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Posts posted by Caldera

  1. 4 hours ago, ryanhull said:

    You should consider yourself very lucky, highly doubt you will get in the same way again, your not per say a tourist, I believe you are allowed 60 days now as a 'tourist' and to be quite frank your lucky they even listened to one word you said, normally it would just be 'your going home'

    That's a bit over the top, although it cannot be denied that things got more difficult and erratic.


    To put the OP's experience in perspective, I just got a 4th SETV in my current passport elsewhere (all issued within the region, but all by different consulates/embassies). So the consular officer approving it saw my previous SETVs (3) from last year and this year in this passport, plus extensions, plus visa exempt entries. Nevertheless, my application was granted without a single question asked and without any remarks on the visa.

  2. 5 hours ago, Salerno said:

    What makes you think just because a couple of people bumped uglies and 9 month later you were born into the world gives you the "right" to live anywhere in the world you want to?

    Well just take this very thought one step further and "bump uglies" with a Thai, preferably one you like and of the opposite sex. All going well, nine months later you will be eligible for a non-immigrant visa and extensions based on being the parent of a Thai. If that idea spreads, it might even be beneficial for Thailand's gene pool.

    • Haha 1
  3. 8 hours ago, ripper15 said:

    Although if you arrive in Saigon you can try TIMO. 

    That used to be a good option, but Timo have updated their policy recently - due to new government regulations, see https://timo.vn/en/blog/regulations-for-foreigners/


    These new regulations mean that at least a 1-year visa is now usually required for a foreigner to open a new bank account in Vietnam.


  4. 1 minute ago, sanemax said:

    You may well be, but other people are not .

    This thread is about them, no need for you to contribute 

    I contribute whenever I feel like it. Potential Forex movements are an important consideration when deciding when and where to retire. What good does it do to bemoan exchange rates? That won't change them. Obviously, I will also be pleased when I will get more baht for my money again, but in the meantime, no big deal.

    • Like 1
    • Sad 2
  5. What they might mean is that it has become more difficult and/or more expensive to extend tourist visa in country, especially when attempting to do that multiple times.


    No recent changes with regards to the application for a new tourist visa though. Three months single and multiple entry visa are both readily available. I use the approval letter route to get a multiple entry tourist visa on arrival at the airport. That suits me best, but there are other options.

  6. 4 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    Let's face it, the EU are never going to accept terms that are remotely fair to the UK. It's time to end this charade and get out with no deal.


    We can sort out a trade deal to facilitate the EU's 70 Billion pound trade surplus with the UK after we've left.


    You do realize that there won't be much of a UK left though? Little Britain, more like it. Get on with it!

    • Confused 2
  7. 49 minutes ago, Langkawee said:

    Many Chinese running guest houses and hotels in Chiang Mai. They can blend in better, obviously. You are making wild assumptions. No problem working illegally or running hotels as long as you are Chinese. Many are also employed in banks. This has been going on for a century. Chinese are very welcome in Thailand. Same rights as Thais. 

    It's a bit more complex than that. There have been several waves of Chinese immigrants to Thailand, many of them obviously Thai citizens for many generations by now. There have also been periods in Thai history when Chinese immigration has been seen as a threat, leading to a backlash.


    Chinese working illegally in Thailand can and do get arrested. Others get away with it, probably less a question of blending in than knowing how to grease the wheels.

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