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J Town

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Posts posted by J Town

  1. 18 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:




    How will anti-trumpers reject this? Let us count the ways....


    It's OAN.....home of conspiracy theories and right wing nut jobs.


    The video is shot with paid actors...that's not Shokin.


    Joe Biden has been cleared and this has been debunked.


    BTW....was that Giuliani making a cameo? Nice.


    And yes...Shokin needs 24/7 protection from now on...remember  Epstein.



    Not a single Trump critic has said Biden is innocent. I've personally said hang them all if they're guilty. What Trump supporters do is bring this in as a deflection in defense of Trump. Whether or not the Bidens did anything wrong has nothing to do with Trump's criminality.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    Repubs chose him. Seems hats a greater pointer. Even repubs cannot find a legal scholar from their own party.


    So regardless of part allegience. What argument do you have against their views?

    Sujo, you waste your time and that is their aim. A couple of posters in particular repeat the same Fox News talking points. I explained specific facts to them, they replied with attacks on process, never the facts because facts don't support their warped perspective. Trump supporters have imbibed the Koolaid and no amount of logic will penetrate that fog.

    • Like 2
  3. 16 hours ago, RideJocky said:


    I think Republicans are looking at the Senate trial as election windfall.

    No. They are ALL nervous as to how the pieces will fall. Far too many Republican senators admit at cocktail parties what an insane (deleted) this fool is, and they're far too worried about getting re-elected in 2020 and ignoring the truth. A majority of Americans want Trump impeached AND removed.

    • Haha 1
  4. First, if the kids are under 12 years old, they generally don't have the manual strength to manage a guitar. Even a half size instrument is hard to work and becomes a discouragement. Under 12 I recommend a ukulele. Much less expensive, much more fun for little ones.

    • Like 1
  5. 15 hours ago, Sujo said:

    Perhaps they should do their job and find the truth. Perhaps trump should stop complaining and provide the witnesses that clear him. Then it would not be wasting time.

    Republican senators who will be jurors are gathering to discuss options, one of which is to censure instead of removal as they're finally starting to admit they can't lie their way out of THIS one.

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  6. 15 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


    You can't shamelessly make up words as you go along.....we have all read the transcript....nowhere is there any request to discredit. manufacture dirt.....did you go to the Adam Schiff school of reading?

    I'm trying to stay out of this <deleted> - it's mostly a waste of time, everyone arguing, nobody discussing - but this is too much. Many witnesses, some of them first hand in on the phone conversation, have said Trump asked the president of Ukraine to say he was starting an investigation on the Bindens' corruption. No actual investigation, just say they were to throw shade on his political rival. This timeline reveals it wasn't just the phone call, this had been going on for quite some time. Why does this need to be explained again and again?

    • Haha 2
  7. 17 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

    What is absolutely not shady is asking Ukraine hey, what is going on here?

    On this you warp the narrative. Let's be clear - can you answer these two questions:


    1. Do you acknowledge Trump called the Ukraine president and ask him to say on television that the Ukraine was performing an investigation into Biden corruption? (Trump already admitted this)


    2. Do you find it acceptable for a U.S. president to request a foreign nation get involved in an American election?


    Forget the money, forget the lawyer nonsense on either side, forget the "quid pro quo." These two questions get to the core of unpatriotic behavior. Are you OK with this?

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  8. 1 minute ago, Tounge Thaied said:

    I CHOOSE not to answer your questions because all of the "Facts" have yet to be born out yet. A literal "Cop Out" is time for the "cops" the investigators to due their due diligence... it's called due process. Why would I ever attempt to answer those questions without having all of the facts? Hmm? Think about it. Here is what is going to happen. The House Judiciary committee will draft up article so impeachment. The Dems will vote to impeach. Then the affair moves on to the Senate to by "tried" for what ever crime or misconduct has been alleged. During the Senate proceedings, more subpeonas will be issued, there will be more testimony. So any reasonable, rational, wise person cannot conclude anything until this process plays out. Final predication, the Republicans will never vote to remove the president, there will never be a 2/3 vote to remove this President. I can say that honestly and confidently, based upon what we already know. Final comment bro... take care. 

    Hahaha - no. Read my comment above to CryingDick. Neither of you will answer two simple, basic questions because they expose truth and that doesn't support your perspective.


    The answer to question one is simple - Trump already admitted he did it, so "yes." The REAL question is do you support a president asking a foreign country to get involved in the 2020 election?

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