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Posts posted by androokery

  1. I would love to see some real data on this, or even a realistic simulation: is it actually more profitable to hang around Sukhumvit all day and deny fares or is it better to take any fare, even if it’s across the river to an estate where it is “unlikely” they’ll get a return fare? The drivers around Sukhumvit all hope for the “big one”, the stupid rookie foreigner or a western family in town for the first time wanting to “see the sights”. These customers still exist, but with Grab and the Internet they must be getting as rare as white rhinos. So it would be interesting to play out which strategy is the most lucrative one. Saying no to a fare because Sukhumvit is jammed is just silly. It’s jammed from 7 am - 10 pm. At least. 

    • Like 1
  2. 17 minutes ago, riverhigh said:

    True they may have reached Hard Rock, however, they still haven't completed the construction work opposite Mike's shopping mall. According to Google Maps that's 1.5 km of  incomplete construction work. A real eyesore. The side walks are a complete mess with people bumping in to each other. 2 days before News Year Eve I got nailed by a Chinese tourist through no fault of mine or his. It was dark and we  were both trying to navigate through the cracks in the sidewalk. What can I say, not my country.  Welcome to Thailand

    You got "nailed"...? Did you walk backwards...? Naked...? ????

    • Haha 1
  3. I don't think it matters if the rules are stupid. In a high risk environment, such as on an airplane in flight, you just obey the rules. You don't question them. You can argue on the ground all you want, but up in the air you just (happily) follow the rules. And if you don't you should be banned from flying. It would have been interesting in this case with a French dude having to arrange travel home from Thailand without flying. 

    • Haha 2
  4. 4 minutes ago, champers said:

    Khao San Road in Bangkok. OP gave a puzzling answer to your question; I think he is a hiso slumming with us Pattaya and Jomtien oiks. Should we be honoured by his presence? Not living the dream.

    Based on what I can see on YouTube, any youngish Western person coming to Bangkok for the first time would probably enjoy Khao San Road even now.

  5. 2 minutes ago, champers said:

    Khao San Road in Bangkok. OP gave a puzzling answer to your question; I think he is a hiso slumming with us Pattaya and Jomtien oiks. Should we be honoured by his presence? Not living the dream.

    Thank you:) I think I was last in Khao San Road in the early nineties. Not impressed then and I don't think I'm part of the preferred age group now. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, HHTel said:

    Haha.  This has actually become tourist 'must see' in Tokyo.

    Only in Japan!

    Yes but this crossing is regulated by traffic lights. And they all become red at the same time to allow pedestrians to cross in all directions. I guess it’s part of the solution for the pedestrian issue at crossings where cars are allow to turn left on red. (Turn right in US etc)

    This left-turn-on-red in Thailand is why you can never safely cross a street near a crossing. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Skallywag said:

    According to Greta Thunberg, driving an internal combustion vehicle is criminal.  ????

    Close 2nd road and beach road to all vehicles, the soon to be electric Tram will solve all problems!  http://aboutthailandliving.com/2019/01/03/tram-pattaya/

    I think you’re on to something here. Pattaya is one of just a handful of places in Thailand where you’ll find a significant number of pedestrians. Whatever the Thais think their legs are for, it’s not walking... 

    Making Beach Road. 2nd road and Soi Buakhao walking streets will probably have a positive effect on tourism. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, Just Weird said:

    So getting angry and swearing at drugged-up customers is justification for beating his face to a pulp, yes?  


    As far as I come across to you, did being rational not come into it?   The discussion I was having was whether this particular person deserved the beating as karma for something no one knows has happened in the past!  To suggest that he did deserve it with no evidence that he was a scammer is sure not normal!

    what drugs did they test positive for? If it was weed they were more likely to be “drugged down”

  9. So let’s say I want to rent a car. I agree on a price and hand over the money. Before I set off I inspect the rental vehicle for any pre-existing damages together with the owner. During this process I take some photos with my phone, just to make sure I have some proof of the damages. I am told by the owner that I am not allowed to take photos of the vehicle. He is adamant that I stop. I counter that under those circumstances I don’t want to rent his car, the risk is far too high. I demand my money back. He says no, arguing that our initial deal is still valid. The fact that I won’t use the car now doesn’t change his mind. 

    I don’t condone violence but I can understand the anger of the renters. I also wonder about the presence of any kind of functioning law enforcement on Koh Larn. 

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  10. 22 minutes ago, PatOngo said:

    I'll bet they wished they had stayed over the hill in the world class resort, but then again, when open sex acts on the beach, it's hard to work out where is safe to stay!

    My friend worked as a lifeguard at an outdoor swimming pool in Sweden for a few years. It was in a pretty affluent nice suburban area. Their main problem was couples getting horny in the sunshine and starting to “discreetly” have sex under towels in the middle of a sea of other sun worshippers. I’m not sure “open sex act” is a good indicator for safety. 

    • Haha 1
  11. On 1/3/2020 at 3:19 PM, H1w4yR1da said:

    Take a guess. Silly cow was obviously on her phone. Slow braking reaction also.

    I read the clip differently. I was just thinking how quickly she braked after impact, as if she indeed saw the boy and expected him to move. And braked immediately after she hit him. The typical game of chicken many Thai drivers seem to play whenever I cross a road here. When someone actually slows down or chooses a different path to avoid hitting me, I’m so surprised and grateful I give a thumbs-up or a wai. 

  12. 4 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

    I am wondering when promoters in tourist areas in Thailand will think outside the sex and booze area of entertainment?

    It shows a lack of thought, and inability to feel that anything more than sex and alcohol is of interest for tourists.

    Sad reflection on society

    I think you’ll find that most people look forward to getting laid and drunk on their holidays, regardless of whether they find the company at the resort or bring their own. 

    • Haha 1
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