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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. If i understand correct O-A is a retirement visa. Why not just have a Type O Marriage Visa ? Easier to do?

    I intended to change to marriage at the end of the year ,hope there will not be a problem,retirement was always easy ,marriage meant a lot more paperwork ,but when the brought in the 5 months seasoning of the 800k and 400k you could not touch ,that seemed stupid as the 400k would normally be for an emergancy but you would need far more in a thai bank just in case now ,i do have more than one Thai bank account but dont like tying up 400k you can never touch seems stupid


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  2. I have yet to see any mention about Type O Marriage visas. My question is what about applying in Laos where there is NO balance needed in a Thai bank account. It is talking about Type O-A Retirement visas NOTHING more !
    Most of us married guys are on oa visas as it was easier to do,so we get screwed it seems

    Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  3. From the OP:
    Balochistan Liberation Army, a group fighting for greater autonomy in Pakistan's poorest province, claimed responsibility in an emailed statement that said the attack was aimed at "Chinese and other foreign investors."
    Sorry do not think the way muslims think,as i now keep as far away from them as possible,after many years of working with and listening to them.

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  4. Actually, at the latest count we are 7.7 billion already.
    We are too many. Today's wars are for oil, tomorrow they will be for water.
    The beautiful nature we were lucky enough to see with our eyes, will be available to the next generations only as a virtual reality show but that's ok as already now they are glued to their phones anyway. 
    Yes your right ,sorry i wrote the wrong amount, but your right, water will become far more precious than oil, i cannot see mankind surviving as we are now, especially the west, you can already see the trickle coming ,eventually it will be tsunami,i fear for my grandchildren ,we were lucky to be born when we were, and indeed where we were,

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  5. When i was born there were 3 billion of us,now 5 billion,by 2050 they reckon 12 billion,, the exodus of the have nots has started ,soon it will get far far worse,and thats only the start,i fear my grandchildren will live in a terrible world,but nature has a way of getting rid of species and thats all we are .
    Its not going to be nice,but most of us will never see it, Wonder what the next species will be like after we are gone.?

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  6. Just looked at this thread and so many people ask how can a man be turned on by a child,well think about it ,in some parts of the world and in some religion its common for an older man to marry a child, no one seems to mention this , in some parts of that same world ,you can be executed for having gay sex , .i dont fancy either but many people seem to,as for me at my age i like em young ,forty seems a really good age.

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  7. Many people, including myself, thought these new laws were implemented for the purpose of stopping the agents. 
    Here we are, some months after the policy came in, and agents are still in business, and probably busier, and in all likelihood, will be very busy in the future. 
    Can you explain that?
    You say they will make it more difficult 6 months from now, but unless immigration clean up their corruption issues, making it more difficult just means more people use agents, which means more corruption money.  
    I actually phoned an agent to see if he could help with a marriage extension ,immediatly said yes and wanted to know my bank ,i said i had the money just wanted help,oh ok no problem ,then laughed and said much cheaper for you ,so go figure ,same as before i assume.

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  8. Why on Earth do you want to change ? 800k route so much simpler.
    I would think ,many of us will change ,been doing retirement for 13 years ,next time you have to leave 800000 in for 5 months and 400000 for ever,why should we its our money,if i want to spend it as i wish ,or have an emergancy why shouldnt we?
    Big deal they have to visit my house ,they can talk to the police officer who lives next door .

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