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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Most Thai bought 'phones are dual SIM. It's no hardship to keep your Thai SIM in one slot, thus ensuring it's always with you. Recently, a contributor was in the nightmare situation of being outside Thailand and needing to change his mobile number with his Thai bank. Unfortunately, you can only do this in person, at your bank in Thailand!
  2. Nothing to worry about. Despite popular opinion, using an agent does not commit you to use their (or any other agents service in future).
  3. The True customer advice centre advised me that 'international roaming' needs to be activated. They did this for me whilst I was still connected to their chat. SMS is definitely free to receive!
  4. Good tip, thanks. With Bangkok Bank you can deactivate SMS OTP's if you wish; How can I hold or block the SMS Authentication Service? 1) Log on to Bualuang iBanking. Go to "My Settings" menu and click the "Deactivate SMS OTP Service" sub-menu.
  5. True, the time to deprive him of his passport was at first court appearance (magistrates' court). He then went on court bail. As I understand to extradite someone there has to be; 1) Extradition agreement between the Countries concerned 2) Already convicted (or concrete case) 3) Only for the most serious offences e.g. murder.
  6. Raises many issues. Are they causing a public health risk? If so, can I consult the Tessaban? Their house is a disgrace, absolutely the worst in the soi. Bricks, lumps of concrete, oil drums, heaps of soil and piles of scrap metal and rotten wood 'stored' in front of their house taking up half the width of the road.
  7. Following arrest and questioning you are given police bail to return to the police station on a particular date pending their decision whether to; 1) Take no further action 2) Issue a police caution 3) Charge you with an offence. Sometimes you can return upon that date to be told that they need more time and you are again bailed to another future date. Whilst on police bail they are not permitted to restrict travel.
  8. If they consider there is a risk of the suspect fleeing the Country they (CPS) can ask the Magistrates' Court to make an order.
  9. No problem Bill. In case you've not got there yet, this is where you need to go for True pre-pay; https://iservice.true.th/?_gl=1*qcgyk5*_ga*Nzc0OTQxODI3LjE2Nzc2NDU3ODQ.*_ga_KB786LL39X*MTY3NzY0NTc4NC4xLjEuMTY3NzY0NTc5Mi41Mi4wLjA.
  10. Yes, you are correct, Thailand uses UK numerical dates, not US. Just checked my True 'account' mine says; Valid until 29 Mar 2023 (28 days) so no possibility of confusion.
  11. I have True Tourist pre-paid SIM, True post-paid (came with fibre internet package), AIS (came with a secondhand 'phone) and my Mrs has DTAC. All have easy to set up and use 'accounts'. You key in your 'phone number and they send an OTP (one time passcode) to that number. Alternatively, you can use your email address and set up a password. You can view your balance and, most importantly, the expiry (inactive) date of your number. This is usually one month from each top-up. For True it's only 3 baht to extend for another month if you didn't want to top-up. You can do this several times so you don't have to worry about it each month. Use any debit/credit card to top-up. You can message the 'phone company through your account (in English) if need be.
  12. Great advice. I do the same. Remember to turn off mobile data otherwise you will waste your credit. Additional top up method is from your mobile 'phone 'account', minimum amount 10 baht for AIS.
  13. There are a few (not many) Countries that have reciprocal agreements with UK. Some of those give you the same treatment as a local would receive in that Country. Others provide emergency treatment only.
  14. That is interesting, many thanks. Gives cause to ponder! Moto accident claim can be rejected if not wearing helmet even though no head injuries suffered and, obviously, lack of helmet didn't cause the accident. I suppose the main factor would be the amount of alcohol but if the railing was extremely low and/or insecure?
  15. Never seen a Thai bullfight myself. Spanish/Portuguese/Mexican/Colombian I have. It is regarded of course as an art form rather than a sport. Comedy bullfights can be most entertaining. It is important to understand that it is traditional and, as a guest in another Country, you have to appreciate the historical and cultural differences.
  16. Checked today on UK NHS website. Available to all over 50 years.
  17. Happy Birthday! Many thanks for your vast knowledge, experience and dedication to helping people.
  18. Correct, people have been convicted purely on circumstantial evidence. Unless some other facts (or actual evidence) comes to light it seems highly unlikely that the CPS would deem there was a 'realistic prospect of conviction'?
  19. That's what he has done. Sensible maybe but, if innocent, does he not want to find out what happened?
  20. Absoutely correct! Police are employed to find reasons to prosecute people. They have methods of tripping you up during questioning. They 'strengthen' evidence. They did it to me.
  21. Wouldn't speak to British police because 'didn't feel well and had personal issues'. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-64755447
  22. Have to appreciate many of us remember (and suffered) from dogs and their owners in our home Countries. Not too long ago nobody 'picked up' after their dogs. Our pavements were carpeted in the vile stuff. Owners kicked their dogs out during the day so they formed 'wolf packs' running into roads, causing crashes and sometimes attacking people. I personally have suffered financial loss due to a RTA caused by loose dogs. I have also, as a child, been bitten by a 'wolf pack'. Most unnerving experience. There are still owners who walk their dogs ignoring signs such as; 'School Playing Fields - No Dogs' and 'Drinking Water Reservoir - Do Not Enter Enclosure'. I have witnessed both near where I lived in UK.
  23. My occupational pension provider in UK performed a 'five yearly review' (as they termed it) by sending an email with a secure reply facility requesting; 1) Photo of data page of passport 2) 'Selfie photo'. I thought that was quite ingenious and totally painless!
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