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  1. Not like the sales person can do anything. Can't you just press the green / OK button after entering your 4 digit PIN? If that doesn't work, the terminal can't handle 4-digit PINs properly and I doubt there's anything you can do to fix it.
  2. With your extensive recent history, you should definitely consider using a Safe Entry service.
  3. My address hasn't changed. I'm not sure if notifying them would be required, but I think it's in your best interest to keep their information about you up to date.
  4. Same here (with both banks as well).
  5. That's not a "real" IKEA store, so small.
  6. Conveniently the cities we see in its path aren't a big loss if hit. Things could be much worse.
  7. That doesn't sound too shabby though.
  8. Which immigration office? Chances are she'll need proof of a TM30 notification. If you cannot obtain that for her, checking into a hotel for a night might be the easiest fix.
  9. Interesting statement, yes, they're basically confirming that they've been useless clowns all along.
  10. Of course not, but they can become even more creative about what kind of financial documentation they will be willing to accept. If an agent would outright fake the bank letter etc., the IO in question could or couldn't spot that they are fake, and that's something that could be managed.
  11. It's a great movie. I wouldn't know, but I sure hope it doesn't depict real-life Scotland.
  12. Wow, only about 20 years too late. That should have been introduced right when the first MRT line went into service after two BTS lines had already been there. Allowing the MRT to have its own separate ticketing system was a blunder of epic proportions, considering how late Bangkok joined the club of cities with commuter trains and how many cities in the world they could have learned valuable lessons from.
  13. Was that a Pattaya agent or an agent elsewhere? So far, we've only had reports of "trouble in Pattaya". I haven't seen any similar announcements from popular agents in Bangkok or anywhere else in Thailand.
  14. Spook as many people as possible, then back-paddle, it's the Thai way...
  15. That's why this seems to be a bigger issue than some people think. My reading was that they currently cannot help with the financials.

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