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Posts posted by Caldera

  1. "My deepest fear is history repeating itself. I've seen what happens when someone I love is commoditised to the point that they are no longer treated or seen as a real person. I lost my mother and now I watch my wife falling victim to the same powerful forces."


    Can't say I can blame him for that point of view. While I don't - personally - like his wife, I would actually prefer to hear less of and about her for that very reason. As far as I'm concerned, those silly tabloids can die a swift and painful death.

  2. 3 hours ago, FredGallaher said:

    You sound bitter. I can understand you want to work but you need to do it somewhere else or get a business visa. 

    Absolute nonsense. I have never worked and will never work in Thailand. I doubt I will ever work anywhere else again either, if you must know. What I fail to see is why people on retirement extensions should be considered less prone to working illegally than others.

    • Sad 1
  3. 4 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Are you claiming they illegally work in Thailand or work outside Thailand?

    In Thailand. Obviously there's nothing wrong with having a retirement visa despite working while outside Thailand. Again, proof of actual retirement isn't on the list of requirements for a retirement visa / extension. While that's great for many, some will abuse it - same as with any other kind of visa.


  4. 3 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    It is ridiculous to say a person on his 10th retirement  extension is likely to be working......

    How so? I personally know some who do just that, and ever since they've "retired" in Thailand.


    Your argument that they sign paperwork to the effect that they aren't allowed to work gives me a chuckle - anyone who applies for a tourist visa signs such a declaration as well. Yet some claim that there are people who work illegally on tourist visa, imagine that.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, problemfarang said:

    you have 2 visas from 2 other places already, and now your going for another place. They might think something fishy here.

    I think going to different places fits the profile of a genuine tourist (who, as such, travels around) better than returning to the same place for several tourist visa. Obviously time out of the country should also be a factor, is it just a visa run or is some more time spent traveling other countries.

  6. 5 hours ago, Sujo said:

    Ok checked my pp. I do already have 2 land xings.


    11 jan to 14 jan. Next one was 1 april to 4 april.


    Yesterday would indeed be my 3rd.

    Your short and infrequent stays are a perfect example for the silliness of this rule that imposes a limit on the number of land border visa exempt entries per year, without taking duration of stay into account.


    But yes, under this rule, you were rightfully refused entry, so the IOs dealing with you cannot be blamed.

    • Like 2
  7. 5 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    If an old fart is arriving on a retirement extension it is likely valid, but if he arrives on his 23rd Visa Exempt this year, I would expect some scrutiny. 

    I have no idea why you think that someone on a retirement extension is less likely to work in Thailand illegally than someone of the same age who comes in frequently on visa exempt.


    If there's any correlation, it's probably just the opposite.


    To obtain a "valid" retirement extension, at no point do you have to prove that you are retired. As long as they can put 800,000 baht in a Thai bank (or use an agent), an applicant might not have any verifiable income at all.

    • Like 1
  8. 11 minutes ago, kralledr said:

    i am 99% sure they never scan on exit, just on entry i not see any point to scan on exit since you are in thailand allready?!

    I did get scanned upon exit at DMK just after they had installed their new machines. When exiting the next time, however, they didn't use them for whatever reason, except for one operational scanner in a single exit lane.


    If they "never" scanned people when leaving, why have scanners at departure in the first place? There must be another reason for not using them consistently.

  9. 39 minutes ago, edwardandtubs said:

    Are there any recent reports of anyone being questioned, showing 'the cash' and then being let through?

    Only if you're willing to "share" some of that cash with them, based on recent reports. Now, I don't know how widespread that is and certainly wouldn't rely on it just flying in unprepared, but apparently that got some people in while others refused similar offers.

    • Confused 1
  10. 15 hours ago, moe666 said:

    Just my opinon, theThais are thinking we have been scammed for too long all these people staying here and working while on a tourist visa.

    I don't believe that's a big issue nowadays and hasn't been for years, maybe it is in their deluded minds but not in reality. 10-15 years ago I kept running into all kinds of people working all kinds of jobs on tourist visa and visa exempt. You just don't see that anymore, that pretty much started to fizzle out about 10 years ago.


    On a meagre under-the-table salary, those people really seemed to depend on quick turnarounds when doing border or visa runs. Much easier when there were double and triple entry tourist visa, unlimited border runs and Savannakhet's same day express service at their disposal.

    • Like 1
  11. For me the biggest benefit Grab brings from a foreign passenger's point of view is that it eliminates all kinds of taxi scams and helps bridge the language barrier.


    Traveling in Vietnam and Cambodia 15 years ago could be a nightmare because of having to haggle with moto and taxi drivers (and, sometimes, still getting scammed). Even when you had an honest driver, most couldn't speak much English and many couldn't read a map, so getting from A to B could still be a challenge.


    This year alone, I've had more than 100 Grab trips in both countries combined, and not a single negative experience. No scams, no "tours" and no confusion about my destination.


    In Thailand, I think Grab already works well in many places, too. I don't use it much in Bangkok (yet?), because I've learned to navigate the "traditional" taxis, but in other places that previously had very limited options it definitely makes a difference already.

    • Like 1
  12. Reality is probably even far worse; with their retarded education system they cannot hope to compete with anyone and that isn't something that is easily or quickly fixed (not that anyone is trying in earnest anyway).


    They're in desperate need of technology transfer and fresh blood to have a real shot in the digital arena, but thanks to their ingrained xenophobia that is not going to happen.


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