental conditions are outside those what the AC was designed to work with.
  5. New info for me also until the AI master heard me ask about PEA generators.
  6. Quite sure the wiping after use will keep black a fitting clean but unfortunately that's not everyone routine especially in a shower cubicle. Its not difficult to find people who are finding the fashionable and delicate black coatings difficult to keep clean.
  7. I guess that's a valid argument as many manufacturer's of black faucets suggest not using any type of chemical cleaner. Bit of a joke when you consider the environment these cool black fashionable fittings have to endure. Quality stainless steel fittings is one sure way to avoid corrosion issues. There a VRH brand fittings in our place that are 15+ years old and look like new.
  8. https://www.facebook.com/RepairmanAe
  9. AI says its Yaris Ativ rear trim moulding. Aftermarket 'go faster' carbon fibre version available. OEM part numbers if you would like one for the collection.
  10. If the number provided is correct, the faucet is a 1/2 inch cold feed only. Its possible the installer has used a mild steel washer below the faucet base. A washer is often added when fitting single 1/2 inch faucets into a hole big enough to fit a dual feed hot/cold faucet.
  11. Apparantly Mrs Prasong Vinitchai was asking the same question.
  12. Both TCL and Hisense brand portable AC's have external vents and provision for external condensate drain line. Hisense model AP-08CR TCL model CPA/SL2
  13. I was more interested in the constant current because the inrush current which might well reach 100 amps on some guns will only last for a few milliseconds.
  14. I am no airsoft expert but would make a guess that your 3 cell 18650 pack will be handling short pulses of approx. 10-15 amps. Inline 18650 pack cells are joined using short strips folded after welding. The highest resistance would be the nickel strip returning to the connector. Remember that strips can be doubled up to increase capacity so a high capacity welder is not always necessary. I have a Fnirsi SWM10 (.25) which has been a decent tool and used to build several power tool packs without any issues. They can be found on most platforms cheaper than at the Fnirsi website. Doubles as power bank when not welding. https://www.fnirsi.com/products/swm-10 Cells, I have use NCR18650B for most projects.
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