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J Town

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Posts posted by J Town

  1. 10 minutes ago, Monomial said:


    You are, of course, welcome to continue espousing that position. But you will not be having meaningful discussions with Trump supporters in that case. You will only be talking to those who already agree with you. If you actually want to make an impact on a Trump supporter, you will need to address the areas where their values and your values differ.


    With the approach you are taking, it is nothing more than theater played out to others like yourself who enjoy this kind of entertainment.  As long as you remain insistent on your approach, the increasing divide in the country will only continue to increase. Most importantly, Trump won't be going anywhere. 


    Then prove me wrong. We ALL should have the same values of decency (Trump has none), honesty (I don't even HAVE to go THERE to explain what a lying, cheating, thieving, homophobic xenophobe he is), integrity (big vacuum THERE!) - just explain to me why I should have to disavow all MY values in order to have a discussion with a Trump supporter.

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  2. 4 minutes ago, Monomial said:


    The problem is that this argument is not about facts. It is about values. In order to understand why the concept that "others can actually support Trump" is unfathomable to you, you first need to understand what separates their value system from your own. Facts are largely irrelevant to this discussion. Trump supporters do not disagree on facts. They simply don't see Trump's attrocities as being worse than what came before.


    Have you ever tried to listen to a Trump supporter without injecting your own code onto them? Their position is actually fairly self consistent. They really aren't evil, ignorant people. They simply believe that the current system has strayed so far from what is optimal, that Trump's rule breaking is an acceptable part of bringing it back in line. Bad things happen in war, so to speak. The interesting discussions all begin not with Trump, but what has gone wrong long before Trump. Once you see where your value systems and theirs differ, you can begin having a meaningful discussion.


    Or you can sit there as you are now, saying they are all incomprehensible and tarring them all as evil, stupid racists. My mother is a Trump supporter. She is very intelligent, does not have a racist bone in her body, and is one of the most caring and kind people I know. But she has values that are different from both myself and my sister. She knows what Trump is. She is simply resigned to the fact that this is the kind of individual it will take to right the wrongs of the past and change the direction of the country.


    Yours is a thoughtful, polite response. I also know some Trump supporters who don't have a mean bone in their body. I will respectfully disagree - it IS about facts. Trump is a criminal, performing criminal acts, bringing the U.S. down from the "beacon on the hill" that it used to be and turning it into a banana republic. People have died, families have been forever ruined, environmental protections are being removed in order to monetize the planet, all because of Trump's greedy, childish decisions - and the list goes on and continues to grow. To deny your own security forces and take sides with foreign adversaries amounts to treason. Strong arming desperate countries into doing your bidding by getting them involved in the American election process should make every citizen SHUDDER!


    Since you propose that Trump supporters eschew facts, then they should be shaken to their very core over the feeling of the country being hijacked by a con man. This is a fact: The majority of Fox viewers are white evangelicals. Trump plays on their fear of the country being run over by non-whites (just listen to any one of his rallies), stokes their anger with lie after lie (where DID that caravan finally go?). I watch a little Fox every now and then - know your enemy and all that - and can't believe how wretched they are. The loaded falsehoods, the blatant bull is shameful, but the average viewer is delusional to begin with and they sop up that spew.


    I'm sorry, I'll stick with facts. I understand Trump supporters care not about them, they wouldn't be Trump supporters in the first place if they were. And I'll continue to fight the good fight using the TRUTH in the hope that maybe SOME reality will eventually get through to them. As of this time and date, no Trump supporter has been able to refute any of my posts using facts.


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  3. 1 hour ago, Suradit69 said:

    Why does "bilingual" imply that English would be the second language?


    There could be an argument for Chinese as the second or third language.


    While English is essentially an international  "lingua franca"  currently, the Chinese influence in this part of the world is bound to be increasingly significant.

    Far too many countries have already invested in English - street signs are a huge expense and that won't change in out lifetime.

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  4. 29 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    True that. His behavior is truly deplorable. And the real shame of it all, is that he has lowered the bar to such an extent, that most of his supporters find this behavior acceptable and fine and dandy.

    Occasionally I try to stomach as much of a rally of his as I can stand - good to know what the enemy is up to. The LIES, LIES, LIES, LIES that he vomits are filled with hate, fear, and his supporters lap up that vomit. A VERY sad statement to where society has devolved to.

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