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  1. Ze Germans are coming. In even larger numbers.
  2. Maybe so, but other countries have gotten worse in the meantime, so relatively speaking, Thailand has climbed up. When I moved to Thailand, most European countries and the UK were still half-decent countries. Now? Horrible.
  3. From time to time he needs to be put in his place, otherwise he thinks he's the boss.
  4. Why don't you just fly to Thailand visa-exempt and apply for a Non-O visa at an immigration office? Added benefit: If immigration fails to give you clear instructions to your full satisfaction, you can give them an earful right there and then. They aren't hiding behind a website unlike the eVisa consular officials.
  5. No, but if you want a Non-O visa instead of a Non-OA visa, you could become a temporary resident (tourist) in one of Thailand's neighboring countries and apply there.
  6. Yes, last one in January (2025). Long story short, some land borders still have them (the less busy ones).
  7. On the bright side, they're pretty cheerful and don't spend their days whinging on an internet forum.
  8. I'm against religious extremism in any form and with any religion. Surely devout Thai Buddhists can be trusted to decide for themselves if they should or shouldn't have a drink on Buddhist holy days. And everyone else shouldn't be affected or limited at all. Just get rid of this nonsense.
  9. Does Kasikorn Bank even do face scans for foreigners already? Last time I checked, their KPLUS app said it's only supported for Thais. Unlike Bangkok Bank, where I had my face scanned to increase the limit already.
  10. Not right now. You get 60 days upon entering either visa exempt or with a tourist eVisa. In both cases, you have the option to extend by another 30 days at an immigration office within Thailand. I agree with those who say that getting a single-entry tourist visa is a waste of money.
  11. Changes? Which ones of those 36 countries are new actually? They include the ASEAN countries and many countries Thailand has had bilateral agreements on visa exempt entry on for a long time.
  12. Yeah based on track record, that seems like the most likely outcome.
  13. The real question is if you qualify for a business visa AT ALL. Only once this has been established can anyone give you advice on HOW to get it and what's required.
  14. It would be an amazing act of stupidity if they manage to lose the Moto GP without actually securing F1 first. Personally, I think they should aim to host BOTH.
  15. Most Thais still seem to be waiting for any of that to trickle down to them. And they may very well keep waiting...
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