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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Accept that these things happen and don't worry about it? 950,000 baht is a huge amount to a Thai. The problem is that you can't prove something that you didn't do.
  2. Unacceptable is the word. My Mrs says she's moved her money from her SCB to her Bangkok Bank account. I say withdraw it and keep it under the mattress!
  3. I posted as a warning to others and because I feel sorry for the guy who is engaged to a nurse at our local hospital and daughter of a friend of my Mrs. As Cambodia is outside RTP's jurisdiction I assume that is the reason. My experience albeit with UK banks is that the onus is on the customer to prove that they didn't make the transfer. Going to a solicitor would result in a huge bill with no guarantee of success.
  4. Thai policeman friend has lost his wedding savings of 950,000 baht. Money transferred from his <bank name redacted - please PM poster> Bank account to a bank account in Cambodia. Thai police unable to proceed. <bank name redacted - please PM poster> Bank say nothing can be done.
  5. Personally, I've never been grilled by an IO. They obviously know Visa Agents exist and what they do. Wanting to change your method of obtaining future extensions seems a perfectly reasonable thing to do.
  6. In my experience my IO appeared to know I'd used a Visa Agent previously but was more than happy to deal with me 'direct' in future. That's what I've done since.
  7. The IO noticed 'Chonburi' stamped into my passport and that equalled Visa Agent to them.
  8. Visa Exempt Entries and Tourist Visa's are still of some use. Then there's always Angeles City!
  9. Can't see any ordinary people suffering here. IO's concerned will be redeployed and offices reorganised at most.
  10. Excellent resolution! You would expect Kerry to say that they only deliver the parcels, in this case you accepted and paid for it and must sort it out with Shopee.
  11. Most reassuring that our NHS is working as it should! They do like sending SMS. Please let us know how you go on.
  12. I message them through my TrueiService mobile app ('Get Support'). No problem.
  13. Search on Facebook (TrueMove H). Send message, they reply in English.
  14. Either. Lots of info here; http://www.dtac.co.th/en/prepaid/services/roaming/preparation.html
  15. A few years ago it hit 50C in Asuncion, Paraguay. Fortunately, I was living two hours away. At the same time, in the Chaco, 60C was reported. Never been to the Chaco and neither do I want to!
  16. Thai bought 'phones work in UK (as least mine do and they're not expensive/new ones). Enable roaming before you go. Remember to turn off mobile data. Should automatically connect to a compatible network as soon as you land in UK. Your SMS OTP's will be received without charge.
  17. Not being an electrical engineer myself I don't fully understand. Are you referring to the situation in Australia where the supply becomes unstable due to the number of 'micro power stations' feeding into the National Grid affecting the flywheel effect of their power stations?
  18. That would depend upon the number of yes answers and the weighting applied to each one. A fixed penalty traffic ticket if unpaid can result in arrest and even a prison sentence. Essentially for the same 'offence'.
  19. Totally unsatisfactory situation. You are worrying about having gone 'green'. PEA/MEA need to think more clearly. Reversing your meter thus producing a credit balance upon your electricity account is their nightmare. The solution would be that all excess juice produced by your panels gets fed into the National Grid and you, quite rightly, receive Feed In Tariff for it.
  20. I thought that! Surely they should only be concerned about arrestable offences? They mention disqualification too?
  21. Far, far too broad. Some of us could answer yes to all (except anti-social behaviour).
  22. 18 months custodial for possession? Seems extremely harsh unless the quantity involved was deemed excessive for personal use only. That could be an arguing point. Unfortunately, we're talking about UK. In some Countries possession isn't a criminal offence. For touristic application go with BritManToo's advice. Disclosure at this stage will guarantee refusal. If it comes to the crunch a Visa Agent/Fixer will be the way to go.
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