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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. Don’t forget Pattat’s purpose.
    It is a great place if you just got off 28 days on  Rig in the middle of the ocean
    Its a great place for Arabs who tell their wives they are going to Haj in Saudi.
    Its a great place for young and old with limited funds on a sexpat holiday.
    Its a great place for Indians coming to visit their tailor relatives.
    And there is a few other reasons I didn’t mention..
    I lived in Jomtien for 9 years, left in 2014 and could not possibly care less to return........but if I said why......T V will put me on the bench for a week........so use your imag8nation.......
    Sorry not missing you,but us happy family men never miss the losers

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  2. Still going i see,i dont post many threads but boy i never thought this one would keep going, great to see that so many really believe in "God" and that Jesus was his son.
    But then other faiths believe their versions just as strongly i suppose,some will even kill you if you disagree with their version.
    Still i believe when you die its just back to the soil and thats it ,or are some neanderthal men sitting up there with Jesus?

    Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  3. Sorting out knife attacks and acid attacks are the responsibility of police and other agencies.
    He has often spoken out against radicals, and let us remember that these attacks are carried out by a minority of Muslims. Some also forget about the attacks carried out by white supremacists, equally as disgusting.
    Yes a "minority" of muslims,all over the world,as opposed to a few attacks by other idiots.

    Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  4. Not the first time such has been reported in TVF and will not be the last.
    While living in the family house I investigated why a sink was not draining from the outside bathroom. Turned out the pipe didn't end in the drain, but half way to the drain in the dirt!
    Funny you say that but about 8 years ago we were having trouble with our drain from the house to the main drain ,anyway eventually dug it up and found that the pipe was broken and had all rocks in it ,so the water was just going into the garden ,no wonder the grass never died if we didnt water it ,.anyway they just put in a new pipe ,but goes to show nothing ever gets checked when buildings are being built.

    Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  5. My mate, Glassback, a horrible skinny, hairy little tw@ (second steward) picked up a 'girl' in Singapore many years ago, got 'her' back to the hotel only to find out she was a he. What happened, I natively asked? (being a 17-year old JOS). "Just whopped her over and gave her one up the backside" was the reply. I was more careful picking up prostitutes after that. Those were the days.......
    When i first came to Thailand all those years ago ,i didnt know about ladyboys,but i remember going into a bar in Nana,and sitting down with a"girl" she said you do know i am not a real girl? And a few times in the days when i did not know the difference they always mentioned it ,i suppose they didnt want the hastle of guys like me running off when we got to the playing about stage ,i can assure you i would have.

    Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  6. So a poll , without supporting evidence, claims that 50% of foreigners want to "fiddle" with a lady boy.  Complete sensationalism in my opinion which is perhaps why no poll detail data is listed. The only way that may have any percentage probability IMHO would be if they only polled Arabs
    It would have been 95% and they dont have to be ladyboys.

    Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    • Haha 2
  7.   Well, apparently they were all at Central Festival Pattaya last Sunday.  We made the horrible mistake of going there on a weekend. Silly us for thinking Terminal 21 would make Central Festival less busy.  For the first time that I can remember we had to go all the way up to level 5 1/2 to find a parking space.   We did some banking and got the last free table for lunch at a packed Fuji.  When we left around 2pm, it took an hour to get out of the parking garage.  And, supposedly low season. 
    Yes but most of those were not foreign tourists but people from Bangkok,Rayong,etc etc etc at weekends ,thats why us locals stay home ,the roads are to crowded.

    Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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