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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. amazes me posters on here PERSISTANTLY  insist they arnt racist,  yet  CONSTANTLY spend time slating black people/actors  in period dramas/shows, rather than discussing more pertinant  points about the plot acting direction or whatever,  that would or could actually be interesting as opposed to moaning about the colour of an actors skin. which effectively is what they are doing  AND THATS RACIST ,,  ,, unfortunatly ignorant biggoted is as ignorant biggoted does.
    Nothing racist about it ,just sick of changing history just to be PC and "inclusive" when i was young i was tought history as it was ,not as some left wing luvvie would like it to have been .

    Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  2. Mate what i notice about u is that u loudly trying to claim disliking ladyboys but in reality u obviously enjoy talking about them. 
    When did i say i dislike them? Please tell me. I think they are quite nice looking some of them ,doesnt mean i want to have sex with them ,lots of men are good looking ,dont want to kiss or fondle them either.

    Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  3. Usually those homophobia folks are the most gay in reality.
    Yeh right,you wish,ime not homophobic,couldnt care less if two men want to do things to each other,just dont want to look or join in,and i include ladyboys ,cause i dont care what you may think ,if your born with a dangly bit,your a man ,sorry but i am not a left wing PC sort.. just get on with your lives and dont try to make out that we are all the same.

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    • Confused 1
  4. Bottom Is not necessary to have a relationship with a ladyboy.  Boat floats in many different ways.
    Ok well i dont want a long pointy thing in my mouth either,oh this is getting silly ,i would not go out with a man ,even if he wears a dress end of [emoji16]but as i said before each to his own ,by the way i would never eat sprouts either. Never ever.

    Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  5. We all have tried some ladyboys either voluntarily or by mistake..


    Speak for yourself, my bottom is a one way street [emoji16] although the doctor has inspected it twice,and his finger poking up there was not the best thing that has happened ,i was sore after that,God knows what anything else would feel like.

    But horses for courses ,if thats what floats your boat,up to you.


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  6. 1.  Boredom.  2. Exploring new frontiers like Startrek for straights.  3. Being a man they are more familiar with men's anatomy the same reason women like to go to female gynecologists.  4.  They can do the heavy lifting if you are old.  5.  They scare away old girlfriends. 6.  Not as moody women and don't have PMS nor menopause.  7.  Lots of fun, life of the party types.  8.  Your best friend probably won't try to steal your girl.  9.  They dance good.  10.  Never have a headache always horny.  11.  Like threesomes.  12. Enjoy watching football on the telly. 13.  Speak better English.  14 Interested in history.  15.  Know more about the rest of the world. 
    A lot of this can be said about gay men in Thailand in general.  I find them much nicer than the average Thai person because they are more open to new experiences. 
    Well i certainly will never ever try one,never ever,not if they like watching football on tv,.

    Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  7. You are taking a different brand than the one OP is asking about.
    OP -- as we have now established that these tablets do indeed come unmarked, and as it is an inexpensive Thai made brand, odds are it is genuine (very little profit margin to be had in counterfeiting it). If I were you I'd proceed and just closely monitor my blood sugar for the first few days.
    Sent from my SM-J701F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
    Yes they are so cheap about 1.5 baht,not worth countrfitting

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  8. Does the product pictured in the original post look the same as yours... if not, then what is different about it?
    No it does not look like that ,its called glucono 500mg, made by seven stars pharmaceutical co Thailand,ive taken them for about 4 years as i was pre diabetic ,my blood sugar now is normal .do you know that they are testing metformin as a life extending drug? Seems people who take it even if not diabetic live longer?

    Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  9. About 15 years ago the wife and i were in a quite street in London all of a suddem she bent down and picked up a fiver,i rushed in front of her and picked up another then another ,she picked up 2 more now that was worth bending down for,also once in Pattays i found 5k baht well worth the effort ,but i must admit i will pick up small change as well.

    Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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