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J Town

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Posts posted by J Town

  1. 2 minutes ago, Beggar said:

    I did it on Monday. Yes in and out in 5 minutes. But to get there and come back is a different story. I have new passport and didn't leave the country with it. So no online reporting like before anymore for me. They should improve their systems so that the can change the old passport to the new one. But wishes... On the other hand Christmas is near. 

    I got the online to work for me once, but that was over a year ago. I live less than 3 clicks away so it's just as easy to get myself down to the office.

  2. 3 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:


    Think again! Nobody, not even POTUS, is above the law.


    And THIS is REALLY the crux of the matter! When Hillary got away with SO much buggery, many of us felt dispirited. That woman broke laws and received no richly deserved punishment. Is Trump going to go down that same path, breaking laws and endangering national security primarily for his own enrichment with no consequences? "We, The People" are getting fed up with this!

    • Confused 1
  3. I've worked at several locations of the same named school. During the kids' breaks, they were forced to sit in an orderly fashion out in the hallway, boys in one line, girls in another, and eat whatever their families had packed for them. Almost NO fresh fruit, almost always chips, cookies, processed garbage and heavily sweetened drinks. Occasionally the Milo truck would come to visit, and classes were halted so the students could march down and get a sample of chocolate milk - the first one is always free. No wonder a generation of diabetics is being raised.

    • Like 1
  4. 15 minutes ago, candide said:

    Mueller's investigation was investigating the Russian interference in election. It found some people working for Trump could be involved in it (I.e. they had contact with Russians or wikileaks) and further investigated.

    And some of those people are now doing time in the grey bar hotel. Poor Trump, surrounded by all those guilty people. Absolutely staggers the imagination!

    • Like 2
  5. I used Win 8.1 for years, resisting Win 10, then a software package I started using required Win 10. Win 10 is working more reliably, though as with every Micro$oft "improvement," there are minor annoyances. I'd recommend going straight to 10.

  6. 5 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    I would be very surprised if there is one person in Washington that does not privately think  trump is guilty.

    All the rest is simple noise from people trying to attain or maintain power.

    Republican Senators who have no intention of running again are confirming exactly what you are saying. They are exhausted of jumping from one lie to the next, attempting to defend the indefensible. They're having to choose between getting re-elected or telling the truth. You can't have both with this guy.

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