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J Town

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Posts posted by J Town

  1. 6 minutes ago, Archcan said:

    Thailand didn’t do anything special. 

    Really? Successful lockdown makes for essentially eradicated virus. Countries who didn't have numbers still climbing. I'm grateful that I live in a country that doesn't have to listen to spoiled children and takes care of itself. CERTAINLY not perfect but I keep hearing in the news virus deaths climbing in places like US, UK, and here we are safe.

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  2. 34 minutes ago, farang63 said:

    the virus the infection and in the brain of those who command the OMS kill gates of jaws, they are the real virus, eliminated them eliminated all the problems, the problem is them, they want to vaccinate people obligatorily put a microchip under the skin and a tattoo quantum, so that we can fully control people robotize them,
    no this never .. DAMN you must do a damn end

    The governor of Texas said "EFF the experts, we're gonna open anyway. YEE HAW!!!"

    They are now suffering four days straight of the largest numbers of people being hospitalized. This isn't just testing positive, they're dying.

  3. 4 hours ago, Susco said:

    Riots are young people, who are low risk of showing symptoms, but they get infected of course and will infect the vulnerable in their families.

    Give it a few weeks to see the numbers of infections increase

    In ALL the coverage of the protests, I've seen every shade, every age of human imaginable. I have NOT seen ONE PERSON with a MAGA hat. ???

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