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ivor bigun

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Everything posted by ivor bigun

  1. In my life i must have read 100 books ,then some fool invented the mobile phone.
  2. Thats so sad that you are afraid to buy in the wifes name ,our house is in Banglamung on the dark side ,in my wife and sons name ,i trust them with everything including my life . by the way the bank valued our house at 4.7 we got it for 3.5 million ,but had rented for many years ,one in the next street to us is on the market at 6.5 million. by the way its a very good location .
  3. the way Britain is going ,we will have to comply with them in the future. they shout so loud .
  4. no, just all of a sudden on my mobile when i go to brows ,you can only get back its permanantly on
  5. I know there is a problem down south ,but it could be that ,here you dont see women walking around dressed like penguins , there are no terrorist shootings all the time and muslims dont seem to be constantly demanding that everything is done their way , they just seem to blend in ,well here in Pattaya they seem to anyway .
  6. in the last few days i dont seem able to use the browse section on my mobile ,not like you can here on the computer ,any suggestions appreciated,thanks
  7. I must say the wife and i have not worn masks outside for 2 years ,unless we are in a place with many people around ,and always indoors .
  8. yes limit it ,or should us straight folks go around waving flags and having straight parades ,with straight zebra crossings and police wearing a straight helmet?
  9. if true thats sad ,but i have never come across people like that ,even my grandad knew my cousin was "gay" but the only thing he ever really said at the time"do you know ____ wears suede shoes? different times ,then it was a bit suspect ,also we had a boy in our school who was a effeminate and mixed with the girls ,but nobody bullied him.
  10. not just me Jing but most of the population ,but they keep quiet ,are to scared to say anything .
  11. My cousin is gay,i remember back in the early 70s living in London,he lived with his boyfriend ,they never flouted the fact ,neither did any of their friends ,i used to go to the bar where most were gay ,everybody just got on with their lives and that was it ,now it seems it has to be shouted from the rooftops,why?
  12. Was talking to a friend who is staying at a hotel in Pattaya and he said from next week he was told all the people staying there will be Indian ,i know we joke about it but lets face it they spend very little and you rarely see them in the bars etc. Thailand is never going to be a high end tourist destination.
  13. prices are rising quite fast on many things ,it must be really hard to stay in Thailand if you are on a govt pension only and it is frozen,the pound has gone down so much ,i reckon many will just have to return ,but if they have nowhere to live ,what then?
  14. Posting often ,is this my second or third post ? since it started ,by the way i dont attend ,just tired of people going on how wonderful life is to be gay and all the stuff they keep trying to feed us ,when in reality its only a small part of society ,,
  15. just Watched a series from 2011 called Jarrows law,its a courtroom series set in the 1700s about jarrow who gave us innocent until proven guilty ,really enjoyed it ,mind you even though it was made in 2011 in one episode there is a black lawyer ,quite a few black faces in the streets and even a black guy up on a murder charge ,amazing in the 1700s .????
  16. thats not bigotry Jing ,just a fact . i didnt say i am against same sex relationships ,although i do not agree with marriage or adoption,as far as a persons sex life , up to them ,but get tired of gay flags,gay zebra crossings ,gay pride gay on and on and on , Just get on with your lives quietly ,
  17. I believe aids and monkypox both started in the animal community and spread to the human gay community, just a thought but is nature trying to tell us something?
  18. had mine done at Queen Sirakit army hospital Satahip,cost 35k all ok.
  19. I remember seeing my first black person i was out playing with my friends it was the late 50s and we couldnt believe it as we had only ever seen one in movies ,then i did not see one again in real life untill the late 60s on coming to London ,also i lived not a million miles from where the miners strikes were ,never ever saw a black person there , just watched the latest Mc donald and Dodds ,really enjoyed it they work together a treat ,mind you other parts have become a little'woke"????
  20. just started watching Sherwood based on a true story and centered around the miners strikes in the 70s ,mind you i lived not far from where this happened ,i dont remember white men married to Asian women or seeing a black man walking down the street holding hands with a white woman ,oh i forgot ,its only tv s version these days????
  21. just finished the last season ,no 4 i loved the series ,as for being married to Jing ,he hasnt asked me yet,anyway i dont think the wife would let us.????
  22. yes i am obsessed with Ozark ,i just cant stop watching it .
  23. sorry your confused Jing,i have no problem with what a person wants to be ,just do it quietly ,no parades,flags etc ,as for nature ,if your born a man with a penis or a woman with a vagina ,then no matter how much surgery you have your still what you were born. on another note just watching series 4 of Ozark ,its still great. anyway Jing have a good day.????
  24. i love "his " transition ,born a man /woman die a man/woman ,no matter what you want or think . not PC then sorry nature isnt PC either.
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