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J Town

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Posts posted by J Town

  1. 42 minutes ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    All the important witnesses were denied by the chairman in this ridiculous hoax and sham hearing. Real witnesses such as Biden sr, Biden jr, the democrat activist they tried calling a whistleblower, Adam Schiff himself et al were not allowed to be grilled. We must wait for the senate hearings for them to be dragged up to finally tell the truth. It will be priceless!


    The only one denying actual witnesses with firsthand information is Trump.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    I’m not sure how you already know what Trump apologists will say when they don’t yet know themselves.


    FOX News has yet to broadcast today’s Trump excuses, but they’ll be along soon enough.

    Even Faux Noise' Steve Doocie (sp?) had to ask Trump several times "Are you sure that's really what happened?" when Trump started spewing obvious blatant ???? about how Ukraine had the DNC server in their hands. He's coming off the rails and spinning, spinning, spinning . . .

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