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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. My 76 year old Thai mother-in-law suffered a head injury last year. A/E doctor at local Community Hospital said ‘it’s not good’. Ambulance transferred to specialist hospital. After a scan they said ‘nothing can be done’. Ambulance crew insisted we get a second opinion and drove to the nearby Regional Hospital who said the same. Whilst that may have been true, it could have been for lack of return on investment reasons (we won’t pay for brain surgery on a 76 year old).
  2. Can confirm DHL is fast and reliable. Sent Friday afternoon and arrived early Monday morning. On-line tracker provides detailed progress information. Couldn't be better.
  3. According to previous posts by well informed contributors, not at all if you provide DWP with a UK address. When I claimed my State Pension last year a lady at DWP stressed that a UK telephone number is important. Read into that what you wish.
  4. Number one's and number two's. We keep a heap of sand in the garden and cover the deposits. Using a hose on the concrete soi just spreads it. Our soi is a quiet cul-de-sac and the other neighbours let their dogs loose continuously. You can imagine the mess!
  5. Have to hope that continues until it passes away. Talking of excrement, neighbours directly opposite us don't have animals but all the family do their business outside my house. See them doing it on CCTV. Can only think they are reducing their water bill and frequency they have to pay for the 'poo pumper' tanker?
  6. All very good now on laptop running Windows 7.
  7. In case anyone's still interested! My local Community Hospital couldn't give any indication of when they will have stocks, so today as passing KK Regional Hospital decided to ask. After making a 'phone call to check they are allowed to give it to foreigner's, I received free Pfizer. No other brand was offered.
  8. Mrs has a Buddhist religious shop (candles, joss sticks & the rest). We have customers/friends who work at the local community hospital. We get tipped off when someone dies so we can go and pay our respects before the undertakers arrive. Sometimes we attend three funerals per WEEK. Mrs always gives a generous donation in the envelope.
  9. I thought they were all inscrutable? Or is that something to do with gambling?
  10. Was this an 'open air' cremation? A friend of my Mrs had this. I don't know why.
  11. Very sorry to hear this and about your condition. Doctors everywhere admit that cancer is incredibly difficult to diagnose. Tumours are not always visible on CT & MRI scans. Blood tests are the most reliable indicator but even they can return normal results until just a few weeks before death.
  12. Thanks for this. I can imagine this scenario may occur frequently! Can't blame them when customers are so 'forgetful' when applying for the policy.
  13. Absolutely. I also frequently 'weed' the photos I wish to keep and upload them manually to another cloud service. Having done that I then clear the 'camera uploads' folder and the photo gallery folder on my 'phone. The OP mentioned that he has lots of Gigs of files on his 'phone. I suspect the issue is retaining files instead of uploading to cloud then deleting from 'phone.
  14. Personally, I wouldn't stress over it. We buy second hand 'phones from a friend who has a mobile 'phone shop on our local High Street. Transferring data and settings from old to 'new' mobile is part of his service. We've also purchased a few second hand laptops from him even though he isn't a computer shop. Any issues with hardware, software or configuration he sorts out for us. I suspect that your 'phone is now full. All you need to do is a 'factory reset' which will return it to original settings and applications. However, doing so will wipe all your data, photos, videos and documents. It is essential that these be saved to a cloud service BEFORE you perform the factory reset. Alternatively, you can connect your mobile to a computer and copy the contents from 'phone to computer and then back again afterwards. As previously mentioned, if you have a regular and friendly 'phone shop they will be able to help you with this. Better to spend a little cash with them than lose your irreplaceable photographs etc.
  15. According to my Mrs the problem with our Government Community Hospitals is lack of specialised doctors. A/E department is likely to be staffed by GP's. In your case, although they may have been capable of stitching your hand, perhaps they thought Kohn Kaen Provincial Hospital or one of the private hospitals would be better equipped and have specialised surgeons available?
  16. Very useful tips thank you. We have HiKVision at home and in the Mrs's shop. Hard wired at home and WiFi in her shop. At home rats chew the cables in the loft causing both intermittent and complete failures. It didn't take long before one of the cameras at her shop failed. The installer/maintainer guy is very difficult to get hold of. The hard drive recorder is located under the TV in our lounge. Hardly secure. We don't have complete coverage either. Definitely room for improvement!
  17. That's the sad truth. Sorry about your loss. Most annoying. Did the police ask you for any money before they would commence inquiries?
  18. Very true. I would also be concerned about the infrastructure. In Thailand, even amongst the rice paddies, we enjoy water and electricity 'upon demand'. We don't experience 'brown-out's' either. Internet is absolutely excellent too.
  19. I was referring to the pension provider. They owe you and are insisting upon you maintaining a UK bank account otherwise they won't pay out. Poor standard of service.
  20. They are certainly failing to provide what many would regard as a reasonable standard of service. Other pension funds offer conversion of currencies and agree to make transfers to foreign banks.
  21. That HAS to be discrimination. The Trustees need a good reporting! If you no longer have ties with UK what are you supposed to do?
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