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Posts posted by androokery

  1. 19 minutes ago, billsmart said:

    My references to "mothers, fathers, etc." in my previous post wasn't about my relatives. They were about the relatives of the dogs that you are suggesting ought to be killed. I was speaking about them. Of course, you don't seem to consider anyone else's feelings except yours. 

    I have never heard of anyone getting their "face chewed off" by soi dogs in Thailand. I have heard of people getting their "face chewed off" by dogs, but they were either already dead when that happened or an attack by their own or their neighbor's (or neighbour's ????) dogs. I have heard stories about soi dogs attacking kids or acting aggressive towards people walking down the soi, but, of course, we never hear the full story and if there was any provocation or history of provocations by the humans involved. My point here is if some humans go out into the soi and chase and beat or kill dogs, that would, IMO, increase the likelihood of these kind of interactions.

    My point is, killing ALL the dogs in an area even if one person was attacked by one or two is not an acceptable suggestion to me. I find it abhorrent. 


    I find it abhorrent that you suggest the victims of these horrific dog attacks, many of whom as you point out are kids, somehow have themselves to blame. 

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  2. 9 minutes ago, kwilco said:


    Sterilised dogs can't reproduce and vaccinated can't spread diseases like rabies.

    You have totally got the wrong end of the stick!!!

    CNVR is the ONLY way to tackle the dog problem.

    Despite the SDF 's efforts people keep feeding dogs and local authorities leave garbage uncollected...this feeds the dogs and allows them to breed.

    SDF targets certain areas....take a look at Phuket compared to other areas of Thailand..

    Bangkok has a huge problem and SDF almost alone are addressing it.


    Are you saying killing the dogs isn't a way to tackle the problem because it wouldn't have the desired effect? In that case I think you are wrong. But maybe you're saying it's not realistic to expect Thai society to choose that option? Or that it would be morally wrong somehow?

    • Like 1
  3. 22 minutes ago, billsmart said:

    I've never heard of anyone being injured like that. Have you, or is that just a convenient rumor or fear you have? If you call "getting your face chewed off" a "catastrophe," what would you call your mother, father, brother, sister, or friends being poisoned or rounded up and given a fatal injection? I'd call that a massacre. ????

    How do you share a gene pool with dogs? Are you counting your lineage back to a common ancestor in the Jurassic era?

    And how can you NOT have heard about people being attacked by dogs and suffering horrible injuries, such as multiple bites to the face? Are you being intentionally obtuse?

  4. 2 minutes ago, billsmart said:

    Yes, we disagree completely on this subject. Killing dogs just because you consider them a nuisance is not acceptable at all to me.

    Calling them a "nuisance" is understating the issue quite dramatically. They can and do cause more than a "nuisance". Having your face chewed off might be a "nuisance" to you but it would be catastrophic for me. I.e. if my face was chewed off. If it was yours I'm now leaning towards a totally different position. One that is closer to thinking it sounds annoying.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, LaosLover said:

    Many entertaining posts later, I'm still not getting the plan. Hit some sprawling, hard to get around Issan town, have some ThaiFriendly's lined up and then pray she's attracted? And then if you stiff in Buriram, you get on the bus and do it all again?


    I only moved here 8 days ago, and I already have some interest from my very sweet hotel owner. She's driving me around town, inviting me out to eat with the kid, and even knocked on my door to chat. But why? My C- looks and great wealth (I did pack along 4 pairs of pants)?


    No. I'm a cheery person, I was nice to her kid and gave her a rollerball pen, I'm good company, but more to the point, I had many chances for many interactions with this nice person (I'm  very happily married, BTW, she knows it). Over a week, we've shared a bit of ourselves. And as a hotel owner in tourist district, there is no language barrier.


    If I just approached her at 7/11 cold, no little chit chats over somtum. If I were single and wanted to get involved -who knows? But there's a teaspoon of mutual attraction and respect -so very, very lovely for only $15 a night (the room, I'm talking about the room).


    I probably have the least experience in Thai GF-stuff of anyone here. But if I was looking, I'd dig in one place and just be the overall nicest, most laid back, unconcerned with romance or sex guy in the world. See what comes to me and get a taste of Issan-wherever. Take a private language class, maybe hire a guide to show me around a bit.


    Just be into who's ever in front of me, whoever they are. I don't see how the 7 Issan towns in 3 weeks plan I heard last here gets you anything but exhausted.


    Sounds like a good plan, when you have the time.


    I find that "lining up ThaiFriendlies" is not a strategy that works very well with the Isaan girls' fluid concept of time and dates. I find that quite often they will "forget" a date and then send you a message just as you left town about wanting to meet. 

    • Like 2
  6. 18 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    For my personal taste Buriram is definitely the best source.

    I guess 80% of the girl who I like and talk to and ask where they come from tell me: Buriram.

    Small, brown, petite, lovely.

    I have the same experience - but they're not actually in Buriram when they tell me where they're from... so maybe the prettiest girls who are still actually in Isaan are in another province? They seem to be in whatever city I'm visiting though. 

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  7. 4 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

    After two lean years with no business  all tourists  should be prepared to pay a little more to support small businesses

    I'm guessing this is written slightly tongue-in-cheek? (Is it keyboard-in-cheek then?)
    If the prices were a little bit on the high side before (yes, they were, often exorbitantly so), maybe the last two years could have brought some catharsis to the businesses in Phuket, maybe some weeding out of the less serious business operators would have occurred? And the price level should actually have been adjusted downwards to reflect the need for new and repeat customers. I know we always joke about how Thai businesses put prices up when profits go down. And it is very much not a joke in Phuket - or in other parts of Thailand. It's a reality. And I don't think it can go on. They're pricing themselves right out of existence. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, TheFishman1 said:

    i’ve had several Rottweilers got them as pubs raise them and train them they were the best dogs I’ve ever had they would never just attacked a child a matter of fact our friends had little kids  The dog would sit by them and play with them and have a stranger came up to the child and the Rottweiler was there he would not attack the stranger right away but he would protect the child that’s their instinct I blame the owner of the dogs Rottweilers always get a bad rap I have many breeds of dogs and the Rottweiler by far was the best they’re loyal they’re calm and yes they’re good protection if somebody tries to break into your house but still they would just not attack for no reason


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