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J Town

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Posts posted by J Town

  1. 31 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Really? After all the slime Trump has thrown at Biden, guess what? Biden is still doing the best of any democrat against Trump? It's not 2016 anymore. The time is long past when most of the electorate would construe Trump's invective to be plain speaking.

    No. Biden is failing by any REAL measure. His rallies draw DOZENS of blue hairs, his coffers are dreadfully empty, his gaffs are sad, his fumbling/mumbling during debates draw no interest.

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  2. 6 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Actually, when Trump launched his campaign his big promises were higher taxes on the rich and a 1 trillion dollar infrastructure program. And allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices. His big legislative achievement was slashing taxes on the rich - the opposite of what he said he would do. Shortly after being elected, he ruled out allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices, and his infrastructure program vaporized.

    Has he won that trade war yet? Has he figured out how to rebuild the wall that Mexican children easily climb over and anyone with a $100 Skilsaw can cut right through? Has he . . .

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  3. 1 minute ago, ExpatOK said:

    The Senate may well call the whistleblower as well as Joe and Hunter Biden.  There is also talk they will call Schiff as he had contact with the whistleblower and lied about it.  Trump could be there to question all of them.  Should be fun to watch as they take the fifth.

    Yes to the Senate calling anyone they wish.

    No to the contact between Schiff and the whistleblower. That's been debunked as a red herring.

    Yes, Trump could go there, but I don't think it wouldn't go well for him if he did.

    I honestly never enjoy people hiding behind the 5th.

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