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J Town

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Posts posted by J Town

  1. 7 minutes ago, Thainesss said:
    10 minutes ago, Becker said:

    I hope for your sake you're trolling because if you cannot grasp the fact that a president who uses the power of his office to blackmail a foreign leader into getting dirt on a political rival is abuse of power of the worst kind there really is no hope for you.


    If there is no dirt, then there's no issue, right? 

    Becker - I'm now convinced this is a troll. Don't feed it.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

    I agree, they didn't kill themselves, they just looked away while someone else did the killing.  Or should I read that as the guards didn't kill themselves yet but suicide may be in their futures ?   Whoever did it is probably dead themselves by now.

    Yeah, wry humor, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if these two met with some very suspicious "fatal accidents."

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  3. 6 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

    Not sure what you consider "nothing".  It is clear what POTUS did was "improper", the only question is,  is it an impeachable offence.

    Even the two witnessed requested by the Republicans (in the hopes they would "exonerate" Trump) admitted what Trump did was wrong and Morrison testified that Bolton told him to get to a lawyer pronto immediately after the call. Call it a "nothing burger" all you want (what a silly a$$ term), the truth is coming out. Sondland's testimony will be the final nail in the coffin. He was observed YELLING at the Ukrainians to get the investigation started and publicly announced, and he'll be asked about this under oath. His 180 degree turnabout from his original statement shows he understands how dangerously close he is to perjury charges. I hope I don't run out of popcorn.

  4. 22 minutes ago, GarryP said:

    About your only post on this subject with which I can sort of agree on one point. Bernie is past it. His health is also a concern and I do not believe he is the man for the job for these very reasons.


    As for Trump having energy, well no one can avoid answering the question or changing the subject faster than him. He is also super quick at firing off Tweets and blaming others.    

    And his arms are getting buff from attempting to throw his critics under the bus. Too bad, wasted effort on his part.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Monomial said:


    You don't disavow your values. I would never suggest that. Instead, you listen to their values and engage with them on the places where you both agree. Historically, this is called a canon. Most of us are familiar with "literary canon", a group of books which everyone should read so they have a place to begin discussions. But canon applies to other areas as well, such as politics and ethics.  Having  established a canon, you can then expand and start to see where your values diverge.  And then address those areas, so that the other side doesn't feel that they need to resort to a psycopath and a demagogue in order to be heard.


    The American public has for too long forgotten how to speak to each other.  If the other issues were addressed, everyone would agree that Trump is not good. But right now, Trump supporters feel they have to stoop to this level just to get their concerns addressed. Show them instead that there is another way. Trump is just a symptom, not the disease. But be warned. You are going to need to make concessions as well, and grant them the courtesy to respect their feelings on divergent issues.


    If you do this, you'll find Trump supporters aren't bad people. They just have different concerns than you. And if you respect their values, they are more than likely to respect yours as well. If we all did this, there would be no division for a demagogue like Trump to exploit.



    And I tried that. I was polite to you, never cast a mean word at you, just laid out the truth. You say we should just hold hands and have a kumbaya moment. I'm sorry, people are dying, policies are exploding like popcorn that are destroying the environment, separating  families, etc. etc.


    You don't want to talk facts, I don't want to hear bologna. There should be a sense of urgency at all this, but it's similar to the boiling frog scenario. You won't get it until it's too late. Go ahead, get in whatever last word you want on this, I'm done.

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