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J Town

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Posts posted by J Town

  1. 9 hours ago, checkered flag said:

    Lacking a post demonstration/rioting spike indicates transmission isn't happening in crowds. Therefore, stay at home orders are of no use other than to shut down the economy. Those who are at risk should be kept safe, as for the rest of us life should return ASAP. 

    The shutdown only made sense at first when we had no idea what we were dealing with. 

    Have you seen Texas corona statistics lately? SMH

  2. 13 minutes ago, Susco said:

    Where I come from they for sure will have noticed if I go just by a few km/h over the speed limit of 30Km/h which is in many places, and it will cost me an arm and a leg.

    That was the straw that broke this camel's back. One night I saw a cop sitting in a car with its lights off. As I passed them, then saw another car coming the other way and approaching the speed trap, I flashed my lights. I got a ticket for that. That really was the deciding factor to move to Thailand. EFF them bastards.

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  3. 15 minutes ago, ChrisY1 said:

    As much as I dislike Trump, and more so after the past 3 months....the Dems have had almost 4 years to get their act together and put up a smart against him for November.....and the best they could do is Biden! The guy has difficulty expressing a 20 word sentence...and they want him to lead!

    Trump has over $250m, compared to Biden' $100m, for their campaigns....IMO, it's not too difficult to see who can sway the population the best.....those that bother to vote anyway!

    If he does get re-elected, I can see the US will being in dire straits, both at home and internationally.....but never mind, either way, it's going to be a circus for the next 4 years unfortunately.

    Biden is a butt-kissing 1% sycophant to the oligarchs. The DNC likes him, he is manageable and will gladly do the bidding of his corporate masters. Bernie didn't play by the rules - he wanted to help "We, The People" and that's just not in the rules of their "monopoly."

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  4. 10 minutes ago, rumak said:

    I have a non immig O ......... for many years.   Just keep 800k in a fixed acct and get a bank letter each year ( 100 baht at bkk bank).   Make a copy of book and update on date i am going to immig.


    This year took me 30 minutes to complete my retirement extension.   Stamped and out the door.

    No mention of insurance !   No problems.     I always worry,  but so far so good.

    Ditto. I just renewed mine last week at Jomtien. NO queue, less than five minutes as the lady looked through my paperwork. Did my 90 day while I was there, same thing - no queue, less than a minute for that process. One thing I did find amusing: the picture I used for the extension was OBVIOUSLY not a recent photo since the barber shops have been OOC and my hair was unkempt to be kind.  She DID take a photo of me on her phone right before I left. Picked up my passport the next day, all good.

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