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Posts posted by androokery

  1. 3 minutes ago, Gottfrid said:

    Sure! Or it might just be that it´s a ridiculous poll. Sometimes members here are just too nosey, as well as getting down to such low levels to amuse themselves. It´s really sad, that so many have such boring life.

    And the way the question is phrased, unless they met in a bar at some point (or the wife was extremely young), how would the husband actually know what his wife did before?

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  2. So the thing about the wife having been a bar girl, is that she offered sex for money? And this can be circumvented by marrying someone with a degree? Strange. 


    Many students need extra money, so they work sideline from time to time. I've met several of them. Should they be categorised as "bar girls" here too, because it's the "sex-for-money" aspect that's important? 


    In my opinion the lowest of the low are people who look down on sex workers. Pathetic hypocrites the lot of them.

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  3. 6 hours ago, NativeBob said:

    I think the revenue from tourism is greatly overestimated. Guides, rent shops, beer bars and bar girls, travel agencies - they all pay almost no taxes. I used to work with few = one launder payments through her German personal account (don't ask how), others deal with cash and middle men. Hotels? Same scheme: hotel (resort, whatever) run by banana company registered at some rice field far North for few years, later switched to another service/managing company while money flow through their accounts. Even that W* resort with villas and private pools at Samui, not to mention A* hotel at Phayathai Rd. Bangkok that sorry building with proud name of Grand Ay**** at Ratchada. 


    I wouldn't call "grey money" or even "black cash" legit revenue of the country.  


    I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "revenue". I think you're right in saying that a lot of the money generated by foreign tourism doesn't get taxed, at least not directly. Most of the people engaging directly with tourists are probably part of the "black economy", with informal businesses paying no taxes whatsoever. And the bigger businesses probably manage their revenues in a way that minimises taxes. 

    But the country as a whole - not the government - gets more money into the system. Money that a tourist spends on beer, tourist guide, motorbike rental, lady drink etc (not on accommodation necessarily) gets spent somewhere by someone. Part of that money often gets taxed somewhere along the line. But even when it doesn't get taxed, it helps grease the economy on the smallest of scales and in large enough numbers it will help the entire society. There's really no such thing as "trickle down economics" from billionaires and large corporations but there definitely seems to be a "trickle back to home economy" in play between holiday resorts and Issan villages and small towns. 


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  4. 3 hours ago, riclag said:

    from politifact of all places.

    Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy, said that such authority gives the president the authority to "classify and declassify at will."


    Is this a machine? It's clear to EVERYONE that this notion of retroactive declassification is just a tactic employed after the fact. And AS SUCH - would you be comfortable with the outcome if this tactic succeeded? Even though you have NO IDEA what the documents that would then be declassified contain? That is the question.

  5. 3 hours ago, BostonJoe said:

    You crassed into her lane  it sucks how it happened but you're the one making a turn across oncoming traffic   Look at the upside of this you didn't get hurt 

    It wasn't me???? I wasn't there. But I highly doubt the lady was in a lane. Motorbikes seem to be exempt from regular traffic laws here. 

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  6. In places like Pattaya and Bangkok, where there's more than one "entertainment zone" it makes sense to extend the opening hours during the night, when the temperature is more suited to walk around and try out different establishments. And young men, with more energy, can get more than one ST deal done per night. I'm sure it will raise the GDP.

  7. There's something endearing about this whole chain of events. First, when the pandemic struck and all the tourist activities shut down, foreign tourism wasn't really that important to the Thai economy. Now it seems it's the only game in town, so to speak. And the ludicrous idea of charging more for the same product is rightly being ridiculed. And suddenly there's a stark, realistic tone in what the ministry of tourism is saying. Foreign tourism is driven by the nightlife and the entertainment industry. A large part of that industry is intimately connected with the sex industry, or any of its closely associated gray areas. One way to tap that income source would be to extend the opening hours. Another obvious action by a ministry would be to make sure the resources are available to keep the industry going. So they should run campaigns in the villages and smaller towns of Thailand, encouraging teenage girls to get pregnant. They could employ young Thai men, supply them with fancy cars and send them out to impregnate as many small town teenagers as possible. The government could even set up schools to make sure that the staff is reasonably trained before they travel to entertainment hotspots such as Phuket, Bangkok, Koh Samui and the EEC including Pattaya. Honesty and transparency is the way forward????

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  8. 3 minutes ago, proton said:

    Got one, they are directional and only work close up, also while they have some effect it tends to wear off and even makes some dogs bark more. Ultrasonics don't affect adults, as far as I know.

    I've always felt that getting a dog is a very selfish decision. There will always be an impact on people around you, in one way or another. And getting more than one dog is even more selfish, while having more than five is clearly antisocial behaviour, bordering on sociopathic. That's one of the reasons it's very difficult to deal with these people. They also tend to believe they are animal lovers for having dogs, when all they're actually doing is subjugating individuals for fun or for company. And the added benefit of driving their neighbours crazy, as is the case in your example with the 30 dogs. Clearly the only option is to move. Unless you want to start a war. With a sociopath. 

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  9. 31 minutes ago, proton said:

    No! No! No! Sister in law lives on a nice Sansiri estate, no real garden area the usual strip of land at the side and rear. Recently a man moved in nearby with over 30 dogs, never heard anything like it, just a wall of sound and not a nice one. He claimed it was his right to have as many as he wanted. Seems nobody could do anything about it despite many residents complaints. TIT. 

    Please let there be ultrasonic devices powerful enough to drive these dogs mental. And their owners away. 

  10. 16 hours ago, billsmart said:

    IMO, humans are much nastier and slier than any dog.

    And the article you posted was about a dog attack in the USA by the owner's dog, not a soi dog in Thailand.

    How about this image for a sample of human's killing innocent animals? See the source image

    Not really on topic but take a minute to examine your own bias here. When a dog attacks a child the dog is innocent and the child or some other humans most likely caused the incident. When a rhino is killed, where you only have a photo of the dead animal and some proud hunters, you automatically assume the rhino is "innocent". 

    You seem to enjoy philosophy so why not take a moment and get to grips with what you're doing wrong. 

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  11. 12 hours ago, kwilco said:

    You don't seem to be able to read mark, lean and inwardly digest.

    The last cull in BK ended in failure for precisely the reasons you have mooted.

    I know it's difficult to come to terms with the evidence when it makes you look foolish - it's called cognitive dissonance, but your replies are just making it  look as if you are incapable of understanding anything.

    Who's having issues with their reading skills now? Internalise what would happen if dead dogs generated a monetary reward. There would be an incentive for many people to round up dogs. There would also be less incentive for irresponsible dog owners to leave their pets in the streets. 50 baht is probably enough for the first example but probably not enough for the second one. 

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