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  1. That being the first point of their list, allow me to predict that they will fall at the first hurdle...
  2. I don't see how shortening the time they are allowed to stay solves any of the problems mentioned. If those problems are as big as they make them sound, they need to end visa-free travel altogether.
  3. If you manage to get bored in Bangkok of all places, it's pretty much guaranteed that you'll get even more bored anywhere else in Thailand. Unless you are into outdoor activities not possible in Bangkok (mountain hiking, scuba diving, etc.).
  4. Yes, pretty much like localbitcoins back in the day. Look at the top traders in Thailand and you'll even see some familiar names from there.
  5. Classy. I have one for you: Wherever you go, your baggage will go with you. You deserve it.
  6. Are his hamburgers any good?
  7. The world is running out of Thais, that's shocking news.
  8. The current version of the website lets you export a PDF file for each individual notification. Tell her to use the search functionality to find yours, then export it.
  9. You have to book such a service BEFORE you fly in. It will ensure that the IO who will stamp you in knows to do just that without fuss. Once you're already being processed for a denied entry, those services cannot help you to avoid getting sent back. Isn't that great, both camps in immigration have reason to celebrate! The hardliners get to deny entry to some, the others get some extra money to play nice.
  10. Localcoinswap 555
  11. Exactly the same for me. I get all sorts of other emails from them almost daily just fine (transaction alerts, new T&Cs, etc.), so I know they could contact me that way... I'll do nothing until I either have to go to a branch anyway or until I'll hear from them one way or another...
  12. I see. Was that for linking TrueMoney to Grab directly, or for using their virtual MasterCard with Grab? I've only done the latter, so maybe there is in fact a special "upgrade" requirement for the former (I wouldn't know).
  13. Can you elaborate on that, how was it a pain to open your TrueMoney account? I've had one since 2-3 years, and other than having to upload TWO forms of ID initially (I used my passport and my Thai DL), it was very simple and has been working great ever since. Not sure what you mean with an "upgrade" either. I had to do the ID verification/KYC right away and haven't required any upgrade since? I also got their virtual MasterCard, but I'm rarely using it, as I prefer my virtual KBANK debit card for anything paid online - including Grab which has always worked fine for me (as of today, using it for my lunch order). Now Bangkok Bank is a different story altogether, I've given up on trying to use their MasterCard debit card online.
  14. Lao citizens don't need a visa for Cambodia ($30), which accounts for most of that difference.
  15. Leaving aside that Line is "foreign" as well, it raises the question why she installed an unfamiliar or less commonly used app on her phone. Especially public figures who are as exposed as her really cannot be careful enough, as it takes just one carelessly installed app to cause a lot of damage.

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