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Posts posted by androokery

  1. 4 hours ago, wadman said:

    For goods and services that are subsidized by taxes (public funds), it's logical and reasonable that Thais should pay less.  Foreigners (unless they are paying tax) should pay a higher price.  I don't see a problem with that.


    For goods and services that are NOT publicly subsidized it should be the same price. 

    Everyone pays tax. What are you talking about? I guess you specifically mean income tax. Is that even something all Thais pay?

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

    India caused a ingredients supply problem when Delta went mad, and apart from that, I would have a stab at it, maybe feuding between high so, and Chinese vaccine suppliers?? anyone got any other ideas?? 


    Maybe it doesn't matter that the factory is in Thailand. The Thai government can't or daren't dictate to Astra Zeneca (or the local partner) where Astra Zeneca should deliver their products. AZ may have promised the first 100 million doses to other countries. 

  3. 2 hours ago, monty1412 said:

    serious ?? was that the actual number 6000... ??? I asking seriously as Ive not seen the number but it would be another feather in the cap to TAT's forecasting ability ( or lack thereof) 

    No. Not 6000. That's a number picked out of the air. It's all a question of counting visitors vs "real tourists". The number of the latter can be 4996. Or 25004. We don't know. But TAT was way off the actual number even if they included all types of incoming people. Maybe by 300 percent. 

  4. 18 hours ago, alyx said:

    As much as I hate this "insurance" thing, it does make sense as a few of us have put some burden on the health system (not only in Thailand). What bothers me is that they insist on having "their" recognised insurance and will not take in account that the majority of the travellers already hold an insurance forcing them to buy into a new one

    It makes a lot of sense from a logistics perspective. How are the immigration officials supposed to keep track of the individual rules of thousands of different insurance policies? Do we really want to wait in line while they read the small print of all the conditions for each and every traveller?

  5. 23 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

    If 50 % have had 2 jabs, and there are only 20,000 left to receive the second, then the total number for inclusion in the vaccinations was a paltry 40,000 people.

     Thai math, or BS trying to baffle brains ?

    If the population is 1 million:

    50% double-jabbed is 500,000 people 

    Another 20,000 have only had one shot and 480,000 have had zero shots. 



  6. This Hungarian overstaying widow is brought up again. I know nothing about her apart from what I've stated in the first sentence here. The response to her problems on this forum and in the OP has been extremely prejudiced. Is there any special reason why everyone on here rush to her defence? She could be the most despicable morally corrupt POS person you ever could meet. Or the opposite. We don't know. I'm leaning towards "she needs a solid excuse for that long of an overstay". What were she and her husband up to all those years?

  7. I think this whole scheme or plan by the Thai government is the epitome of the financial model that Thailand is famous for - and for which we sometimes deride them. The idea that if there are fewer customers, whatever they are selling will become more expensive. The same applies here. If there are fewer foreigners spending money, each foreigner has to spend more.  

    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    I believe you are mistaken,  Thailand is broadly divided into two tribal/feudal groups.

    Central Thai speakers that support whatever the Bangkok generals tell them (45%).

    Lao Thai speakers that support whatever the Thaksin family tell them (65%).


    There is no democracy in Thailand, and likely never will be.

    Because all free elections will be won by the Lao speaking majority, and the generals based in Bangkok will never allow the Lao majority (whom  they look down on and despise as inferior) to be in control.


    The public will never be swayed, they will always support their tribal leaders. This conflict is more or a tribal Hutu/Tutsie Rwandan style conflict, than anything comparable to the west.





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    • Confused 1
  9. 20 hours ago, RobMuir said:


    Yes I have noticed that. 


    Why do you think it is that farangs marry more prostitues than office or factory workers etc.


    Inexperienced with women? Low self esteem? Alcoholics? Nerves?


    So many single and beautiful good women in Thailand I can't understand why they would actually pay for such an inferior product when you can get a much superior product free which is easily available.


    This is an amusing argument. I suspect the "superior product" is only free if you never go through with the marriage part and just enjoy premarital services and then bail. It's highly likely that office and factory workers see marriage to a farang man as a way to be supported long term. Unless you both contribute equally financially it's quite easy to make the argument that the man is still paying for the service. And that the wife's mindset is very much the same regarding the relationship whether she comes from the bar scene of from a factory.


    And furthermore... What's to say the office worker hasn't been playing sideline since she developed a figure? What's to say the factory worker didn't recently tire of servicing 8-10 men per day in some brothel and decided a factory job was a lot better?


    When you meet, you know as little about them as they know about you. 

    • Like 2
  10. 13 minutes ago, Boomer6969 said:

    I voted 1, but only because my preferred option ins't available. I believe that, after a sensible deadline, access to services (government, bank, ATM, 7/11, markets) should be denied to unvaccinated people. Under Thailand's current plans  this should probably be announced, right now, as of November 1. 


    So people are given a choice, but would have to send their gardener to get cash from the ATM if they chose to stay unprotected.

    How can they be allowed to have a gardener move around in society when they're unvaccinated?

    • Haha 1
  11. I don't intend to pour sunshine on someone's rainy parade or negative expectations on who will or won't visit Thailand in the near future. But I have some insight into the bookings of packaged holidays in the Nordic countries. They're planning to resume flights into Phuket from October this year and they're almost fully booked. These travellers spend most of their time at or near their resorts so they would probably be fine with the sandbox model and its limitations. They may cancel but right now it looks like they're pretty optimistic. 

    • Like 2
  12. On 4/23/2021 at 12:47 AM, impulse said:


    I spent hours last weekend playing fetch the ball with my nephew's pit bull.  That dog doesn't have a mean bone in his body.   The dog has never shown any aggression, even when the kids offer him a treat then pull it away.


    But I sure wouldn't want to be a burglar trying to hurt his wife or small kids...  50% the dog would lick him.  50% he'd take out big chunks of flesh.


    Pit bulls are bred to have the equipment to tear someone up.  But the aggression has to be trained.  Or not.


    Oh, and I own about 10 guns.  Never have I pointed one at a human being.  Nor at animals since my 20's when I gave up hunting.  But I still enjoy target shooting when there's not a "Dem in the Whitehouse" ammo shortage.  And I wouldn't want to be a burglar breaking in while I'm home, either.


    I think you just proved my point. 

  13. When quarantine ends, go outside, buy champagne, bring back, drink. 

    I think your example is more about drowning sorrows DURING quarantine. And while it may seem cruel to withhold alcohol from modest drinkers, the impact of drunken idiots is so difficult to deal with, I guess it makes sense to have these clear rules. Or the hotels would need to employ bouncers/gorillas/security staff 24/7.

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  14. 56 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

    Oh, so you've flown on the Dubai/Gulf States to Bangkok legs as well then?

    I have, both Emirates and Qatar, but I don’t remember sitting next to someone very old, very sick or very fat. The last one I would have remembered. Please, obese people: if you fly economy, buy two tickets. Or there WILL be a scene if you’re seated next to me. 

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