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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. Came to Pattaya 25 years ago,never heard of it before,met a Beer garden owner the first day and became friends ,warned me not to take any girls seriously, one night only,took his advice ,never more than one night ,such fun came back 6 weeks later ,,eventually went to BKK and got into business with a guy ,i ran the British end for years ,back and for all the time ,met my now wife, we went to live in UK but came back 13 yrs ago .

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  2. Today I went to the Hua Hin tessabahn to inquire about procuring a Yellow Book. I was told that I first must go to the US Embassy and have them make a “certified copy” of my passport. My passport is already a certified document in its own right so all they would have to do is walk over to the copy machine and copy it for a couple of baht. The US Embassy charges 50 USD to do even the simplest task. Then, one is supposed to go to an authorized translator (another rip off) translate my passport then go to the Foreign Ministry for some sort of approval with their stamp. All of this must be done in, of course, Bangkok. Does anyone know a simpler more sane way to accomplish this task in our own town without going through all of this nonsense? I would appreciate any advice on this subject.
    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
    I am British and have just done it all,stupid as they are its Thailands rules we have to live with it.

    Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  3. Yes, but only once ............
    And I learned god didn't exist at the same time.
    First marriage,rushed into,ended after a few years,lived with a girl long time,both were a lot younger than me, hurt but life goes on then another relationship ended when she kept on about marriage. Free and really having a ball in my 40s,then discovered Thailand by accident,rogered anything that moved( female that is) one 3 year relationship,ended but still friends god has it been 26 yrs? By then had buisiness in BKK back and for every 2 months,met my wife ,her sister had a business and met there,eventually married and lived in UK for years then came back here,my life has been fantastic ,i wish i could do it all over again,as the song said " even the bad times were good" my wife and i are still very much in love.
    Such a shame yours is not the same,oh and its nothing to do with money,even though her family are quite well off.

    Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  4. It's called faith, and it's no different from believing in romantic love, which IMO is the biggest con ever. It's lust till the child is born and then the genetics kick in to keep the man hanging around. At least till the woman decides she doesn't need him any more, just his money and worldly goods.
    Sooooo, if one believes in romantic love, IMO one is as gullible as the non believers think believers are.
    Wow,that is the sadest thing i have heard on this thread, your poor old life must be so sad, i would hate to have to go through life feeling like you must, yes i fancy my wife but its not lust its far far deeper than that ,and even if we could never make love again i would still love her more than life.

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  5. Statins do not increase athersclorosis, where did you get that idea from?
    They do not significantly shrink them in size, that is true, but that is quite different from increasing them, and it is thought they may have other effects on atherosclerotic plaques in ways that reduce the associated risks. in particular it is thought they render athersclerotic plaques less likely to rupture.
    Had a by pass 33 years ago and have taken them ever since,anyone who says they are bad is mad.

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  6. So the discounts I received don't count then because they're not National Parks...........I still got the discounts because I had a pink ID card, and I did have to show my pink ID card at the ticket window. Does that mean, because they're not National Parks, I have to give the discount back then???[emoji16]
    We went to the national park eg the zoo at Sri Racha and used my driving licence,not only let me in but my daughter ,grandaughter and son in law at Thai price, my wife and son are Thai.

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  7. 1. yes immigration police has go to looking my home 3 time and ewery year visa need some photo bed,rooms,house whit family and must see photo  house addres too. 3 time need make new photo officer not see addrs sign good. manytime police go looking and speak all neighbours ask live we together true wife and husband and looking what i do in home and how we live together.
     2. yes visa need 400 000 B in bank account and bank need go make papers you have true this money to bank, ewerytime new bank paper need be. when go to immigration.
    Well the police will never bother to visit our house,i can just look over the wall and tell him to stop his dog barking. 555

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